General Hospital Wallpaper From The TV MegaSite

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The General Hospital Wallpaper Page

General Hospital Wallpapers for your computer!

Save these to your hard drive and use them for your desktop background pictures!  Simply click on the wallpaper that matches your screen size, then right-click and go to "Set As Wallpaper" or "Set as Background" on your desktop.

by Dora

cast at Daytime Emmys

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

by Dora


800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Sam and Drew
by Dora

Drew and Sam

800 X 600
1025 X 768
1280 X 1024

By Seerojnie

Spencers wallpaper thumbnail

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

By Seerojnie

Scrubs wallpaper thumbnail

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Jason and Liz
by Victoria

Jason and Liz wallpaper

800 X 600
1025 X 768
1280 X 1024

Alexis & Ric
By Victoria

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Ric & Alexis
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

GH 2006
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Jason & Robin
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024   

Robin Scorpio
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Lucky & Elizabeth
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024   

Sonny & Reese
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Luke & Laura
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

by Jennifer G.

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Jason and Sam
By Randee

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Jason and Sam #2
By Randee

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Dillon & Georgie
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

GQ Wedding
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Skye & Lorenzo
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Alan & Lucy
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Emily & Nikolas
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Courtney Sam & Elizabeth
By Seerojnie

Courtney, Sam & Elizabeth (small pic)

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Sonny & Jason
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Sonny & Brenda
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

A.J. & Carly
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Ladies of GH
By Suzanne

Ladies of GH  (small pic)

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

GH Guys
By Suzanne

GH Guys (small pic)

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

Elizabeth By Danielle

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

Elizabeth #2 By Danielle

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

Jax & Lorenzo
By Seerojnie

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024 

By Danielle

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

Vanessa Marcil
By Shirley

800 X 600 
1024 X 768  
1280 X 1024

Tamara Braun
By Suzanne

Tamara Braun (small pic)

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

By Danielle

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

By Danielle

800 x 600 
 1024 x 768 
1280 x 1025

By Danielle

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

(Jason & Courtney)
By Adrienne

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

Journey #2
By Adrienne

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

By Adrienne

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

Zander & Emily
By Danielle

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

40th Anniversary
By Adrienne

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

By Danielle

800 x 600 
1024 x 768 
1280 x 1024

Our other wallpapers: All My Children, Another World, As The World Turns, Bold & Beautiful, Days of Our Lives, General Hospital: Nightshift, Guiding Light, One Life to Live, Passions, Port Charles, Young & The Restless, and many primetime wallpapers.

Like our wallpapers? Email us to let us know!  Check back--we're always adding more!

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Page updated 8/3/18

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Young & RestlessBold & BeautifulMain Daytime

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