Buffy the Vampire Slayer Fan Fiction

Episode 1
"News Worthy"
By: Willy Garza
It's mid afternoon where we focus on the beautiful and ever energetic Buffy Summers.
Unfortunately, today isn't one of those get up & get them vibing moments we have come to get used to over the years!
She washes up with a slight head cold and congestion.
She sighs..
"Ugh.. I think i should just skip the entire day & binge watch Beverly House Wives instead!"
she muses while cleaning up her messy bed.
After a mere few minutes plus putting her blonde locks up into a ponytail and opting for a pink SuperGirl Tee she heads downstairs to answer the door.
"Willow, it's barely mid afternoon what on earth is the mild drama awaiting us today ?!"
she demands.
"Oh Buffy, it's bad so bad at least it's bad for Xander!"
she teases.
"Oh for heaven sakes Willow, spit it out what is going on with Xander ?!"
she demands again.
"He broke up with Anna, she left town last night!"
reveals Willow in a frazzled tone.
"I haven't had my coffee yet!"
remarks Buffy, shaking her head.
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