Cole is escorted by police to Dana’s location. An
officer asks Cole about the identity of the dead woman. Cole remains
silent. Cole finally admits that the woman is Dana Walsh. Cole is sickened
to find that Dana has been killed execution-style. The officers are ordered
to take Cole back to CTU.
In a taxicab, Jack watches Dana’s video file. Jack
listens as Dana talks to the Russian assassin about killing President
Hassan. It is implied that Dana wants out after Hassan is dead. After the
video is finished, Jack calls his computer friend. The man uploads the file
onto his computer. Jack asks his buddy to identify the man on the video.
His friend inquires about Dana but Jack says that she’s already dead.
Jason addresses the CTU staff. Jason says that Jack
Bauer is missing and it appears that Cole abetted Jack. Jason wants any new
info regarding Jack as soon as possible. Chloe pipes up and asks about
Dana’s motives for going to a bank. Jason ignores Chloe’s question. Jason
makes it clear that Jack Bauer has lost his mind. Chloe speaks to Arlo in
private. Chloe senses that Jack was right about a cover-up. Arlo agrees
somewhat with Chloe but doesn’t want to go against the President.
Jack returns to his friend’s location. The computer
tech speaks of the police scanners that are talking about Jack. He tells
Jack that he hasn’t identified the assassin. Jack’s friend demands to know
why Bauer is on the lam. Jack finally comes clean about Renee’s death.
Jack’s friend admits that he already identified the man – he’s a Russian
operative. Jack wonders where the assassin is. Jack says that he has to
make a call.
Meredith Reed is back to work. Meredith speaks briefly
to her editor. The editor comments that Meredith cared deeply for Hassan.
Meredith receives an urgent call from Jack. Jack speaks of the Russians’
involvement in today’s attack. Jack mentions that he has proof of a
set-up. Jack wants to meet with Meredith at a department store. Meredith
quickly agrees to meet.
Cole is brought into CTU. Cole speaks with Jason.
Jason figures that Cole knows Jack’s whereabouts. However, Cole doesn’t
have a clue. Cole asks why Jason is running things. Jason announces that
he is at CTU on the President’s behalf. Cole accuses Jason of being part of
the cover-up. Jason isn’t amused. Jason tells Cole that Jack used him.
Jason makes some threats. Eden, Jason’s assistant, interrupts and tells her
boss that they have a lead on Jack. Eden relays that a call was
intercepted. Cole remains quiet. Jason orders Cole to be taken to
Holding. Jason speaks to Eden about the phone call. Eden isn’t sure if
it’s Jack. Eden says that Meredith Reed was contacted by an unknown male.
Chloe glances at Arlo.
Novakovich and Charles Logan listen to the intercepted
call between Jack and Meredith. They both agree that Jack hasn’t shown
Meredith the proof yet. Charles assumes that they can make the most out of
this situation – extract the proof and kill Jack at the same time. Charles
thanks Jason for the “major break”.
Jason closes the blinds in his office. Arlo and Chloe
talk in private. Chloe informs Arlo that something’s up. Chloe speaks of
the call to Reed. Chloe knows that the cell report was downloaded by
Jason. Chloe and Arlo concur that Jason is hiding something. Chloe
realizes that the plan is for Jack to be killed. Chloe needs Arlo’s help.
Chloe wants access to Cole. Arlo thinks it is impossible. Chloe has an
idea. Chloe grabs a laptop from a drawer in the office. Arlo looks at the
feed of Cole in Holding. Arlo advises Chloe to make it quick since she only
has 90 seconds. Chloe manages to get by Jason and Eden. Chloe distracts
the guard. Arlo texts Chloe with the time frame. Chloe enters the Holding
room. Cole maintains that he doesn’t have any idea where Jack is. In fact,
Cole is outraged that Jack killed Dana at point-blank. Cole believes that
Jack is a bad guy. Chloe begs Cole to help. Cole blurts out that Jack must
have a contact in the city. Chloe thanks Cole for the insight. Chloe calls
Arlo. Thankfully, Chloe isn’t caught by anyone. Chloe asks Arlo to pull up
Jack’s file.
A TV announcement is saying that the Russian president
will be arriving shortly in the U.S. Charles calls the Russian assassin.
The sniper is already positioned in the department store. The man cannot
see Jack. The assassin inquires about Meredith Reed. Charles gives the
okay for Meredith to be shot.
President Taylor and Dalia Hassan are negotiating the
peace agreement. Allison is looking over Ethan’s notes. Allison appears
distracted. Dalia asks if the President is okay. Allison leaves the area
to speak to Charles. Charles is happy to tell Allison that Jack has been
found. Allison wants to get back to negotiations. Charles asks Allison to
make a statement claiming that he played a pivotal role in thwarting today’s
attacks. Allison reluctantly agrees.
The assassin watches Meredith enter the store. A few
Russians are on the sales floor awaiting Jack’s arrival. Jason and Eden are
speaking to the Russian. Suddenly, the sniper sees Jack. Before he can
shoot, Jack’s friend is pointing a gun in the Russian’s back. Jack senses
that there are hostiles all around. Gunfire erupts. A few customers
scream. Meredith hides behind a clothing rack. Jack grabs Meredith. They
manage to get out of the store. Jack and Meredith run into his friend and
the assassin.
Jason is furious that Jack managed to take the assassin
hostage. Jason realizes that Jack was onto them from the beginning. Jason
advises Charles to claim deniability. Jason wants Logan to distance himself
from Allison. Charles doesn’t like the idea since he wants all the credit.
Charles asks Jason to find Jack. Jason relays the news to Eden. Eden says
that she stands by Jason. Jason makes a call to have the store’s parameter
be surrounded by the NYPD.
Arlo and Chloe can’t find Jack’s contact. Arlo
mentions that there was a shootout in a department store. Chloe spots Jack
among the crowd. They realize that Jack and Meredith got away.
Jack, Meredith, and the two men leave through a back
entrance. They cross the street and enter an abandoned building. Jack
riffles through the assassin’s bag. Jack is sickened to see a rifle.
Meredith blurts out that Jack used her. Jack acknowledges that Meredith is
right, but insists that he has proof. Jack ties up the Russian. Jack’s
friend escorts Meredith to another room. Jack interrogates the assassin.
The assassin’s answer – “go to hell”. Jack smiles and says “you first”.
Meredith watches the video file.
Jack has pliers in his hand. Jack tells the assassin
that Renee was very special to him. The assassin smirks. It is obvious
that the assassin killed Renee. Jack puts the pliers in the man’s chest.
He screams but remains quiet. The man admits that he killed Renee. Jack
punches the man’s face. From the other room, Meredith tells Jack’s friend
that Bauer needs to stop torturing the Russian. Jack’s friend says nothing.
Jason arrives at the department store. All the
hostiles are dead. None have proper identification. Jason shows a picture
of Jack to the customers. Jason wants Jack shot on sight.
The assassin’s face is bloody. Jack wants to know who
gave the order for Renee’s murder. The man still won’t budge. In fact, he
spits in Jack’s face. Jack makes it clear that Renee didn’t have to die.
Jack burns a hole in the Russian’s chest. Jack glances over at the man’s
cell phone. Jack realizes that the man swallowed the SD card. Jack opens
up the man’s stomach to retrieve the card. The Russian assassin is dead.
Jack wipes off the card and inserts it into the phone. Jack pulls up the
man’s phone contacts and dials the first number. Jack listens to Charles
Logan’s voicemail.
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