Last year they introduced Green Arrow, a character that had a major part
in the first half of the season. While I really enjoyed his part in the
show, many decried him taking part of the spotlight away from Clark.
This year, they are introducing Kara; who seems to be getting almost the
same amount of condemnation, only this time before anyone has really
seen anything of her or how big of a role she’ll play. So far, we have
only really seen a glimpse of her from the premiere, until tonight that
We learn quite a bit about her tonight and we learn a little bit about
Krypton and Clark’s biological parents. On top of that, we got to see
proof that Clark learned a bit about responsibility in the way he
handled Kara throughout the episode. It makes you miss the presence of
Jonathan and Martha on the show.
Did Kara steal the spotlight in tonight’s episode? Before we go any
further, let me once again warn of the spoilers that will be flying at
you faster than a speeding bullet.
“Last daughter of Krypton”
Last week we got a glimpse of Kara, who saved Lex from a watery grave
after the dam collapsed. Other than that and a quick scene at the end of
the episode, we didn’t learn anything at all about her at all. This week
though, we learned quite a bit of information about her. We learned the
reason she was sent to Earth, why she suddenly showed up after the dam
incident, and she even gave some information about Krypton.
Kara was played by the beautiful Laura Vandervoort, and I have to say I
was impressed with her performance. She wasn’t perfect by any means, but
she played the part well and by the end I am looking forward to seeing
her in the role more.
The episode starts with Clark and Lois wondering the area of the dam
incident, looking for something Lois can use against Lex. What they end
up coming across is Kara’s ship, which Lois decides would be a good
story to run with the Inquisitor. Clark can’t get near the ship though,
since there are Kryptonite fragments surrounding the silent ship. Lois
finds some markings on the ship and starts to take pictures with her
cell phone. As she was taking some of the pictures, something flew by at
super speed, and knocked Lois unconscious.
We then get our first appearance of Kara, who says in a hilarious snotty
teenager tone: “That’s what you get when you touch my stuff!”
She then breaks Lois’ phone, huffs, crosses her arms, and storms away
pouting. Ok, that’s not really how it happened, but it would have been
funny. Instead she and Clark run at each other at super speed, which
ends in Clark getting knocked backward through the woods. She then tells
him to gather the unconscious Lois, and to leave the forest. This whole
scene is a little hard to grasp, mostly because of some editing
blunders. Clark can’t get near the ship due to Kryptonite scattered
around it, yet when Kara shows up, she is not affected at all. Then they
use their powers around said Kryptonite, which they shouldn’t be able to
do. I don’t know if it was a mistake made by the editing department, or
the writers just forgot that they very blatantly added Kryptonite to the
scene. Later Kara mentions getting sick around the meteor rocks, so it’s
not a case of her being immune to their affects. It just seemed odd the
way the whole scene worked out.
All is forgiven since we then get an awesome, spectacular, breathtaking
scene of Kara flying away and out of the Earth’s atmosphere. It was jaw
dropping, and very similar to the scene done in Superman Returns, only
better. It seems she also has a house of El insignia crystal, and it
showed for an instant a baby’s image on it. It seems that she was sent
to Earth to look over Kal-El, and thinks he is still an infant.
The next meeting of Clark and Kara is possibly my favorite part of the
episode. He is informed that some girl is messing with children at
pre-schools. Clark investigates and finds Kara holding up a boy and
asking his name. Clark makes her put the boy down, grabs her and super
speeds her away to an area where they can talk. Realizing he has
abilities (She didn’t earlier?) she attempts to fly away. Clark grabs
her by the ankle and slams her to the ground. Clark didn’t know how
dangerous she was, and decided to stop her before she could leave and do
more damage. I loved it, and enjoyed how proactive he was in that scene.
I already like the relationship the two are building up, and hope to see
it grow. The reversal of roles is neat also. She was sent to look over
Clark, but due to being stuck in suspended animation, Clark is not only
physically older than her, but mentally and emotionally too. She may be
able to fly, but there is a lot about their powers and the
responsibility behind them that she is unaware of. This was shown in a
touching scene on the roof of the Daily Planet. Her ship had been stolen
by government officials, and when they tried to get into the ship it set
off a self destruct sequence. They didn’t know where the ship was taken,
so Clark taught her how to hone her super hearing so that she could hear
the frequency of the ship.
I thought it was a wonderful scene that showed how much he had learned
from his parents. He was patient and reassuring as she tried to get a
handle on such an overwhelming ability.
The scene toward the end between Kara and Clark was also beautifully
shot. It was in that scene that we learned a bit about Kara’s past on
Kandor, and how she was close to Lara and Clark when he was a baby. Kara
also mentioned that there was a war going on as Zod was trying to gain
control of Krypton. It’s a bit of information that I hope we get to hear
about more, maybe learn how the war ended. There were some plot gaps
that I hope are filled. I don’t understand how Kara didn’t know that
Krypton was in danger, and how Zor-El had the time to build a ship so
that Kara was also saved from the planet’s destruction. Not to mention
the fact that somewhere in between there, Zod had time to attempt a
takeover of Krypton and get himself banished to the Phantom Zone all at
the same time. I just hope it’s explained much more.
What interests me most is why Jor-El would say that Kara is dangerous.
What is it about her mission to Earth and past that makes her a danger
to Clark? I love the forward movement though, since it is now officially
considered part of his training to watch over her. The writers did their
job, since I am now heavily vested in this story.
“Lois Lane: Ace Reporter”
One big development in the episode was the new editor hiring Lois Lane
to be a reporter for the Daily Planet. There are some ups and downs
associated to this development. The first thing I can say about it is
excited, since slowly but surely certain pieces are being set into
Now that my geeky fanboy glee is out of the way, I have one big bone to
pick with this story. The new editor-in-chief grates my nerves very
much. His name is Grant Gabriel, and he is played by Michael Cassidy; a
young actor that seems to just have played on the O.C. and some other
small roles here and there. He did play a minor character in the Tim
Allen movie “Zoom” which I did like, but for the life of me I don’t
remember who he played.
So naturally I have no other acting jobs of his to compare his character
in Smallville to since I hated the O.C. with every fiber of my being.
That being said, his character in Smallville irks me to no end. The man
just seems like he overacts, or maybe just isn’t that great of an actor
in general.
His character just seems like an over eager young guy that happened to
get the job as editor-in-chief that he doesn’t deserve. He seems to me
like a young guy that is trying very hard to play the same go getter
role that Perry White fills in the comics. Forget the young guy, just
give us Perry White!
I also don’t know how I like the fact that they seem to be pitting Lois
against Chloe in terms of their jobs. I hope that they have plans to
move Chloe on to something else, maybe like television journalism. It
also seems strange that he would hire Lois over something like a UFO
story, which a newspaper wouldn’t do unless there was set proof. I
figure they are just setting him up to be a love interest, which I
detest, since that means he’ll be around for a little while longer.
The moral of this long rant:
Lois Lane: reporter for the Daily Planet = Awesome!
New Editor and needless competition between cousins = Horrible!
“Some other things of note”
The only other thing I wanted to mention, since it was some closure to
one of the more boring storylines from last season. The Lana and Lex
confrontation was utterly fantastic! Both actors played the parts so
well, and I bought the explanation as to how Lana duped the system.
Using a clone was something I hadn’t thought of at all. With the
“religious experience” Lex had, I truly believed he was sorry for what
happened between them and just wanted to tell her that. I found it
interesting that Lana wanted Lex to find her though, I though she would
be afraid of some sort of retaliation. All in all though, it was a well
acted scene, and I wonder what will happen when Lex finally accepts his
true inner evil. Will he decide to have his revenge on Lana then?
Next week seems like we’ll get the Clark and Lana reunion that I was
hoping for, especially now that she knows everything about him, since
that will change the dynamics of their relationship completely.
“In Conclusion”
The episode was really enjoyable, with a strong introduction for Kara
and a horrible introduction for Grant. I look forward to seeing Kara and
Clark’s relationship blossom and expand, and I really think this will
lead to some major growth for Clark. I don’t think Kara will overshadow
Clark in the least, especially not in the way many thought Ollie did
last season. Due to some editing goofs and the irritating new
editor-in-chief, “Kara” gets a 4 out of 5.
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