Read Dichotic's Episode Guide
"Dichotic" By Erin
Home Improvement stud comes to Smallville! It’s about
time we saw a little JTT. I remember when I was younger, and he was the
“IT” guy of the moment. I also remember having a slight crush on him
like most teenage girls. Who better to play the overachieving clone boy
than American teenage girl’s crush of the ‘90's! It’s about time he
made a comeback. It was just like he fell off the face of the planet
for a few years. I guess he was doing the Demi Moore thing. At least
he’s not dating a 12 year old or something! At least , not that I know
of. If you know different PLEASE email me!
Turns out,
Ian was a two timer in disguise. When first looking at him you would
never be able to tell that he was so deceitful. I guess all guys want
what they can’t have. In Ian’s case it seems that he overcame that
challenge and became every teenage guy’s idol, even if he did slip into
two people! Most teenage guys can never seem to understand why two timing
is wrong! And they always think that we don’t know, but believe me, it
might as well be written on your forehead in bright red lipstick!
Doesn’t it always seem that Clark is the only one who notices these
things? All of the other characters seem to be oblivious to the subplots.
But I guess that is the way it always is with THE main character. They
always seem to know things that most of the other characters don’t
notice. I mean, are the rest of the characters just completely out of
tune with their surroundings? I’m not just talking about Ian. What about
the other strange events that happen and all the other main characters
seem to be twiddling their thumbs, with of course the exception of Chloe
and her journalistic intrigue.
Was it just me or didn’t it
look so painful when Ian cloned himself? At first I thought that maybe he
was constipated. But then of course I realized I was completely wrong
when another body seemed to be spawning out of his back. Jonathan T.
Thomas is still in great shape! I would have thought after some time off
that he would have eaten a lot and gotten fat or something, you know
since he didn’t have to be on camera. But he still looks great!
It’s about time that Lex went all crazy sexy man! He is so hot when he’s
mad! I wish I had the authority to club the meter maid’s little crappy
car! That would feel so awesome! It would be like “Excuse me but I have
money and I have decided that today I feel like clubbing you car! I sure
hope your OK with that! NOT!” How classic was it to see Lex in Anger
Management classes?! He never ceases to amaze me. I wish I could have
that “since I’ve got money I don’t give a crap” kind of attitude. Another
thing, he and Dr. Bryce sure have great chemistry. But with every girl
that he dates I am always suspicious as to whether she has an agenda or
not. I promise, it not just because I have a huge crush on the actor
himself, really!
Well, thanks for reading! I hope I didn’t
offend too many people this time! Don’t forget to read my next article.
The Best Smallville Wishes and Lex Dreams!