Hereafter's Episode Guide
"Hereafter" By Mercedes
This episode by Mark Verheiden and Drew Z Greenberg was
wonderfully written. I loved the story surrounding the sort of freak of
the week character Jordan Cross (actor Joseph Cross). It must have been
hard to have people touch you and have instant premonitions of their
untimely deaths, natural or otherwise.
For once in a
episode I have no complaints. Well...maybe just a few. Please writers
stop with the Lana-Lex moments. I’ve touched on this subject in the
Asylum episode and it seems I have to go there again. Lana is talking
more intimately with Lex than Clark. And don’t give me that friendship
bull these so called “concerned” moments with them are headed somewhere
else I believe. I guess time will tell.
Anyway I told you
Adam would end up being a lunatic instead of a serious love interest and
it didn’t even take the usual five minutes for my prediction to come
true. I think I’m speaking for other fans Smallville’s main characters
Till next Ep.
Mercedes C.