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Season 4 in Review:
The Good, Bad, and Ugly Episodes

K. Green Written January 24, 2007
Season 4 has been called the blight upon the
Smallville stage. And when I rate all the seasons together, Season 4 is
definitely on the bottom of the pile. But having spent so much time
watching these episodes again, describing them in episode guides, and
writing these articles, I realized there are some real gems in there.
And in fact, it really is hard to determine which episodes were Good,
Bad, and Ugly. They all have a little good in them. But some of them
just shine a little brighter than the other ones. Let’s take a short
trip through Season 4 and recap what was good and not so good about
Season 4.
Crusade – This was a terrific episode. If you
can say one definite thing about Smallville, it is that their finales and
premieres are AWESOME! And this one did not disappoint – it was a spectacle.
In this first episode of the season, Clark returns as Kal-El, he flies, we
meet Lois Lane, and the story arc concerning the stones and the witch
Isabelle is introduced. I would most assuredly call this one Good all
Gone – I liked this episode because it was great
to see Lois and Clark paired together while working as a team to try to
figure out what happened to Chloe. What else happens: Lana returns to
Smallville, Chloe is recovered, and Lionel is put away in prison. An
enjoyable episode.
Façade – What was great about this episode was
the banter between Lois and Clark and being able to see an inkling of Lois
as an investigative reporter. But the end of the show is the best when Lois
dunks Clark in the dunk tank and the sparks are flying to the sound of Avril
Lavigne’s song, “So Much for my Happy Ending.” Best LnC moment to date! The
actual plot of this episode – not so good. But everything considered I still
liked it.
Devoted – I really enjoyed seeing the LnC banter
in this episode. And then there was Chloe as a cheerleader. Not to be
missed, I assure you. Lois and Clark work together again. They even go
“undercover” so to speak at the cheerleaders’ party. Being a fan of the show
“Lois and Clark: The New Adventures of Superman,” I love to see LnC paired
together – foiling the bad guys. Again the FOTW story was weak, but they
still manage to pull it off due to the characterizations. I think they
really had something with Lois and Clark. It’s sad that the dynamic they
were building crumbles after this episode.
Run- Wonderful episode! I really loved this one,
and I think most if not all fans did. Here we have the introduction of
another hero – the Flash (well he isn’t called that yet). Clark befriends a
young Bart Allen, but he also begins to learn how to have fun with his
powers. There was heart to this story but for once it was fun and not so
angsty. One of the best of the season.
Transference – This episode was also one of the
best of the season. Great acting from John Glover and Tom Welling as their
characters exchange bodies. I especially have to acknowledge TW’s
performance. He had Glover’s Lionel down pat. Plotwise, a change occurs in
Lionel making him want to do good and his liver is healed -- a residual
affect of having Clark Kent inside his body.
Jinx – This was a so-so episode. It was a Clark
and Chloe work together to solve the problem kind of episode. What was
really fascinating about this episode was to see Lex taking Mikael (FOTW) to
level 33.1 in Metropolis. Unfortunately this story line was never continued
this season. It seemed as if TPTB had dropped the ball again. Now in S6, we
see that they have picked it up once again. Kudos to them. This really gives
us a first look at Lex becoming something much more sinister. An inkling of
his future.
Spell – This has to be one of the worst episodes
ever! But I encourage you all to view it on the DVD commentary with the
director, KK, ED, and AM. That is when you realize how hilarious it is. Most
fans disliked this episode as an attempt to be Charmed. But what they do
here is try to give background and explanation to the witch, Isabelle, and
the stones arc which is directly connected to Clark’s destiny. It extends
the plot and the story arc. But I have to admit KK’s performance as a bad
ass was great. And Clark’s present wrapping job was awesome. And then there
was TW dancing in his underwear. Now that was priceless! Definitely worth
the price of admission.
Bound – What happens in this epsiode: Lex is
framed for murder by one of his forgotten women, Clark sees his friend in a
different light as someone who cares so little for others, Clark and Chloe
work together again, and Lionel is totally changed and wanting to do good. I
would say that this was a waste of an episode except that this is the
beginning of Clark’s eyes being opened to what kind of person Lex really is.
Scare – Everyone is affected by a gas from
LuthorCorp, and they live out their worst nightmares. The best part is
seeing Clark living his worst dream (Lana learning his secret and rejecting
him). And then Lex’s vision includes his future as President and how he
caused nuclear war and death. From this event, Clark realizes more than ever
that he can’t share his secret. Personally, I always hate that he holds his
secret back from Lana. If he had told her at the right time, she would never
have told anyone. Lana was always very loyal. Now here in Season 6, they
seem to be changing Lana’s character. But previous to that, if she was one
thing, she was loyal.
Unsafe – This eppie brings back Alicia Baker.
Some hate her and others love her. Personally, I’ve never been an Alicia
fan. Clark is feeling lonely and wishing he had someone to be with -- to
share his secret with. And then Alicia is released from the psychiatric
ward. Through this episode and the next, you just wonder if Alicia is really
better or not. And then the red K comes into the picture. TW is really
awesome when CK is on red K. It shows the breadth of his acting. Clark and
Alicia get married while he is under the influence. But Alicia removes the
red K necklace to make sure he really loves her. Then Clark leaves. Later on
in the episode, Alicia takes a bullet for him to protect his secret. What’s
amazing about these two episodes is that Clark gets to cry. They never let
him cry. He cries in this eppie as he talks with his mom at the end, and she
is disappointed with him running off and getting married like that. He’s
hurting because of how his parents have reacted and because he so
desperately wants someone to love.
Pariah – Alicia is back and most of Clark’s
friends just don’t get what he’s doing with her since she tried to kill Lana
and himself before. They don’t believe she’s cured. When someone starts
trying to kill off Clark’s friends, they all assume it’s Alicia. Clark takes
flack from his parents and friends to continue his relationship with Alicia.
And then Alicia decides to show Chloe the truth about Clark. Now Chloe knows
Clark’s secret (at least that he’s strong and fast), but she decides to not
reveal to him that she knows until he trusts her enough to share it. (She
sees him catch a car and then speed off.) And then Alicia is murdered, and
Clark shows even more emotion. Anguish, anger, and loss. And when he tries
to kill the guy who killed Alicia, it is Lois who stops him. Clark is
decidedly depressed at Alicia’s passing. These two episodes are of note to
the season in that Clark shows emotion. I loved that.
Recruit – Lois gets herself into trouble at Met
U. They think she paralyzed a guy who ends up dying. But it is the star
football player who is actually the culprit and a FOLW from Smallville.
Clark sees what his power is possible of doing to others and chooses not to
go to college on a football scholarship. He sees that the competitiveness
would force him to use his powers and that could have consequences. He also
knows how much more he would have to lie to keep his secret. So he decides
to give up football. In this episode, when Lois tries to prove her
innocence, she gets too close to the truth, and Clark has to rescue her. She
is of course unconscious at the time. Another so-so episode.
Krypto – Okay maybe one of the lamest episodes
of the season – about a dog. So this is how Clark get’s Krypto – a little
different from the comics. Lois is talking on her phone while driving her
car (similar to episode 1 Crusade) and she hits a dog. She feels awful, but
she is also allergic. She moves into the Kent home. Now really is it fair
that Clark has to give up his room for Lois? And does their farmhouse really
only have 2 bedrooms?? Again the highlight of the episode is the team of
Kent and Lane. They are so annoyed with each other. I love it! Lois steps in
dog crap and Clark turns around and smiles. LOL! Lex has a scene with
Genevieve Teague. He has a great line --“Why don’t you get together with my
father and write a parenting book. I bet it’d be a best seller.”
Sacred – On a trip to China to gain another one
of the stones, Lana becomes Isabelle once a gain. This episode is focused on
the Isabelle/Clark’s destiny arc. While there have been hints at this story
arc, it really starts to take off now, culminating in the finale. What I
enjoyed about this episode was that Clark and Lana joined forces together to
solve this. Lana is once again reminded that she can trust and count on
Clark. But in the end, Lana gets a stone and is reunited with Jason. And
Clark is in wonderment about how to get these stones that are related to his
destiny. Important episode to the season long story arc.
Lucy – Here we get to meet Lois’ elusive sister.
And I think she is written more interesting and more intriguing than in any
other incarnation (In the Superman movies, Lucy was married with kids and in
LnC Lucy is a kid who dates the wrong kind of guys – just Lois’ younger
sister.) The opening looks more akin to a James Bond film. This episode
allows you to glimpse more into the life of Lois Lane. You see Lois and
Clark at each other again (fun, fun). But you also see the caring heart that
Lois has especially when it comes to her sister. Lois begins working at the
Talon, and she really opens up to Clark when Lucy needs help and is in
trouble. Lex wants to help because he knows this German crime family that is
after her. He needs something on them so he can build a hotel there. (Lame
excuse if you ask me) And it comes out that Lucy was in on it with the bad
guy all along. Lucy gets away with the money. Some good LnC moments in this
episode, especially at the end. Clark even gives her a compliment.
Onyx – When Lex experiments with kryptonite, he
turns it to black kryptonite which splits him into two parts. Regular Lex
and evil Lex. (or future Lex) Evil Lex takes over and imprisons, good Lex in
the cellar like “The Man in the Iron Mask.” This evil Lex ends up turning
Lionel from his philanthropic good personality to his old self. Watching
this in retrospect with the current Lex - he is definitely becoming this
evil Lex. This Lex seems to have more of a sense of humor. Great line “I am
the villain of the story.” This was a good one. Some love it and call it one
of the best. I wouldn’t go that far, but it is definitely one not to be
Spirit – This episode may have seemed pretty
ridiculous to some, but I can’t throw it out completely because it included
one of the funniest scenes and one of the funniest lines of the series. And
in a series that is fraught with emotional angst and deeply serious moments,
we need the funny to continue on. And I love funny. If you read most of my
stuff, you will see that line of humor overflowing throughout my books. This
episode opens at what will be the end of the episode with Lifehouse playing
in the background. (Can you think of a better opener?) It’s kind of a
“Carrie” moment with Chloe (under the influence) starting a fire. Then it
flashes to the day before. Prom Queen Dawn gets dumped before the prom. She
ends up crashing her car and dies near some meteor rock to become a spirit
who can take over people’s bodies. The part with Martha Kent aka: Annette
O’Toole singing Ashley Simpson and telling Clark and Lois – “I’m just super
pumped about prom.” and “Laters.” Priceless. But the pinnacle of these body
snatching moments is when Dawn enters Clark – TW is just super. He says to
Chloe “The crowns mine b****.” And then he whaps her across the room. Prom
Queen with super powers. Watchout world! Okay this episode could be seen as
one of the silliest of the season, but then again there are some really
funny and touching moments as well. So I can’t completely throw it out. This
is also when Chloe learns the affects of Kryptonite on Clark. And of course
Clark and Lana have their wonderfully romantic dance at the prom. Aaah!
Blank – this is a goody. Clark loses his
memories. Chloe helps him out and hides his secret (training for S5) while
learning even more about him – not only his powers but that he made all his
same decisions including Lana except one – he trusted Chloe with his
secrets. I loved it when Clark is learning more about his powers such as
when he pulls his kitchen door off the hinges and bends a crow bar. His look
of surprise. Wonderful stuff! And in this episode, Chloe, Clark, and Lois
joing forces to solve the mystery behind Clark’s missing memory. Definitely
a keeper.
Ageless – This episode has received flak every
since it first aired in season 4. I think Steven S. DeKnight is a great
writer (hey he wrote Justice is S6). So I have to admit that I actually
really liked this episode. I have since the first time I watched it. Don’t
crucify me yet. Why you might ask?? Well, because it was a breath of fresh
air. We spent the entire season with Lana and Clark apart. All the Clana
fans were clamoring. This entire series started with the idea that Clark and
Lana should be together. And then they never really did get it together. Now
having seen S5, we know things change and they do actually have a real
relationship. But in S4 we had been forced to watch Lana with Jason, and
Clark pining for her. The viewer also had to painfully wade through the
witch story arch as well. This episode was a great relief for all that pain.
Okay so the sci-fi story line was a bit absurd. But it was great to see Lana
and Clark together and working together in this episode. And tell me Tom
Welling was not cute holding that baby??!! I guess the question is - what
was the point of the episode? Does it further along the storyline of our
young Clark Kent? I think this episode brings out the divergence between
Clark and Lex and it also shows Lana and Clark moving closer together. And
some more of the stone storyline moved along some more.
Forever – This is probably my least favorite
episode of the whole season. A FOTW who doesn’t want school to end so he
recreated the school and kidnaps the best of the best of Smallville High.
But I guess this was just to show the ending of school with our Smallville
teens who are getting ready to go out into the big bad world. I guess we all
have kinda felt that way when high school was ending. We didn’t want it to
end and yet we did. We need to know there is a future for us out there. But
it was really odd to see the Torch empty and the Wall of Weird gone. It
definitely made you think something was ending. It really was Chloe’s
domain, and she was saying goodbye to it.
Commencement – This episode, on the other hand,
has to be one of my very favorites of the entire series. It is almost like a
feature film in many ways. I love the way that this episode takes place with
a ticking clock with the meteors moving closer to earth. I loved the meteor
special effects and all the destruction. It was very much like an end of the
world kind of movie. Meteors exploding everywhere, people running and
screaming. But the best moment was when Clark saves the little boy who was
about to be hit by a meteor and shielding him from the fall out. That was a
true Superman moment. Another great cinematic moment is seeing Clark at the
North Pole surrounded by white. There was terrific music in the background
and great emotion when Lois sees the effects of a meteor ravaged Smallville.
And then there is also Lana surviving her helicopter crash, dragging her
body to the crater and seeing the alien ship inside. And what about Lex? We
see his determination to gain Lana’s stone even as he pretends to be trying
to help her. Then the episode ends with Clark back in his wintery solitude,
throwing the crystal with the music in the background sounding ever so
familiar like the theme from the Superman films. The crystal flies through
the air toward the screen and it cuts to -- TO BE CONTINUED. Great moment.
These are the moments we Superman fanatics want to see. The things that lead
to Clark becoming that great hero, Superman.
So there it is – Season Four. There were some Good and
even great moments, some Bad moments, and yes even some Ugly moments. But
overall it was a season that is leading Clark toward his destiny into
becoming the ultimate superhero, Superman, that we all love.
© Cindy Green 2007
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