At the U.N. meeting, President Taylor receives
unanimous support for the peace agreement. Rob congratulates Allison.
Allison tells a Kamistan official about Hassan’s worries concerning his
brother and the uranium rods.
In the vehicle, Jack gets a call from Cole. Jack
covers by using his German accent. Jack manages to let Cole know that he
doesn’t need back-up yet. Jack adds that he is on his way to see Vladimir.
Arlo and Dana are watching the feed from CTU. Arlo wonders if they can get
a facial recognition of the driver. Dana receives a phone call. In
private, Dana speaks to Kevin, who has just pulled up to a building. Dana
asks Kevin for some more time since she is busy at work. Dana tells Kevin
that he has thirty minutes to get in and out of the building. Arlo is
suspicious of Dana so he asks for Chloe’s opinion. Arlo implies that Dana
is cheating on Cole. Chloe maintains that Arlo needs to stay out of Dana’s
business. After the phone call, Chloe informs Dana that Brian wants to
speak to her.
The driver (Vlad’s guard) gives Jack the car keys when
they pull up to the auto shop. Jack aims the gun at the guard as they enter
the shop. When Jack sees Vladimir, he isn’t happy. Jack can’t believe that
Vladimir tried to have him killed. Renee pipes in that Vladimir made some
business calls. Jack gives Vladimir the gun and asks to speak to Renee in
private. Vladimir reluctantly agrees. The guard whispers to Vladimir that
the German should be killed. Vladimir doesn’t want to discuss it. Jack
relays to Renee that he was ordered to take her off the mission. Renee
refuses to leave, claiming that she is the only option in finding the
uranium. Renee reassures Jack that she can handle it. Jack agrees to
Renee’s wishes.
At CTU, Dana walks away from her desk and calls Kevin.
Kevin wants to know if everything is set. Dana accesses a computer to look
at the building’s blueprints. Dana gives the okay that it’s a go. Dana
explains that Kevin needs to use the key card at the security panel and
reads him off the code. Kevin is unable to enter but Nick gets the card to
work. Dana reminds the men that they have twenty minutes to finish the
job. Dana instructs Kevin through the building, giving him codes as he
approaches the evidence locker. Kevin is impatient during the process.
Finally, Kevin and Nick find box 4301 and discover the money. Kevin grabs
the bag. Dana tells Kevin to leave now. Nick starts searching the evidence
locker for other items. Kevin reminds his friend that they only have
fifteen minutes left.
Vladimir continues to make business calls while Jack
and Renee wait. Vladimir hands Jack a liquor glass. Jack comments that
Vlad needs to remain sober. Vladimir asks Renee to cut some bread.
Vladimir is mad that Renee isn’t doing it right. Jack watches in horror as
Vladimir condescends Renee. Vladimir brings up Jack and Renee’s time in
Mexico City. Jack wants Vlad to stop stalling. Jack and the guard leave
the room.
Sergei is staring at Oleg’s dead body as a priest walks
in. Sergei wants his son’s body buried in the back yard. The priest
doesn’t think it is a proper burial. Sergei instructs the man to say some
prayers. Sergei goes to see Josef. Sergei wants Josef to get up but his
son is unresponsive. Finally, Josef speaks and accuses Sergei of killing
Oleg. Sergei says that he didn’t want Oleg to suffer, adding that no one
can find out about the uranium. Sergei tells Josef that one day he will
inherit the business. Josef listens as Sergei says that he loves him. They
hug. Sergei asks Josef to help with Oleg’s burial. Josef nods and says he
will help. Sergei receives an important phone call from Vladimir. Vladimir
inquires about the uranium. Sergei plays stupid and says he doesn’t know a
thing about it. Vlad explains that he has a German buyer who will pay top
price. Sergei insists that he doesn’t have the rods and apologizes for not
being able to help. After the call, Vladimir informs Renee that Sergei
doesn’t have the uranium in his possession. Renee pushes for Vlad to make
more calls. Vladimir kisses Renee. Unbeknownst to Vladimir, Sergei tells
his goon that they have a problem. Sergei makes a call to one of his men.
The man is sitting in the back of a moving semi. Sergei tells the man that
the plans have changed, ordering him to go somewhere else. The man tells
Anton, the driver, to pull over.
Allison calls Omar to talk about the peace treaty.
Allison wants to know Omar’s “intentions” regarding the agreement. Allison
admits that she knows about the arrests in Kamistan. Omar promises that he
is still in accord with the treaty. In private, Rob tells Allison that
Hassan sounded “different”.
Tarin Faroush, one of Omar’s men, doesn’t believe that
the General is working with Farhad. Omar wants the General’s family
arrested so he can get the man to talk. Tarin refuses to cooperate. Omar
appreciates Tarin’s opinion on the subject. Omar tells Nabeel, an advisor,
to pack up the files. When Tarin leaves the room, Omar asks Nabeel to
contact security services. Omar is suspicious of Tarin.
Nick and Kevin are still at the evidence locker. Nick
suddenly aims a gun at Kevin and demands that he give him the money. Kevin
can’t believe his friend is acting this way. When Kevin realizes it is only
a water gun, he laughs. A siren goes off overhead. Kevin begins to panic.
Chloe learns that the uranium originated in the Soviet
Union. Dana calls Kevin. Dana is horrified that Kevin and Nick are still
in the building. Using the video feeds, Dana directs the men to watch out
for a cop who has entered the building. One exit is locked so Dana tells
Kevin to hide. The men try to slip past the cop. The officer notices a
mess of evidence bags on the floor. Nick hits the officer with a baseball
bat. Dana watches in horror since the cop already called for back-up.
Kevin tells Nick that they need to leave immediately. Dana is mad.
Tarin goes to see Kayla. Kayla and Tarin hug. Tarin
brings up the arrests of the General and his family. Kayla can’t believe
that her father gave the order. Tarin worries why Omar lied to him, adding
that Omar has changed since finding out about Farhad. There is a knock on
the door. Nabeel is looking for Tarin. Kayla covers for Tarin but he
suddenly appears. Nabeel believes that Tarin is working for Farhad. Tarin
denies the accusation. Tarin is to be detained so he hands Nabeel his gun.
Kayla wants to talk to Omar but Nabeel insists that he wants no
Jack waits patiently in the shop. Vladimir can’t get
anywhere with his phone calls. Renee maintains that Jack’s Intel is good.
Vladimir is irritated so he tells Renee to shut up. Renee believes that
they can make fifty million from this deal. Renee wants Vlad to make one
more call. Vladimir thinks that Jack should leave but Renee insists that
she needs the deal. Vladimir becomes enraged and punches Renee in the
face. Renee grabs a knife and stabs Vlad in the eye. Renee stabs Vladimir
repeatedly in the chest. Jack runs into the room. Renee accidentally stabs
Jack in the abdomen. The guard rushes in. Jack throws the knife at the
guard’s throat. Renee breaks down in tears. Jack consoles Renee. Jack
patches up his wound. Jack relays to Brian and Dana what happened. Brian
can’t believe that Vladimir is dead. Jack informs Brian that Renee killed
Vladimir. Jack wants CTU to check out the calls Vlad made. Cole lets Jack
know that he is on his way to the shop. Dana is preoccupied. Brian isn’t
happy with Dana.
Renee is acting like a zombie. Renee tells Jack that
he didn’t need to cover for her. Renee believes that she can’t handle the
situation. Renee apologizes for stabbing Jack. Jack reassures Renee that
everything will be okay. Jack caresses Renee’s cheek and says that she
should go home. Jack hears a noise so he goes to check it out. Jack hears
Russian voices so he ducks out of sight. Jack realizes that someone Vlad
talked to has the uranium. Jack wants the Russians to take him in. Jack
instructs Renee what to say to the CTU agents. Renee hides in the bathroom
closet. Jack tells the Russians that he is unarmed. Jack wants to do a
business deal. The men notice Vladimir and the guard’s dead bodies. Jack
maintains that no one else is in the building. Jack is escorted outside.
One of Sergei’s goons checks the bathroom but doesn’t have time to look in
the closet.
Kevin and Nick manage to get away.
Cole and the team arrive at the auto shop. They look
around inside. Renee comes out of the bathroom and announces that the
Russians took Jack. Renee brings up that CTU was supposed to be monitoring
Jack’s movements by air. Cole has no idea where Jack is. Renee panics when
Brian radios in that they have no visual on Jack.
Jack is led through a sewer tunnel to a waiting
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