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These are mostly in EP (aka SLP).  Some are copies.  Most of the information I put on there is from my memory so it may not all be accurate.

When it says "direct from TV" that is usually right, but sometimes I tape a show in SP speed and then copy it over to another tape in SLP/EP speed, so it may be a copy.

Links are to my pages for those shows.

Although I have listed DVD's, I'm not sure if I can copy them or not (haven't tried).
I have not updated my list in about 6 years, so feel free to email me about anything more recent, I might have it....

The ABC’s of Jedi Effects    SLP/EP bad copy from trade

AFI Salutes Steven Spielberg    SP direct from TV

     in German (p)

Afterschool Special    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

All About Erica    SLP/EP direct from TV ?

All My Children: Behind the Scenes     SP from prerecorded tape

All My Children 25th Anniversary Special     SLP/EP direct from TV (ABC) (original airings)

 America Comes to Graceland     SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Amish: Not to Be Modern     SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Anne Rice: Birth of the Vampire     SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Bambi Meets Godzilla and Other Weird Cartoons     SP from prerecorded tape 

 Batman: The Serial     SLP/EP direct from TV (AMC)

The Bat, the Cat, and the Penguin       SLP/EP direct from TV (about Batman II) (original airings)

Beavis and Butthead Are Dead      SLP/EP direct from TV (MTV) (original airings)

Ben Burai: Sound for Star Wars      SLP/EP bad copy from trade

The Best of Mad TV     SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Blacklist: Hollywood on Trial      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Bradymania: a Very Brady Special     SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

But Seriously...      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Captain EO      SLP/EP direct from TV

Captain’s Logs      SLP/EP direct from TV

Carol, Carl, Robin and Whoopi      SLP/EP direct from TV

Cary Grant: A Celebration     SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

CBS Schoolbreak Special: 50 Simple Things Kids Can Do to Save the Earth     SLP/EP direct from TV   (original airings)

Ceasar’s Writers      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Channel 5 L.A. Retrospective    SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Cheers special w/John McLaughlin     SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Clark Gable: Tall Dark and Handsome     SLP/EP direct from TV

Damned in the USA     SLP/EP direct from TV (HBO?)  (original airings)

A Daytime to Remember     SLP/EP direct from TV (ABC)  (original airings)

Daytime’s Greatest Weddings

Daytime’s Most Wanted: Men of Passion pt. 1

Disney's Beauty and the Beast: Broadway in L.A.    SLP/EP direct from TV   (original airings)           

Disney Goes to the Academy Awards      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Donny and Marie 1976 New Year’s Eve     copy from trade

Ed Wood: Look Back in Angora     SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

8th Annual (1991) Soap Opera Awards      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Elvis: Center Stage      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Elvis' Graceland      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Elvis: His Life and Times      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

Elvis in Hollywood     SLP/EP direct from TV      (original airings)     

Elvis:  Touch the Dream; A New Generation     SLP/EP direct from TV   (original airings)

Elvis USA     SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Episode One: Unauthorized      SLP/EP direct from TV (SciFi Channel)  (original airings)

Exercise workout w/Hope Lane    SP from prerecorded tape

The Face of Tutankhamen     SLP/EP direct from TV

Forever James Dean      SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Four Little Girls      SLP/EP direct from TV

Frankenweenie     SLP/EP direct from TV

French Kisses Trio     SLP/EP direct from TV

From Star Wars to Jedi: the Making of a Saga      SLP/EP direct from TV

From the Earth to the Moon          SLP/EP copy from trade (HBO)  

Fun With the Fab Four      SLP/EP direct from TV

Funny Business      SLP/EP direct from TV  (original airings)

General Hospital 30th anniversary show       SLP/EP direct from TV (ABC)  (original airings)

General Hospital 35th anniversary show                SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

George Carlin’s Personal Favorites         SLP/EP direct from TV (HBO) (original airings)

The Golden Age of Television            SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

     Bang the Drum Slowly
Requiem for a Heavyweight
The Days of Wine and Roses
No Time for Sergeants

The Greatest Commercials Ever Made           SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Hardware Wars SP bad copy from trade

HBO specials            SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

     Rowan Atkinson--Not Just Another Pretty Face
    Damon Wayans
    Steven Wright  
    Dennis Miller  
    Looking Down the Barrel of Comedy--the Naked Gun
2 1/2  

Heckle and Jeckle and Friends           SP from prerecorded tape

The Hobbit           SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Hollywood on Hollywood           SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Holy Batmania!                   SP from prerecorded tape

The Honeymooners' Really Lost Debut Episodes            SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Hot Summer Soaps        SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Howard Stern’s Private Parts stuff from MTV       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

How Walkers Walk: Stop Motion Footage        SP bad copy from trade

Inside the New Adventure: Star Trek: Voyager        SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Internet        SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Inside the X-Files       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Interview with a Vampire Special       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

In the Wild        SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Irish in America pt. 1        SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

It Came From Hollywood        SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)         

Jackie "The Joke Man" Martling: Hoof Hearted? Ice Melted        SLP/EP copy from prerecorded tape

Japanese TV       SP direct from TV (original airings)

Jeeves and Wooster I,        SLP/EP direct from PBS

Jeff Foxworthy       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Jim Henson’s Place       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Journey's End: The Saga of Star Trek: The Next Generation       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

J.R.R.T.: Portrait of Tolkien          SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)  

Karen Carpenter (p)       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Kimberly Davies exercise video         SP copy from prerecorded tape

The Launch of Star Trek: Voyager      SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Leonard Nimoy's Star Trek Memories

Lifetime Portrait: Yoko Ono      SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Little Prince     SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Luke and Laura: The Greatest Love of All II          SP from prerecorded tape

Luke and Laura: Lovers on the Run         SP from prerecorded tape

The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Amistad    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Captain Eo   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Dave    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Flubber   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Forrest Gump    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Gettysburg    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Memoirs of the Invisible Man   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Men in Tights   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of My Fair Lady      SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Return of the Jedi   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Sliders    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Standing Stone    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Star Wars   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of The Empire Strikes Back   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of The Hunchback of Notre Dame   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of The Lion King   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Making of Titanic   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Making Sense of the Sixties    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Marilyn: the Last Interview   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Martin and Lewis: Their Golden Age of Comedy       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)         

     Pt. 1 Birth of the Team
    Pt. 2 The Kings of Comedy
    Pt. 3 Jerry: Alone at the Top
    Pt. 4 Dean and Jerry at the Movies
    Pt. 5 Jerry Lewis, Total Filmmaker

McCartney interview    

Memories of M*A*S*H*    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Memories: Then and Now      SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)            

Men, Movies and Carol 

Merry Christmas, George Bailey   SLP/EP direct from PBS (original airings)

MGM--When the Lion Roars   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Michael Moore’s appearance at UT Knoxville 11/17/90 SLP recording from event

The Miss Howard Stern New Year's Eve Pageant    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)    

The Monkees   SLP/EP direct from VH1 (original airings)

Monty Python Tribute   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Movie Life of George   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

American Masters Mort Sahl    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Muppets Take to the High Seas: The Making of Muppet Treasure Island    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Museum of Television and Radio Presents Science Fiction: Journey into the Unknown    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Museum of Television and Radio Showcase: Primary    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1991 Daytime Emmy Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1992 Daytime Emmy Awards    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1995 Daytime Emmy Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1996 Daytime Emmy Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1997 Daytime Emmy Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1998 Daytime Emmy Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1992 Tony Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1995 Tony Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1996 Tony Awards    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1998 Tony Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

1999 Tony Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

9th Annual (1992) Soap Opera Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

13th Annual (1996) Soap Opera Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

14th Annual (1997) Soap Opera Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

15th Annual (1998) Soap Opera Awards   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

16th Annual (1999) Soap Opera Awards         SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)         

Of Moose and Men: the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Pat Paulsen Special      SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

PBS pledge drive w/Red Dwarf actors    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Quiz Show Scandal    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Rap Master Ronnie: a Report Card    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Red Dwarf Smegups     SLP/EP copy from trade

Red Dwarf Smegouts    SLP/EP copy from trade

Reflections of Mr. Bean    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Robin’s Diary: A Journey into AIDS    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Rock and Roll- The Greatest Years    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Secrets of the Back to the Future Trilogy (p)    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Seinfeld Bloopers    SLP/EP copy from trade

Seinfeld Clip Show   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

70th Annual Academy Awards    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

71st  Annual Academy Awards    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

72nd  Annual Academy Awards    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

67th Annual Academy Awards    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Smothers Brothers Reunion Special   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Soap Opera Update Awards 97?   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Springfield's Most Wanted    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Spunk: The Tonya Harding Story   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Stargate SG1: Behind the Scenes   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Trek: a Captain's Log

Star Trek Bloopers   SLP/EP bad copy from trade

Star Trek: The Making of Deep Space 9: Trials and Tribble-ations   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Trek: 30 Years and Beyond   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Trek VI special    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Trek: Generations Premiere Special on E!    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Trek Movies Special (II-IV)   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Trek: Return of the Next Generation   SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Trek 25th Anniversary Special    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Star Wars Holiday Special  SLP/EP copy from trade


     listening to music   SP direct video
the staff and keyboard   SP direct video

Television’s Greatest Performances II    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Theban Plays by Sophocles    SLP/EP copy

     Oedipus the King
    Oedipus at Colonnus

Time Warp: 20 Years of Rocky Horror    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)


     Return/Revenge of the Jedi
The Empire Strikes Back
Star Wars

A Tribute to Sam Kinison    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Twin Peaks and Cop Rocks: Behind the Scenes    SLP/EP copy

Unforgetabble Love Stories    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

VH1 Presents the ‘70’s    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

     Power to the People  
Groovin’ on the Tube
The Sexes 
Taking Care of Business  
Right On!
Disco Explosion

VH1 Elvis specials 1999    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Viva Elvis    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Vivien Leigh: Scarlett and Beyond    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

Walking on Air    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

War Stories: An Interview with George Lucas

What's Alan Watching?    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

William Shatner’s Star Trek Memories       SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The World of James Bond    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The World of Sid and Marty Krofft at the Hollywood Bowl     SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

World's Funniest Commercials    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

The Wrong Trousers     SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

You Can't Do That: The Making of A Hard Day's Night    SLP/EP direct from TV (original airings)

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