In the Islamic Republic of Kamistan, someone gets a
call from Farhad Hassan. The man demands to know why Omar isn’t dead.
Farhad insists that getting the uranium is all that matters.
Sergei Bazhaev, the Russian seller, checks on Oleg, his
youngest son. Oleg is looking sicker by the minute. Josef, Sergei’s older
son, wants to call a doctor to check on Oleg. Sergei doesn’t agree, saying
that a doctor would become suspicious about what’s going on. Josef can’t
believe that Sergei would let his own son die. Sergei suggests that Oleg be
brought to the country house. Josef agrees to bring Oleg there. Josef
leaves the room. Sergei is summoned to a private area. Farhad is waiting
for him. Farhad plans on buying the uranium rods, adding that the transfer
of money will be happening soon. Sergei says that they have to kill time
for five hours so he offers two prostitutes to Farhad.
At the window-repair store, Zia continues to bleed.
Renee and Jack manage to cauterize the wound. Jack wants to call Brian,
saying that Renee is not ready to go out in the field. Jack calls Renee
“unstable”. Renee doesn’t even blink. Renee reminds Jack that she is their
only hope in finding the uranium. Jack decides against calling Brian. Zia
is conscious. While Renee interrogates Zia, Jack is listening from the
vehicle. Zia starts to scream in pain but Renee instructs him not to
whine. Renee insists that she needs Zia’s help, that the payout for the job
is in the millions. Zia agrees to take Renee to Vladimir Laitanan. Renee
and Zia head outside and get into a car. Chloe speaks to Renee through her
earphone, saying that Jack will be following from a distance.
At CTU, Dana is working on Jack’s cover profile. Chloe
inquires about the status. Suddenly, Dana’s phone rings. Dana hesitates to
answer until Chloe comments that she should answer it. Chloe leaves while
Dana talks to Kevin. Kevin is laying on Dana’s bed. Kevin demands that
Dana be back at the apartment in thirty minutes. Kevin brings up Dana’s
past, reminding her that she’s an ex-con and an accessory to murder. Dana
reluctantly agrees to meet Kevin. Dana asks Arlo to finish up with Jack’s
profile and send it to Chloe. Dana tells Arlo that she has an emergency at
home. Dana thanks Arlo for the favor.
At the U.N., Rob interrupts President Taylor’s business
call. Rob updates Allison on the latest, saying that Farhad Hassan is
attempting to buy uranium from a Russian mob syndicate. Allison is
horrified when Rob says that the uranium is already on U.S. soil. Rob
mentions that CTU is trying their best to find the uranium. Allison is
worrying how Omar will react, wondering if he will arrest opposition leaders
in the I.R.K. Rob brings up that the peace agreement might be nullified.
While Renee and Zia are in the car, Jack listens to
their conversation. Zia is drinking to numb the pain. Renee advises Zia to
put the bottle away. Zia asks probing questions about Renee and Vladimir.
Renee is evasive. Jack gets a call from Chloe. Chloe says that Arlo
uploaded the profile info to Jack’s phone. Jack thanks Chloe and asks her
to look into the relationship between Renee and Laitanan.
Omar and Allison meet in private. Allison tells Omar
that she’s relieved he is safe. Omar brings up the situation in Kamistan,
saying that a coup was narrowly thwarted today. Omar insists that Farhad is
looking for “power” and believes that the enemies should be executed.
Allison doesn’t want to stop the treaty and insists that the Kamistan people
need peace. Omar refuses to talk anymore, saying he wants to see his
Josef and Oleg are in the car, heading to the country
house. Josef is visibly concerned about his brother’s condition. Josef
suggests going to the hospital but Oleg is against it. Oleg is willing to
die which upsets Josef. Josef suddenly swerves the car around. Josef
asserts that he’s bringing Oleg to the hospital.
In the suite, Dalia talks to Kayla. Kayla wants to
stay but Dalia is already packing. Omar returns and hugs his daughter.
Kayla leaves the room. Dalia continues packing. Omar confides that he
broke off things with Meredith Reed. Dalia asks bluntly if Omar is in love
with Meredith. Omar admits that he isn’t sure but insists that he is done
with Meredith. Desperate, Omar begs Dalia to stay. Coldly, Dalia says that
she won’t make a scene when she leaves, adding that the damage is done.
Dalia walks out.
Renee and Zia pull up at an auto body shop. Renee asks
Zia to go in first. Zia reluctantly agrees. While waiting in the vehicle,
Jack asks Renee about Vladimir. Renee refuses to say anything other than
Jack doesn’t need to worry. Jack goes over his cover with Renee in the
Zia introduces himself to Vladimir’s guard. When
Vladimir eyes him, he slaps Zia’s face. Vladimir threatens to shoot but Zia
insists that he brought someone along – Renee. Vladimir can’t believe that
Renee is out of prison. Zia maintains that Renee is looking for a buyer.
Vladimir refuses to believe Zia’s story and asks where Renee is. Vladimir
instructs Zia to bring Renee in.
At CTU, Cole inquires about Dana’s whereabouts. Arlo
relays that Dana is at home. Cole seems puzzled.
Dana goes home and Kevin lets her in the apartment.
Dana is irritated to see that Kevin’s friend is there. Kevin introduces
Dana to Nick, a friend from Beaumont. Dana hands Kevin a wad of cash,
saying that she’ll give him another $500 in the morning. Kevin becomes mad
when Dana tries to buy him off. Kevin grabs Dana’s throat and warns that
she owes him. Dana blurts out that she didn’t testify against Kevin, adding
that she was released due to the fact she was a minor at the time. Kevin
announces that he has done some research and discovered that Dana has a good
job at CTU. Kevin wants Dana to get account information for him. Dana
reminds Kevin that the info is restricted. Kevin doesn’t care – he wants a
“six-figure payout”, adding that he’ll leave once Dana helps him. Dana
refuses but Kevin says that she has to do it.
Jack and Renee continue to go over his cover. Zia
comes outside and tells Renee that Vladimir wants to speak to her. Alone,
Jack calls Chloe and asks what she learned. Chloe explains that Vladimir
was “obsessed” with Renee and beat her many times. Jack wonders if Renee
was raped but Chloe can’t confirm it. Jack realizes that the FBI cover-up
sent Renee to attempt suicide. Jack is worried about Renee’s frame of mind.
Renee heads into the auto shop. The guards search
Renee for weapons. Renee says hi to Vladimir and comments that his face
looks different. Vladimir implies that he had plastic surgery. Vladimir
asks Renee for her contacts in Mexico. Jack instructs Renee what to say.
Vladimir thinks that Renee is different, saying that she looks like “hell”.
Vladimir asks the guards to lower their weapons. Vladimir senses that
something is off so he tells his goons to tie up Renee and Zia. Jack
panics. Renee and Zia are put into a car trunk, leaving Jack without
audio. Jack calls Chloe. Chloe is tracking the car using surveillance.
Jack questions whether the mission should be called off. Jack asks Chloe to
contact Brian.
Josef and Oleg arrive at the hospital. The doctor says
he is about to leave for the day. Josef points a gun at the doctor,
threatening to kill his family. The doctor asks Josef what radiation Oleg
was exposed to. Josef says that Oleg was exposed to weapons-grade uranium.
The doctor isn’t hopeful about recovery.
Jack follows the vehicle while Brian relays that a
tactical team is nearby. Jack wants to intercept the car but Brian is
hesitant to stop the mission. Vladimir tells the driver to pull over near
a bridge. Suddenly, Jack has the audio signal again. Jack is confused
since the car he is following hasn’t stopped. Jack realizes that he has
been following a decoy this entire time. Jack is mad when Chloe says that
another car left out the back. Using GPS, Chloe manages to find the car’s
location. Chloe gives Jack the coordinates, saying that the vehicle is near
a bridge. Jack swerves his vehicle and heads toward the bridge. Jack
speaks to Renee but she isn’t saying anything. Vladimir shoots Zia in the
head. Jack fears the worst. Vladimir aims the gun at Renee’s head. Renee
tells Vladimir to shoot, admitting that she is “sick” and implying that she
has tried to end her own life before. Jack tries to reason with Renee but
it is pointless. Renee says that Vladimir should pull the trigger.
Vladimir suddenly changes his mind and lowers the weapon. Vladimir
instructs his goons to move Zia’s body. Vladimir confesses to Renee that he
needed to see if she’d pass his test. While Jack listens, Brian tells him
that the tactical team is ready to intercept. Jack advises that the team
stand down because Vladimir believed Renee’s cover.
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