Brian tells his entire CTU staff that they need to find
Tarin Faroush before the uranium rods are smuggled into Manhattan. Arlo
speaks briefly to Chloe.
In the meantime, Jack and Cole are heading to the hotel
to retrieve Kayla Hassan.
Tarin is growing suspicious of Kayla. Kayla has locked
herself in the bathroom. Kayla tries to open a window. Tarin hears a noise
and asks Kayla if she’s okay. Tarin gets a phone call from Samir. Samir
relays that Marcos talked to the police. Tarin informs Samir that Kayla
received a call from her mother a short time ago. Tarin realizes that he
and Kayla need to leave the hotel immediately.
Chloe speaks to Jack. Jack insists that he’s only
eight minutes away from the hotel. Jack talks to the sergeant leading the
SWAT team. Jack wants a perimeter set up at the scene.
Tarin starts to panic and tells Kayla that they need to
go. Tarin looks outside and freaks out when he sees the police. Tarin
barges into the bathroom and scares Kayla. Tarin grabs Kayla’s arm and the
two leave the hotel room. The SWAT team is approaching the hotel. The
sergeant wants to go in but Jack insists that the team needs to stand down.
Tarin destroys one of the security cameras. The SWAT team enters the
hotel. Tarin and Kayla hide by the stairwell. Suddenly, Tarin starts
shooting at the police. Tarin grabs a walkie-talkie and pretends to be a
police officer. Jack senses that something is up and realizes that Tarin is
impersonating the police. Jack wants all the exits checked. Arlo sends
Jack and Cole a feed from the hotel’s exterior. It’s too late because Tarin
and Kayla can be seen fleeing the area. Tarin and Kayla jump into a
taxicab. The cab heads to an underpass. Jack drives to the site and finds
the cab sitting on the side of the curb. Jack and Cole check inside the
taxicab but Tarin and Kayla are already gone. Jack radios in that he’s
going to the U.N. to speak to President Hassan.
Samir makes a call to one of his men. Samir says that
the rods are close to being ready.
At CTU, Chloe tells Brian that Jack’s on his way to the
U.N. Dana gets a phone call. Dana asks Chloe to cover for her. Dana is
horrified to see that Kevin’s probation officer is waiting for her. Dana
escorts the man to a private conference room. Dana insists that she’s very
busy with work. The man presents a photograph of Kevin Wade. Reluctantly,
Dana says that she knows Kevin. Dana explains that she met Kevin a few days
ago at a bar. Dana implies that she drank too much and ended up sleeping
with Kevin. Dana begins to cry when she tells the probation officer that
her fiancé can’t find out the truth. The man seems to believe Dana’s
story. However, the man asks about Nick Coughlin, Kevin’s friend. Dana
says she’s never met him before. The probation officer brings up the
break-in at an evidence locker. Dana is sickened that the man knows about
it. The man explains that Kevin and Nick’s fingerprints were found at the
scene. Dana maintains that she isn’t involved in the robbery. The man asks
to speak to Dana’s supervisor. Dana panics so she tells the man he can wait
in Holding.
Dalia is mad that Kayla wasn’t rescued by the police.
CTU arrives at the U.N. Jack and Cole are introduced to Omar and Dalia.
Jack apologizes for not getting to the hotel in time. Omar wonders what
Tarin wants. Jack believes that Tarin is using Kayla as leverage. Jack
wants a wiretap put on Omar’s phone.
A blindfolded Kayla is brought to Samir’s location.
Tarin reassures Kayla that she won’t get hurt. Samir tells Kayla that the
traitor is her own father. Kayla’s hands are tied up. A video camera is
set up. Tarin watches in horror.
Dalia and Omar wait for the terrorist to call. Dalia
gets a phone call on her cell phone. Dalia doesn’t recognize the number but
Jack instructs her to answer anyway. It’s Samir on the other end. Dalia
demands to know where Kayla is. Samir wants to speak to Omar. The phone
call trace is set. Omar is adamant that he needs to speak to his daughter.
Samir doesn’t comply with Omar’s wishes. Samir brings up File 33. Omar
cringes at the name. Samir threatens to kill Kayla if he doesn’t get the
file. Samir senses that the police are already involved. Samir slips on a
mask and walks behind Kayla. A video feed is sent to the U.N. Everyone
watches in shock as Samir threatens to suffocate Kayla. Omar finally
relents and says he’ll get the file for Samir. Afterwards, Jack bluntly
asks Omar about File 33. Brian pipes in and says that he has no Intel on
the file. Omar hesitates to speak but asks his advisor to show Jack the
file. When File 33 is put on the screen, Jack shakes his head. File 33 is
a confidential file which contains U.S. anti-nuclear defensives. Brian and
Jack are outraged that Omar has this classified information. Omar explains
how he gathered Intel and came across this info. Jack worries that the
document shows “fatal flaws” in our defense systems. Jack realizes that
they can’t negotiate with Tarin. Omar is concerned about Kayla’s safety.
Chloe interrupts and says Arlo might have a lead. Arlo was able to pinpoint
the sound of a train coming from Samir’s phone call. An aerial is sent to
the location. Jack advises Omar to stall the caller.
Kayla is escorted into another room by Tarin. Kayla
asks Tarin why he is working with terrorists. Tarin refuses to answer
Kayla. Samir and Tarin talk nearby. Kayla tries to listen. Tarin fears
that Samir will have Kayla killed. Samir asks Tarin if he has changed his
mind about the mission. Tarin reassures Samir that he’s still on board.
From his workspace, Arlo is scanning his computer
screen. Arlo notices a man has wandered onto the CTU floor. Arlo asks Dana
about it. Dana cringes when she sees it is the probation officer. Dana
escorts the man back to Holding. The man informs Dana that he just received
word that the security camera was not working at the evidence locker. The
man implies that Dana helped Kevin and Nick. Dana tells the man that she
doesn’t have time for this. The probation officer wants to fill out a
request form to get footage from the robbery. Dana smiles nervously and
says she will get the information for the man.
Jack and Cole are in the vehicle. Dana calls Cole.
Dana relays that they are in big trouble. Cole listens as Dana says that
the probation officer knows about Kevin and the robbery. Dana wants to come
clean about everything. Cole tries to talk her out of it. Dana hasn’t
changed her mind. Dana tells Cole that she loves him.
Omar is worried about Kayla. Dalia reminds Omar that
he needs to buy time so Kayla is saved. Dalia surprises Omar when she says
she believes in him. The video feed comes back on the screen. Kayla is not
there. Omar and Dalia are puzzled.
Tarin tells Kayla that the deadline has come and gone.
Tarin adds that Omar didn’t get the file for Samir. Kayla begs Tarin to let
her go. Kayla can’t understand why Tarin is being like this. Tarin looks
over at Samir. Tarin turns around and tells Kayla that they are going to
escape. Samir spots the couple leaving. Tarin and Kayla run outside.
Tarin tells Kayla that they need to get to CTU. They enter a car. Tarin
instructs Kayla to call the number in the cell phone. A man pulls Tarin out
of the vehicle. Another man shoots Tarin. Kayla screams and grabs the
steering wheel. Kayla manages to drive away from the scene.
Omar and Dalia are still waiting word. There is no
sign of Kayla on the video feed. Dalia worries that Kayla is already dead.
At CTU, Chloe and Arlo concur that a gunshot was heard
coming from Kayla’s location. Kayla calls CTU and tells Brian that she’s
being chased by terrorists. Kayla explains that Tarin saved her life and
said she needed to call CTU immediately. Kayla talks about where she was
held. Jack realizes that Kayla was at an abandoned bank. Chloe is able to
find the location. Dana directs Kayla to pull into CTU’s parking garage.
Jack and Cole pull up to the bank. Jack shoots at the
glass doors. The vault is open. They search the premises and see the
camera set up downstairs. Jack alerts CTU about a tunnel system leading
through the bank. Jack wants all three exits covered. Arlo sees four
hostiles leaving through the south exit. Chloe zooms in to get a visual on
one of the men. Brian congratulates Dana on a job well done.
As Jack and Cole get into the SUV, Chloe is getting a
hit on the visual. Strangely, it is Tarin Faroush. Everyone is puzzled
since Kayla witnessed Tarin being shot and killed. Jack realizes that the
terrorists wanted Kayla to escape because there is a bomb in her vehicle.
Jack wants the bomb squad notified. Brian tells everyone to evacuate the
CTU building. Kayla pulls into the garage and is grabbed by a security
guard. One of the guards sees the bomb which is hidden in the backseat.
The bomb will detonate in fifteen seconds. Everyone panics at CTU.
After the explosion, all the CTU feeds are down. There
is chaos everywhere. Jack is unable to contact Chloe. Jack tells Cole that
terrorists just hit CTU.
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