Angela Nelson, the President’s Press Secretary,
announces Kanin’s resignation. Angela praises former President Charles
Logan’s help with the peace agreement. Logan is watching the news
conference from his office. An assistant informs Charles that his car is
ready. Charles gets a phone call from Jason, who has just arrived at the
scene of the Russian assassin’s murder. Jason relays to Charles that Jack
killed the assassin, and managed to get away. Charles is disappointed to
hear this. Jason worries that Jack is out for vengeance. Logan makes it
clear that Jack needs to be stopped.
Jack and Meredith are walking through an alley.
Meredith is sickened that Jack killed the assassin. Jack doesn’t want to be
questioned. Jack’s friend heads back to his place. Jack tells Meredith
that she should break the story if something happens to him. Meredith is
hesitant to trust Jack. Jack reminds Meredith that Omar deserves better
than this. Jack dumps Meredith’s cell phone as a precaution. Meredith
agrees to call her editor.
Dalia and Allison talk about the agreement. The
President introduces Dalia to Charles. Charles gives his condolences.
Dalia thanks Logan for helping with the peace talks. Logan asks to speak to
Allison in private. Dalia and Jamot head for the elevator. Dalia tells
Jamot that she believes in the President. Nearby, Allison learns that Jack
Bauer got away. Allison can’t believe that Charles didn’t keep his
promise. Charles says that Jack managed to call Meredith Reed. Allison is
horrified. Charles suggests calling Reed’s publisher, claiming that the
story has to be killed. Allison doesn’t like the idea. Charles reminds
Allison of the implications of the leak – the agreement will fall through,
as well as possible prosecution charges. Charles tells Allison that she’s a
likeable president, and calls her a “beacon of righteousness”. Allison
regrets listening to Charles in the first place. Allison doesn’t know what
to do. Charles asserts that the President needs to call the publisher as
soon as possible. Charles says that he needs to speak to the Russian
At CTU, Arlo and Chloe find a surveillance video from a
warehouse across from the department store. A man (the assassin) has been
brutally stabbed and murdered. Both concur that Jack had to be responsible
for the man’s death. Arlo is able to identify Jack’s friend as James, a
Gulf War veteran. However, the database is showing that James died years
ago. Chloe figures that James is using an alias. Chloe worries that Eden
is growing suspicious. Chloe asks Arlo to find out James’ alias.
James calls Jack. James is angry that Jack wasn’t up
front. James doesn’t want to get involved since Charles Logan, a former
president, is involved. However, James agrees to upload the route of
Logan’s car. Jack thanks James, and asks him to erase all the evidence
linking back to him. Jack gets into a vehicle and speeds away.
The President is sitting in her office. An assistant
gives an aspirin to Allison. Tim Woods enters the room. Allison speaks of
Reed’s attempt to break an untrue story. Allison demands that Tim make some
calls to have the story stopped. Allison stresses that the “allegations are
unfounded”. Tim is hesitant to censor the press. Allison insists that Tim
needs to do this. Tim reluctantly agrees.
Jack pulls up in an alley. Jack takes out a bag filled
with a bullet-proof vest and a mask. Jack enters a warehouse.
Gary, the editor, gets a call from Meredith. Meredith
asks Gary if he can speak freely. Meredith blurts out that Omar’s death was
caused by the Russians. Meredith mentions that she has proof given to her
by Jack Bauer. Meredith asks Gary to meet her at a diner in fifteen
minutes. Gary advises Meredith to keep quiet about their meeting.
Novakovich calls Logan, who is sitting in his vehicle.
Logan relays that the assassin was brutally killed by Bauer. Logan
reassures Novakovich that he doesn’t have to worry. Logan promises to find
Jack. Logan tells Novakovich that he’ll be updated on the latest.
When Logan’s car arrives at his destination, a man
(Jack) starts shooting at the vehicles’ tires. Everyone realizes that they
are under assault. The cars are boxed in. Charles realizes it is Jack.
Charles asks one of the agents to shoot Jack but he can’t. Logan is
scared. Gunfire erupts. Jack kicks one man in the face. Jack manages to
get to Logan’s car. Jack breaks the windshield. Suddenly, gas enters
Charles’ car. Charles and the driver start coughing. Logan opens the door
to breathe. Jack grabs Charles. Jack escorts Logan to an empty room.
Arlo finds out James’ assumed name. Chloe is informed
that Jack kidnapped Charles Logan. Chloe and Arlo are worried. Eden alerts
Jason to Charles’ kidnapping. Jason is speechless.
Jason arrives at the scene of Charles’ kidnapping.
Guns are drawn as the agents approach the warehouse. Logan is nowhere to be
found. Jason notices that a lock has been shot open. Jason asks Eden to
get him the schematics. Chloe is listening in.
In a room, Jack takes off his mask. Jack accuses
Charles of being involved since the assassin had Logan’s phone number in his
cell phone. Charles maintains that the assassin was supposed to kill Jack,
not Renee Walker. Logan swears that he didn’t have anything to do with
Renee’s death. Logan says that he was bluffing to keep the Russians at the
table. Logan denies being involved in the terrorist attack. After some
convincing, Charles gives up Novakovich. Jack doesn’t believe Charles.
Charles maintains that Novakovich kept calling him. Jack and Charles hide
so the men can’t find them. Charles fears that Jack will kill him. Charles
goes unconscious. Jack hurries out of the area. Jason comes across
Charles’ body. Jason instructs the agents to find Bauer. Jason makes a
call to get an ambulance to the location. Jason wants to stay with Charles.
Arlo and Chloe are looking at James’ file. Both wonder
how they are going to get to James. Chloe assumes that Jason will be
suspicious. Suddenly, Chloe has an idea. Chloe gets stopped by Eden. Eden
points out that Cole can’t be released into Chloe’s custody. Chloe says
that Jason has bigger priorities to deal with. Eden drops the issue.
At the diner, Meredith watches coverage of Omar’s
death. An employee tells Meredith that she has a phone call from Gary.
Gary blurts out that the FBI has shown up. Meredith fears that Gary spilled
the beans. Gary says that he won’t talk. Gary wants Meredith to protect
the video file, and leave the diner immediately. Meredith listens to Gary’s
requests, and hurries out of the restaurant.
Chloe hands a release form to the guard. Cole wonders
what’s going on. Chloe is vague about the latest on Jack. Chloe tells Cole
that he was right about Jack working with someone. Chloe wants Cole to
interrogate James. Cole quickly agrees to talk to James.
The driver calls Novakovich from the parking garage.
The plan is to pick up Novakovich in five minutes. After the call, Jack
takes the driver by surprise. Jack aims a gun at the man’s head. The
driver doesn’t hesitate to tell Jack that Novakovich is on the eleventh
floor. The driver says that he will be meeting Novakovich at the elevator.
Jack shoots two guards. Jack swipes a clearance card off one of the
guards. Jack notices that he has been stabbed.
Cole loads the back of the car. Chloe can’t believe
that Cole is bringing an arsenal. Cole maintains that the weapons might be
necessary. Chloe doesn’t want Jack to die. Cole is not sympathetic toward
Jack, especially since he shot at Secret Service men. Cole has no problem
shooting Jack. Chloe wants to be updated on the situation.
Kayla is in a conference room. An assistant tells
Kayla that there is a secure call from a woman. Kayla answers the call. It
is Meredith. Meredith wants to talk to Dalia. Kayla has nothing to say to
Meredith. Meredith begs Kayla to listen. Meredith mentions that the
Russian government is to blame for Omar’s death. Meredith gives Kayla the
number from the pay phone. After the phone conversation, Meredith walks
away from the pay phone. FBI agents storm in. Meredith is arrested. An
agent finds the file in Reed’s purse.
Tim walks into Allison’s office. Tim says that Reed is
in custody and the file has been found. Allison wants to be the only person
to view the video file.
Logan is on a stretcher. Charles talks to Jason.
Charles admits that he told Jack about Novakovich. Jason makes a call to
Novakovich. All of the guards, including Novakovich, are dead. One man,
who is struggling to survive, answers Jason’s call. The man informs Jason
of the deaths, and accuses Jack of killing everyone. The man says that
Novakovich didn’t tell Jack anything. Jason informs Logan that Novakovich
is dead.
Charles calls the Russian president, who is sitting in
a limo. Charles tells the man that Novakovich was killed by Jack Bauer. It
is revealed that the Russian president gave the order to have Renee killed.
Charles tells the president that no evidence can be traced back to him.
Unbeknownst to Logan, Jack is listening to this conversation because he left
a transmitter on Charles. Jack is badly injured.
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