Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman Main Page From The TV MegaSite
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This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to the show or network.



"Lois and Clark: The Adventures of Superman" was a great show that ran from 93-97 on ABC.  Not only was it a fun version of "Superman" for fans of that legendary character, it was a romantic/comedy/drama as well, focusing on the relationship between reporters Clark and Lois.  It touched the hearts of many fans of both comic books and romance.


Are you a big fan of Lois and Clark, or just TV in general, who knows how to use Frontpage (or would like to learn) and has some free time?  If so then we could use your help!  We are looking for a volunteer to manage this section of our site, check and find links, work with other volunteers, promote the page, etc.  Email us

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Updated 3/8/16


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