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This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to the show or network.

Star Trek: The Next Generation Wallpaper

Simply click on the wallpaper that matches your screen size, then right-click and go to "Set As Wallpaper" or "Set as Background" on your desktop.

Wallpapers by Suzanne

Enterprise #1

starship Enterprise

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Enterprise #2

starship Enterprise

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

cast #1

Star Trek: The Next Generation cast

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

cast #2

Star Trek: The Next Generation cast

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

cast #3

Captain Picard, Geordi and Troi

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Picard #2

Captain Picard

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Captain Jean Luc Picard #1

Captain Picard

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600


Captain Picard as Borg Locutus

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Picard #3

Captain Picard

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Picard & Q

Captain Picard and Commander Riker

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Riker #1

Commander Riker

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Riker #2

Commander Riker

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Worf #1


1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Worf #2


1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Worf #3

Commander Worf

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Worf and Troi

Commander Worf and Troi

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Deanna Troi


1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Troi #2


1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Troi #3


1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Picard & Vash

Captain Picard and his friend Vash

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600


Lt. Geordi LaForge

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Geordi #2

Commander Geordi LaForge

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600


Dr. Beverly Crusher

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Beverly #2

Dr. Beverly Crusher

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600


Lt. Commander Data

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Data #2

Lt. Commander Data

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Chief O'Brien

Chief Miles O'Brien

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Data & Spock

Lt. Commander Data and Mr. Spock

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600


Ensign Wesley Crusher

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Wesley #2

 Wesley Crusher

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Lt. Barclay

Lt. Reg Barclay

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Lt. Barclay #2

Lt. Reg Barclay

1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600



1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Guinan #2


1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600

Guinan #3


1280 X 1024
1024 X 768
800 X 600


Back to the Main Star Trek Wallpaper page

Our other wallpapers: All My Children, Another World, As The World Turns, Bold & Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, Young & The Restless, 24, Alias, American Gothic, Angel, Battlestar Galactica, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, C.S.I., Dawson's Creek, Ghost Whisperer, Grey's Anatomy, Heroes, House, Jericho, Law and Order, Lost, Smallville, The O.C and miscellaneous Primetime.

Back to The TV MegaSite's Main Star Trek Page


Updated 1/19/10  


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