From the UN building, Rob Weiss calls Brian Hastings.
Brian informs Rob that they have been unable to extract information from
Meredith Reed. Rob worries that the peace agreement will fall through if
Hassan is assassinated. Rob urges Brian to have the file decrypted soon.
At CTU, Cole asks Dana about the file. Dana relays
that the file should be ready in about thirty minutes. Cole tells Dana
about Jack. Dana realizes that Chloe has been helping Jack. Dana says it
appears like Reed is withholding information.
Jack drives to a home in Queens to check out a lead.
Over the phone, Chloe mentions to Jack that the cab driver dropped off the
suspect near the corner.
Mike Farmer/Davros continues to hold Jim and Maggie
hostage. Jim asks Maggie if she is okay. Jim is shocked that Mike fooled
everyone. Mike points his gun at Jim. Maggie starts to cry. The phone
rings, leaving everyone silent. Mike picks up the phone and directs Jim to
answer it. Mike instructs Jim to tell the captain that they are changing
shifts. When Jim answers the phone, he tells the captain that he came down
with the flu. Jim adds that Mike Farmer will be covering his shift. The
captain wishes Jim a fast recovery. Afterwards, Jim begs Mike to release he
and his wife.
Jack notices two security cameras near a basketball
court. The basketball players are suspicious of Jack. They tell him to
leave the premises. One player notices Jack’s gun. Jack doesn’t hesitate
to show them the picture of the suspect. A younger man points to a blue
house and says the suspect went there. Jack hands the man a one-hundred
dollar bill. Jack approaches the house with caution. Jack looks in a front
window and sees a dead man (Jim) inside. Jack heads to the back door and
slowly enters. Jack finds Jim and Maggie dead in the living room. Jack
searches the upstairs and finds nothing out of the ordinary. While Jack is
calling Chloe, a police officer starts banging on the front door. Jack
panics and goes out the back. Jack encounters a second police officer, who
insists that he drop his weapon. Jack frantically tells the young cop that
he is helping CTU with finding a suspect. Before the cop can speak, his
partner tasers Jack from behind. The older cop yells at Jack and calls him
a cop killer. They carry Jack inside the house.
At CTU, Brian asks Dana about the file. An analyst
tells Brian that a UN key card was found in Meredith Reed’s personal
effects. Brian is thankful that they have concrete proof that Reed is
involved. Brian walks away just as Dana is getting a call at her desk.
Dana is told that she has a visitor – Kevin Wade. Dana is quiet but finally
says she will meet Kevin outside. Chloe is watching from her workspace.
Dana uses the hand sensor device to leave the building. On the elevator,
Dana takes off her engagement ring. Kevin makes small talk with the guard.
Kevin compliments Dana on her blond hair. Dana doesn’t want to play along
and insists that she has moved on with her life. Dana offers Kevin some
money to go away. Kevin won’t leave so Dana begs him to go. Kevin
threatens to tell all about Dana’s secret. Kevin says he wants to crash at
Dana’s place. Dana reluctantly hands Kevin her house key, saying that he
has to be gone in the morning. Dana is about to tell Kevin her address but
he says he already knows it.
Brian interrogates Meredith about the key card.
Meredith remains silent. Brian keeps asking the same question. Finally,
Meredith comes clean and announces that Omar gave her the key card. Brian
is hesitant to believe this. Meredith explains that she and Hassan would
meet at his private residence. Brian realizes that he needs to contact Rob
to verify Reed’s story. Rob is held up at a meeting so Brian tells Meredith
she has time to change her story. Brian leaves the room as Chloe walks up
to him. Chloe wants Brian’s help with locating Jack. Brian insists that he
can’t help because there is no extra manpower. Chloe thinks Reed is being
framed. Brian is growing tired of Chloe’s opinions on the matter. Chloe
demands to know what Omar says about Reed.
In Jim’s basement, the angry cop punches Jack, who is
tied to a chair. The police officer thinks they came across a home invasion
robbery. The younger cop isn’t convinced. The older police officer says
that they will make up a story that Jack resisted the arrest.
Davros/Mike shows up at the UN building to cover for
Jim. Davros listens as Cole talks about the missile attack and roadblock
assignments. Cole tells his team that someone is being held at CTU for
questioning. Cole warns that everybody should be on alert – the suspect is
very dangerous.
Presidents Taylor and Hassan are in the middle of a
meeting when Omar is told he has an important phone call. Brian wants to
speak to Omar. Farhad reminds his brother to keep quiet about the affair.
In another room, Omar speaks to Hastings. Brian asks Omar about Meredith
and the key card. Omar hesitates to answer without knowing if the call is
being monitored. Brian assures Omar that the line is secure. Omar blurts
out that he did give Meredith the key card. Farhad is outraged that Omar
told the truth. Omar feels he can trust Brian. Omar believes that Meredith
is innocent. Farhad fears the worst now that Reed isn’t a strong suspect
anymore. Afterwards, Chloe is in Brian’s face asking for his help with
Jack. Brian assumes that Jack isn’t contacting Chloe because of bad cell
reception. Chloe wants to go find Jack herself. Brian warns that if Chloe
leaves the CTU building, she’s fired.
In private, Farhad calls Davros. Davros reassures
Farhad that he shouldn’t worry, that everything will happen according to
schedule. Davros instructs Farhad to remain calm, adding that Omar will be
dead within the hour.
As nightfall approaches, Jack, whose face is bleeding,
wakes up in the basement. Jack manages to get loose and hits the angry cop
with a piece of plywood. The other cop points his gun at Jack. Jack
manages to get through to the young man. The cop calls the lieutenant. It
is confirmed that there is a connection between Jim and the UN security
detail. Jack asks to be released.
Arlo can’t finish the decryption so he asks to use
Dana’s computer. Dana seems distracted. Dana is irritated when Arlo tries
to flirt with her. Suddenly, the computer beeps showing that the decryption
is complete. Dana informs Brian that the screen is showing construction
plans for the UN building. They realize that a bomb is placed at the
building. Brian makes calls for an evacuation at the UN building. Chloe
tells Brian that the info might be fake. Brian speaks to Cole. Cole thinks
the whole thing is suspicious but agrees to Brian’s evacuation plan.
The meeting is cut short when Allison and Omar are
informed of the bomb threat. Cole escorts them out of the room. Davros
radios in to an unknown man and says that the bomb is ready to detonate.
The bomb isn’t inside the building – it is located underneath a manhole in
the street. Davros plans on using his cell phone to detonate the bomb.
Allison and Omar are led through the parking garage and
to separate cars. Hassan asks about his family, but Farhad reassures him
that he’ll stay behind to meet them. Farhad calls Davros and tells him what
vehicle to look for. Dalia and Kayla leave in a car with Farhad.
The young cop releases Jack from custody. Jack is told
that a cop named Mike Farmer took over Jim’s shift at the UN security
detail. Jack calls Chloe and alerts her to the information. Jack speaks to
Cole about the situation. Jack wants the cars brought back to the parking
garage but Cole fears it is too late. Cole speeds out of the garage and
follows Omar’s car. Cole hits the side of Hassan’s car just as there is an
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