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Glee Articles
Episode 20-“Dream On”-By Ernie Thornton
The latest episode is all about the dreams of three people in the
show, and Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) directs the three
interwoven storylines beautifully. The first dreamer?
So the school board wants to review the fiscal budget, and they send
Will’s archnemesis, Bryan Ryan, played with perfection by Neil Patrick
Harris! They were rivals for everything in school, from solos in glee
club, to the affections of the female school population. Bryan tells
Will right off the bat that the target of his budgetary concerns is the
Glee Club, which will more likely be cut from funding. It seems Bryan’s
disdain for it is due to his failures as a performer. But after waking
up on a urine stained mattress in the West Lima crack district (who knew
they had one?) and meeting Jesus (his Honduran social worker) that he
would be bent on getting all people not to perform anything through his
show choir conversion group!
Mr. Ryan then decides to talk to the Glee Club members to tell them
their dreams will never happen no matter what they do. They all write
down different things, from Quinn with no stretch marks to Rachel being
a star, but Bryan is set to put them on the path of never reaching for
their dreams. Will decides to toss him out once he makes everyone so
Will talks with Bryan in the Home Ec room, offering to buy him a beer
and convince him that he’s wrong about cutting Glee. Once at the bar,
Will’s buttering him up with compliments when it turns to “the one that
got away”. Turns out it’s Will’s soon to be ex Terri! They keep talking
about how glee helps, and then Bryan cracks, admitting his life is a
lie, going off to New York three times a year to see shows on Broadway.
Will hits the jukebox getting Bryan to sing the song he performed at
sectionals, “Piano Man” from Billy Joel! After they sing it together,
Will has an idea. Both of them should try out for a local production of
Les Miserables, and Bryan agrees.
The rivalry rears its ugly head again when Bryan and Will end up trying
out for the same part with the same number! The director, who runs a dry
cleaners, has them do the number as a duet, “Dream On” by Aerosmith. His
response? “We’ll let you know!”
Bryan then meets with Sue, who finds that it’s now HER budget that’s
being cut! They both do a bit of verbal sparring on which program
deserves the funds, and then there’s quite a bit of sexual tension
between them! She even offers to fool around in her secret room upstairs
“like Letterman’s!”
Bryan sees the glee kids again with gifts! Custom made jean jackets,
costumes, all paid from the budget of the Cheerios! Well, Sue decides
that’s the right time to strike, letting Will know he won the part over
Bryan, who then swiftly changes tune, takes back all of the stuff for
the glee club, and is cutting the program yet again! The plan has
backfired. At the rehearsal for the play, Will finally strikes a deal
with Bryan, the lead role for the glee club remaining active. Agreement
made, the club stays!
Dreamer #2? ARTIE
Artie’s big dream, turns out, is to dance. Tina confronted him in the
library asking him what his big dream is, which according to Artie is to
direct like Christopher Reeve after he had his accident. LIE! Big one!
Tina actually picked up Artie’s paper out of the trash that Bryan threw
it in, and the word “dancer” was written. If he wants to get with Tina,
why can’t he be honest with her? He explains that he knows what’s going
on with his paralysis, and accepts it. Tina then decides to create her
own Glee assignment for the week, which is to do a dance number with
Practicing the dance number was really tough for Artie, who had
attachments added to his chair to sound like tap shoes. He tries to get
on crutches, ones that he borrowed from a kid with cerebral palsy, but
ends up falling in front of his lady love. She tries to help, but he
sends her away, blaming her for the embarrassment. Later, Tina meets up
with Artie to rectify the situation, trying to help him with info on new
treatments on spinal cord injuries. He tries not to get his hopes up,
but she keeps the positivity going, and then they kiss.
A trip to the mall for tap shoes for Artie leads to Artie’s big dance
number! He went to the doctor and started on some new therapies, and he
can walk! He shows Tina how he can walk, and then how he can
dance…”Safety Dance”! He and quite a few people get into the routine,
but alas, it was all Artie’s dream. But it doesn’t make him sad, it
gives him even more hope that his condition may change. He later meets
with Miss Pillsbury, who brings him back down to earth on his condition,
reminding him that it takes up to ten years to even get these therapies
into practice. Artie leaves, dejected. And leaves all his research
papers with her.
Artie and Tina meet up, and they decide that he won’t be in the number,
and that’s ok. He wants to focus on dreams that can become true. She
gets him to sing the song “Dream a Little Dream of Me”, while she dances
with Mike Chang. Hauntingly performed by Kevin McHale, you can just feel
the pain in the performance. Tina and Mike do their tap routine well,
but Artie’s pain is felt by everyone, including Quinn who rubs his back
while he sings. Heartbreak at its best.
RACHEL, our third dreamer…
Rachel is dancing in the ballet studio when Jesse arrives, fresh back
from spring break. They catch up and she lets him in on her big dream,
which is to meet her mother. She has two gay dads, so the subject never
really came up, and she loves her dads too much to push the issue. She
doesn’t need to meet her, just know who she is. Jesse decides then and
there to help make all of her dreams come true, from winning Nationals
to this new one. They start in the library where Rachel has determined
that her mother is Broadway legend Patti Lupone! She traced her work
schedule through the years, and found that she toured with Mandy
Patinkin, but talking with Jesse, she realizes she’s way off. On that
and her Bernadette Peters is her mom theory too! Jesse suggests to check
her own house to get them set.
Once at the house, it takes a while for Rachel to find the boxes of
info, but they find some stuff. Sonogram photos, baby teeth, a trophy
she won in a singing competition at eight months old. Jesse then puts an
audio tape into one of the boxes! Turns out he’s up to something. He’s
bent on getting her to listen to it, because Shelby, the coach of his
real group, Vocal Adrenaline, is Rachel’s mom! They meet in her car to
go over the plan, and it all comes out. He got involved with Rachel at
Shelby’s request. Shelby got involved with the dads through an ad in the
paper, and the money she made for carrying Rachel allowed her to try for
her dream in New York. And until Rachel turns 18, she’s not allowed
contact with her. That’s why the secret plan.
Jesse finally plays the tape for Rachel and leaves. Rachel listens
intently to Shelby sing “I Dreamed a Dream”. Beautiful song, beautifully
performed by Idina Menzel and Lea Michele. This will lead us into next
week’s episode, where Rachel realizes who her mom is and finds her.
“You singing to a sold out crowd is not a fantasy, it’s an
inevitability”-Jesse to Rachel.
“Are you saying that your fathers impregnated Patti Lupone in the
Marriott in Akron? Was Mandy Patinkin in on this?”-Jesse to Rachel
And the Sue/Bryan classic-“Have you ever heard of the term Anger Sex?”
“Only kind I know, Bryan!”
So next week is the long awaited Lady Gaga episode! The costumes look
amazing, except for Rachel, who ends up in a stuffed animal outfit! Kurt
performing “Bad Romance”? A KISS cover and performance? Brittany in a
lobster outfit? I know I’m now even more GAGA for Glee!
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