Musical Specials --List for Suzanne's Video Trading From The TV MegaSite
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Musical Specials

These are mostly in EP (aka SLP).  Some are copies.  Most of the information I put on there is from my memory so it may not all be accurate.

When it says "direct from TV" that is usually right, but sometimes I tape a show in SP speed and then copy it over to another tape in SLP/EP speed, so it may be a copy.

Links are to my pages for those shows.

Although I have listed DVD's, I'm not sure if I can copy them or not (haven't tried).
I have not updated my list in about 6 years, so feel free to email me about anything more recent, I might have it....

A&E Classroom The Life of Manual De Falla 

Backstage at Lincoln Center

Backstage Pass: Be Our Guest:  The Making of “Beauty and the Beast”

Barbra Streisand The Concert

The Beach Boys: The Lost Concert

The Beatles Anthology 

Beatles at Budokan

Beauty and the Beast on Broadway 

The Bee Gees Going Home

Behind the Music: David Cassidy  

The Best of Judy Garland

The Best of the Blues Brothers

The Big '80's

The Blue Danube (cartoon)

A Brandywine Christmas Carol

British Rock the First Wave

A Bronze Christmas

Caroling, Caroling

Carpenters at Christmas

Carpenters: A Christmas Portrait

Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti in Concert w/Zubin Mehta

Celebration of Christmas

Christmas at St. Olaf’s

Christmas in Rome

Christmas with the Notre Dame Glee Club

Christmas with the Royal Choral Society

Civil War Songs

Cincinnati Pops Holiday Concert

Close to You: The Carpenters

Color Me Barbra

Comic Relief excerpt

Concert for Life excerpts

Concordia College Christmas Special

Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young

Disney's Candlelight Christmas 1989

Disney's Singalong Songs vol. 8

8 Track Flashback

     American Girl



     Teeny Boppers  

     The Family  

     New Wave 

     Love Rollercoaster 

     Arena Rock


     Glam Rock



     Synth Pop






     Novelty Songs

     The Carpenters

     San Francisco Sounds

Elton John Live! In the Spotlight

Elvis Aloha from Hawaii

Elvis Center Stage

Elvis '56

Elvis Lives!

Elvis The Man and His Music

Elvis '68

Elvis Presley documentary

Encore! The Three Tenors

English choir Christmas concert and service

Entertainment Tonight excerpt w/Elvis retrospective

Exit 57

The Jesus Song

Fleetwood Mac

     Going Home

Flower Drum Song (live)

Generations musical excerpts

     Ruth and Doreen


Handel's Messiah Highlights

The Heat is on The Making of Miss Saigon

Hey, Hey We’re the Monkees

The History of Rock and Roll British Invasion

A Holiday Concert with Kallen Esperlan and the Memphis Vocal Arts Ensemble and Orchestra

Hollywood the Golden Years Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers

Hope College Christmas Vespers

Howard Keel Close to My Heart

The Incomparable Judy Collins

In Concert

     Beatles retrospective (p)

     One Life to Live:  The Best of Love

     Paul McCartney

In the Spotlight A Beatles Songbook

Jessye Norman Christmas Special (p)

John Barry Moviola

Judy Collins Going Home

Judy, Frank and Dean

Judy, Liza, Barbra and Ethel

Judy Garland in Concert

Judy Garland - Music from the Movies

Julie Andrews Back to Broadway

The Karen Carpenters Story

The King and I: Recording a Hollywood Dream (p)

Kiri! Her Greatest Hits

Kiri’s Coventry Carols

Kiri Te Kanawa Royal Gala Concert

Kurth and Taylor

Lerner and Lowe Broadway's Last Romantics

Les Miserables in Concert (p)

Linda Ronstadt with Nelson Riddle and His Orchestra

Liza and Judy at the Palladium

Long Live the King: Country Songs

Los Angeles Christmas Choir Festival 1991

The Making of "Aladdin"

The Making of “Follies”

The Making of "Give My Regards to Broadstreet"

The Making of "Oklahoma" and "South Pacific"

The Making of "Sergeant Pepper"

McCartney’s Town Hall Meeting

The Mormon Tabernacle Choir An Easter Gift of Music

Motown 25 Yesterday, Today and Forever

Motown 30

Motown 40: The Music Is Forever

Mozart by the Masters

MTV Rockumentary w/Paul McCartney

Muppet Singalong

Nat King Cole

Neil Diamond's Christmas Special

Neil Diamond's Greatest Hits

Nightflight w/Paul McCartney

1989 Grammys Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation to McCartney (?)

1986-1993 Inland Empire Christmas Choral Festivals

1994 Tony Award Excerpts

Nunsense 2 The Sequel (p)

One Life to Live musical excerpts

     The Daisy Awards

     Cord and Sheila

One Night With You

Oprah! excerpts

     commercial jingle writer

     Paul McCartney

Paul McCartney Get Back

Paul McCartney Live in the New World

Paul McCartney on Tour

The Paul McCartney Special

Paul McCartney’s Standing Stone

Paul Simon in Zimbabwe

Peter Pan with Mary Martin

Peter, Paul and Mary 25th Anniversary Special

Peter, Paul and Mommy, too

The Point narrated by Alan Thicke

Pop Up Videos--Elvis

Purdue University Christmas Show

Quantum Leap excerpt—Heat Wave

Queen Days of Our Lives

Ringo Starr Going Home

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Rodgers and Hammerstein The Sound of American Music

Roseanne excerpt Jailhouse Rock

Rupert and the Frog Song

The Russian Messiah

Say What? Karaoke

Schoolhouse Rock

'70's Celebration The Beat Is Back

Sgt. Pepper's Documentary

Simon and Garfunkel in Central Park

Sinbad’s Summer Jam

Sing a Song of Hollywood

Songs of the Holiday Season

The Sound of Julie Andrews

Space Encounters W/The Carpenters

Summer ‘70’s Jam

34th Annual Holiday Celebration

Tribute to John Lennon

Trisha Yearwood The Song Remembers When

UCR musicians (p)

The Ultimate Event Frank, Liza and Sammy

VH1’s Where Are They Now?—70’s Teen Idols

Victor Borge

We Are the World 10th Anniversary Special

The Who's Tommy The Amazing Journey

The Who's Tommy -  Rock Opera to Stage Sensation

Wizard of Oz in Concert

Yesterday Once More

The Young and the Restless musical excerpts

     Tracy and Gina

     Danny Close Every Door to Me

     Douglas I’ve Grown Accustomed to Her Face

The Young Musician's Symphony Orchestra

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Updated 5/23/06  


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