Buffy the Vampire Slayer Episode Guide
Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Season 1, Episode 2: The
by Helen
Just when it looks like everything is over
for Buffy, Luke recoils. Buffy is wearing the metal cross the mysterious man
gave her and it has burnt Luke’s hand. Buffy take advantage of his moment of
weakness to escape. Speeding across the graveyard she finds and saves Willow
and Xander from the vampires but Darla has already grabbed Jesse and no one
saw which way they went.
The next morning in the library, Giles and
Buffy explain everything to Xander and Willow. Earth was once ruled by
demons and vestiges of that old world exist in the form of magic and
supernatural creatures such as vampires. Although they are skeptical, after
their experiences the previous night, Xander and Willow can’t help but
accept that vampires do exist.
Underground in the sewer system, Darla and
Luke force Jesse into their cavern and present him to The Master. Darla
accidentally reveals that she’s tasted Jesse which displeases The Master. He
complains about being trapped in a church (for the underground cavern is
actually a collapsed church) and mentions that he soon will be able to
ascend. Darla and Luke tell him that they may have encountered a Slayer.
Back at the library Giles and Buffy are
explaining what a Slayer is. Xander wants to know how to kill vampires but
Buffy tells him that he is not the Slayer, so it’s not his concern. Then
they work on making a plan to save Jesse. Buffy heard what Luke said about
offerings and so they hope Jesse isn’t being used as simple food, giving him
a longer lifespan. But in order for them to track the vampires they are
going to need a schematic of Sunnydale’s sewer system and underground
tunnels. Meanwhile The Master wants to confirm that Buffy really is the
Slayer, so he decides to use Jesse as bait, rather than as a meal.
Back at the library, Willow pulls up the
city plans on the Internet (a simple task since she had previously hacked
into the city government’s security system). They find the tunnel the
vampires probably took but don’t see any access points to it from the
graveyard. Then Buffy realizes that when Luke first attacked, he came from
behind her even though she was facing the entrance of the mausoleum. She
also realizes that he never followed her out, so the access to the tunnel
system must be in the mausoleum. Xander wants to accompany Buffy but she
won’t let him, again telling him that since he is not the Slayer, it is not
his concern. Willow also wants to help so Giles asks her to research The
Harvest on the Internet.
Just as Buffy walks out the front gate of
the school, Principal Flutie catches her and informs her rather angrily that
she cannot leave campus while school is in session. He then closes and locks
the front gates. The moment he walks away Buffy uses her Slayer abilities to
flip over the fence.
As Xander and Willow walk to class they
work on thinking up Internet search terms to help them find info about The
Harvest. They are feeling overwhelmed because their lives have changed so
suddenly and Xander is feeling useless because he has no official role to
play in Jesse’s rescue.
Buffy goes into the mausoleum and finds the
mysterious man waiting for her. He tells her his name is Angel and insists
Buffy she shouldn’t go down there and put herself at risk so close to The
Harvest. The Harvest is happening that night and if Buffy can’t stop it The
Master will escape. Buffy says she has to go down there because her friend
is down there. She then asks Angel if he knows what it’s like to have a
friend. She means it as simple taunt but the look on Angel’s face reveals
that his answer may well be “No.”
Descending underground Buffy finds Xander
following her. She tries to get him to leave but he won’t go. As they walk
Buffy describes how to kill vampires and hands Xander a cross. It is another
image from her dream. Back at the library Giles continues researching The
Harvest in the books from Buffy’s dream and realizes that The Harvest is
that night. In computer class Cordelia and her friend Harmony are having
trouble with a program they’ve wrote. However, they spend more time
gossiping about Buffy than trying to fix it. Willow attempts to defend Buffy
and Cordelia responds by attacking her. Once their program finishes running
Cordy isn’t sure how to save it, so Willow takes her revenge by tricking her
into deleting it instead.
Back in the underground tunnels, Buffy and
Xander find Jesse chained up. They break him free of his shackles but make
noise doing it. Shadows begin moving around them, as though someone is
approaching, so they run. Jesse reveals that he is bait and the group
suddenly finds themselves blocked at every turn by vampires. Jesse leads
them into a small room that he says may be an exit. But the room is actually
a dead end and Jesse reveals that he is actually a vampire. As Jesse taunts
them, Buffy begins to close the door to the room they are in so they will
only have to deal with one vampire. Xander attempts to hold Jesse back with
the cross Buffy gave him but Jesse gets around him, so Buffy picks Jesse up
and throws him into the pack of vampires that is heading for their room.
Xander then helps her close the door on them and latch it. But the vampires
are fighting against the door and it is not going to hold long. Buffy and
Xander find a roof grate and escape just as the vampires are about to grab
them. The Master is irate that Buffy escaped and punishes one of his higher
ranking minions by digging out his eyeball with a long, sharp fingernail.
Willow goes to see Giles to show him some
research she has found about vampire murders in the 1930’s and Giles begins
to understand what is going on. Luke meanwhile presents himself to The
Master in a formal ceremony during which The Master draws a symbol on Luke’s
forehead and reveals that anybody Luke feeds off of tonight will feed The
Master, giving him the strength to escape his prison. That night The Master
will walk the Earth again.
Willow and Giles are researching in the
library when Buffy and Xander come back and give them the bad news. Giles
then reveals to them that The Master came to Sunnydale 60 years ago to open
the Hellmouth, which acts as a mystical portal between this world and the
demon world. He wished to return Earth to the way it was before mankind was
here. However while opening the dimensional portal he caused on earthquake
and got swallowed up along with a lot of the town. He ended up getting stuck
in the Hellmouth, acting as a sort of cork sealing it up. The Harvest, which
can only happen once a century, will allow him to break free, thus popping
the cork on the Hellmouth and opening it. Giles adds that The Master will
gain his strength through a minion bearing a symbol on his head. It is the
same symbol that The Master drew on Luke. Xander is convinced that The
Master’s servants are going to The Bronze. After all it is dark place full
of tasty young morsels.
As the sun sets Buffy goes to her house to
change into more appropriate clothing and gather supplies. She is confronted
by her mom who got a call from Principal Flutie telling her that Buffy
missed several classes today. Buffy’s mom is worried that Buffy is falling
back into her old habits so she forbids her from going out that night. Buffy
is forced to sneak out the window.
As it gets dark, the Bronze fills up with
young people. Cordelia is there dancing with Jesse watches her from a
distance. Now that he is vampire he looks more confident and handsome. When
a slow dance comes on Cordelia finds herself confronted by Jesse. She
rejects him again but this time Jesse won’t take no for an answer and so
Cordelia agrees to one dance.
Outside a gang of vampires lead by Darla
approach The Bronze. They force the bouncer inside and take over the club.
Luke addresses the crowd from the stage, shocking them all with his vamp
face. Cordelia at first thinks Luke is part of a band until she realizes
that Jesse is now sporting a vamp face too. Luke then drinks the bouncer’s
blood in front of the whole crowd. Underground The Master grows stronger.
The gang rushes up to The Bronze and finds
it locked. Buffy sends the rest of them around to the back entrance with
vampire fighting supplies and tells them to get the people out. As Luke
continues to feed, The Master continues to get stronger. Jesse meanwhile is
disappointed when Darla takes Cordelia away from him to give to Luke. Buffy
breaks into The Bronze on the second story interior balcony and sees Luke on
the stage with the symbol on his head. She then sees Darla hand Cordelia
over to Luke. Buffy jumps down and confronts Luke who shoves Cordelia aside
so he can fight.
As Buffy and Luke battle, the gang breaks
open the back door and starts evacuating the people. Suddenly a vampire
grabs Xander from behind, so Buffy takes a cymbal off the stage and throws
it frisbee-style to chop off the vamp’s head. This moment of distraction
allows Luke to grab Buffy from behind. Jesse reclaims Cordelia, pins her to
the ground, and tries to feed off of her. Xander distracts him by
threatening him with a stake as Willow and Giles continue the evacuation.
Darla, seeing them, attacks Giles. Xander meanwhile isn’t able to bring
himself to stake Jesse and Buffy seems to be slowly passing out in Luke’s
ever-tightening grip. Suddenly Buffy flings her head backwards, smashing it
into Luke’s face. Disoriented, he lets go of her. Willow takes some of the
holy water Buffy gave them and splashes it in Darla’s face, sending her
screaming away. Jesse however still has the best of Xander. Knowing that
Xander doesn’t have the nerve to kill he walks right up to Xander’s stake
and continues to taunt him. Suddenly one of the innocent bystanders who is
running for the exit bumps into Jesse, shoving him into Xander’s stake. He
dusts and Xander is attacked by two new vampires. Buffy picks up a metal
pole and aims it in Luke’s direction. Luke grins at her. “You forget…metal
can’t hurt me.” Buffy responds. “There’s something you forgot about
too…sunrise.” She flings the pole behind Luke’s head and shatters the
painted-over window behind him. He is bathed in light and desperately tries
to cover himself before he notices that it is not the sun shining on him but
an overhead lamp from the next room. Buffy stakes him in the back during his
confusion. “It’s in about nine hours, moron.” Underground, The Master feels
Luke’s death and realizes he is still trapped. He falls into despair.
In The Bronze the vampires carrying Xander
away see Buffy kill Luke and then see the look on Buffy’s face when she sees
them. The let Xander go and run. Outside the Bronze Angel sees the vampires
running and smiles. “She did it…I’ll be damned.” Buffy and the gang regroup
inside. They are glad they won but still sad that things got as bad as they
did. Xander is convinced that nothing will ever be the same.
The next morning Sunnydale High is bright
and sunny with students bustling about, much as it was on Buffy’s first day
there. Cordelia is gossiping as usual. She’s spreading the rumor that rival
gangs took over The Bronze the night before, and that Buffy knew them.
Xander and Willow are amazed that people are rationalizing what happened but
Buffy and Giles aren’t surprised. Giles then informs that living on the
Hellmouth they should prepare to face many more supernatural threats, and
may even have to save the world again. Buffy instead decides to focus on
getting kicked out of school for a second time and as the teenagers wander
away helping Buffy with her plan, Giles sighs to himself, “The Earth is
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