A taxi pulls up to a New York apartment building.
Victor Aruz, wearing a red hooded sweatshirt, gets out. A Russian man is
watching from nearby and tells the waiting assassin not to shoot. Victor
walks into a seedy building and passes a man in the hallway. Victor enters
an apartment and calls out for his son. Victor finds his son’s dead body in
the bathtub. Panicked, Victor makes a call to his wife. She is hysterical
because their second son was gunned down. The Russian man is continuing to
keep an eye on Victor’s movements. When a man wearing a red sweatshirt
leaves the building, the assassins think it is Victor. However, the man
turns his head and it is clear that it isn’t Aruz. The assassins realize it
is a diversion and Victor has left through a back door. Victor hotwires a
car and speeds away. The men shoot at Victor’s vehicle while he swerves out
of the way of oncoming traffic. Victor is wounded but he manages to get
away from the gunmen. Unknown to Victor, the assassin makes a call to 911
to report a stolen vehicle.
Jack Bauer wakes up from a nap on his living room
couch. Teri, Jack’s granddaughter, is sitting nearby. Jack turns on the TV
and puts on a news channel. Teri insists that she wants to watch cartoons.
Jack abides to Teri’s wishes and changes the channel. Jack gets a call from
Kim, who is in the car with Stephen, her husband. Kim inquires about Jack
and Teri’s zoo visit. Jack smiles at Teri. Jack says that he and Teri
spent most of their time watching the bears. Jack tells Kim that Teri
reminds him of her. Kim is touched by her father’s kind words. After the
phone call, Stephen asks if she plans to speak to Jack about moving to Los
Angeles. Kim is reluctant to ask her father. Kim thinks that Jack will
fight her on the idea.
At the United Nations, U.S. President Allison Taylor
and Kamistan President Omar Hassan are about to hold a press conference.
Beforehand, President Taylor speaks to Hassan about the terms of their peace
agreement. Ethan Kanin, Taylor’s Secretary of State, and Farhad Hassan,
Omar’s Chief Advisor, are also present. Allison says that she is going to
speak to her Cabinet members. Hassan thinks it is a good idea. In private,
Kanin comments that Omar is a “salesman”. Kanin thinks it is imperative
that Allison give Hassan what he wants. Allison knows that Hassan is
against terrorism.
Jack and Teri take the elevator down to meet up with
Kim. Kim returns and asks how the day went. Teri shows her mom the stuffed
animal she has fittingly named Bear. Jack takes Kim by surprise when he
announces that he’ll be accompanying them to L.A. Kim doesn’t know what to
say. Jack says that he can do consulting work in California. Jack agrees
to follow Kim, Stephen, and Teri to the airport. They walk to the car.
They all look very happy. Once Teri and Kim are in the vehicle, Jack tells
his daughter that he’ll meet up with them in an hour. Unbeknownst to Jack,
Victor is watching from a nearby car. Victor grabs a gun from the passenger
Taylor’s Chief-of-Staff Rob Weiss announces that the
President and Hassan will be speaking shortly. A blond-haired reporter
tries to get through with press credentials but the guard informs her that
they’ve been revoked. The woman is upset that she can’t get clearance.
Privately, Farhad tells Omar that Kanin is doing
everything he can to help them. Omar is happy that Allison is lifting
sanctions but continues to be weary. Omar gets a call from the so-called
reporter. She explains that her credentials were revoked. Omar agrees to
clear up the matter and suggests meeting later. Afterwards, Omar orders
Farhad to give the woman clearance. Farhad is unwilling to comply. Farhad
implies that Omar and the woman are in a relationship. Omar insists that
the journalist is only writing a newspaper article about him. Farhad thinks
it is a bad idea for Omar to meet with the woman. Farhad suggests that it
won’t look good in the eyes of the Kamistan people. Plus, Farhad adds, Omar
is married. Omar replies back that he and his wife are not getting along
right now. Omar doesn’t think he is doing anything wrong.
Jack starts to pack for his move to California. There
is a knock on his apartment door. It is Victor Aruz. Jack recognizes
Victor as an old informant. Victor insists that he needs Jack’s help.
Victor is visibly injured. Victor pleads with Jack to do the right thing.
Victor explains that he has information regarding a possible hit on
President Hassan. Victor asks Jack to vouch for him at CTU. Jack is
reluctant to get involved and asks Victor for his gun. Jack asks bluntly
who the “hitter” is. Victor says that he doesn’t know the hitter’s name,
only that he’s Russian. Victor wants a deal before he tells all.
At CTU New York, Agents Cole Ortiz and Dana Walsh talk
about their upcoming wedding. Chloe O’Brian is complaining that her
computer isn’t working correctly. Dana is friendly toward Chloe and offers
to help solve the problem. Jack calls Chloe and asks to speak to Director
Brian Hastings. Jack says that it is important and hints about an attempt
on Hassan’s life. Chloe runs to Hastings but he doesn’t think the
information is credible. Jack urges Brian to check out Victor’s profile.
Hastings refuses to corroborate Aruz’s tip. Hastings wants proof before
he’ll check into it. Jack warns that he’ll call the President if Brian
doesn’t help. Brian tells Chloe to look through some files. Jack puts
Victor on speakerphone. Victor says that the gunmen took out two of his
children. Jack agrees to bring Victor in. Jack wants a team ready.
CTU Analyst Arlo Glass is looking at racy websites when
Cole interrupts him. Cole warns that Brian will be mad if he finds out Arlo
isn’t working. Arlo agrees to get back to work. Brian tells Cole, Dana,
and Arlo about Jack’s lead. Brian asks for their help.
Before leaving, Jack checks out the alley first. Jack
escorts Victor outside. At the same time, a police call comes in about the
stolen car. The Russian men are listening in on the radio frequency. They
hear the car’s location. Their objective is clear: kill Victor.
Rob walks into Allison’s office and says that he has
good news. Allison is delighted to hear that there is a counterproposal on
inspections. Kanin walks in. Allison starts to reminisce about Henry, her
ex-husband. Allison talks about their bitter divorce. Allison is still
upset that Henry said unkind things about her to the press. Ethan explains
that Allison had no choice but to leave Henry. Rob returns and announces
that Jack Bauer has a potential lead. Allison is surprised to hear Jack’s
name since he no longer works for the government. Rob maintains that Hassan
should know about the assassination attempt. Ethan disagrees. Rob thinks
that they need to be upfront. Allison agrees to think it over.
Outside of the office, Kanin stops to take some
prescription pills. Rob apologizes for stating his opinion. Kanin smiles
and insists that everything is okay.
Jack calls Kim. Jack says that he’ll be late so he
will meet them at the airport. Kim senses that something is wrong but
doesn’t push it. Jack and Victor continue to walk slowly around the city.
At CTU, Brian gives Chloe a hard time about her work.
Brian thinks that Chloe should be more efficient and notes that she has been
there an entire month. Brian brings up that Chloe’s husband was downsized.
Chloe is irritated and maintains that she needs this job. Brian wants Chloe
to be more competent at her job. Chloe hurries out of the room.
On the CTU floor, Dana tells Cole that she is worried
about the lead. Dana asks Cole to be careful out in the field. Cole and an
agent walk toward the helicopter. The agent implies that Dana is rethinking
her marriage to Cole. Cole laughs it off.
Victor passes out near a dumpster. Jack sees that
Victor’s wound is bad. Jack notices a mattress next to him. As a piece is
cut out of the mattress, a witness sees Jack and Victor and fears the
worst. The man makes a call to 911.
In the suite, Dalia Hassan, Omar’s wife, is putting on
eyeliner. Their daughter, Kayla, walks in. Kayla says it is time for the
press conference. It is obvious that there is tension between Dalia and
Kayla. Omar appears suddenly. Omar leans in to kiss Dalia but she backs
away. Dalia comments that their marriage is just for show. Omar apologizes
to Kayla for witnessing this. The three leave for the press conference.
Farhad tells the guard that the female reporter can
enter. Farhad warns the woman that she needs to stay away from Omar.
Rob informs Allison that Hassan is on his way to the
press conference. Rob wants Allison to tell Omar the truth. Before she can
answer, Hassan and his family enter the room. Allison greets them. Hassan
thanks Allison for being so welcoming. Rob makes an announcement that the
press conference will last about a half-hour.
Jack manages to get Victor to stand up but the police
stop them. Jack pleads with the policeman to not use the radio – the gunmen
are listening in. However, the Russians are already there. The gunmen shoot
at Jack, Victor, and the police. Jack shoots at a lock on a building. Jack
and Victor run for shelter. Jack realizes that he is out of bullets. Jack
calls Chloe and asks where the chopper is located. Cole talks to Jack.
Cole explains that Jack needs to get to the eighth floor of the building to
access the helicopter. Jack senses that Victor isn’t going to make it to
CTU. Jack asks Victor to tell him what he knows. Victor won’t answer him.
Jack tells Victor that he can’t die. The assassins walk up the stairs.
Jack is hiding nearby. Jack takes the men by surprise. Using an ax, Jack
stabs the man and the other falls down the stairs to his death. Jack
breaks a glass window. Jack and Victor get to the roof as the chopper
lands. Ortiz walks toward Jack and Victor. Jack informs the agent that the
hostiles are dead. Cole needs Jack to be debriefed. Jack has no intentions
on going to CTU. All of a sudden, Jack sees a missile coming their way.
Jack pushes Cole to the ground. There is an explosion – the chopper has
been blown up. Chloe, Brian, and Dana are watching this develop from CTU.
Dana looks worried. Jack and Cole are okay but the other agent is dead.
Victor is barely holding on. Jack asks Victor what he knows. Victor
manages to say that someone on the inside is responsible. Victor dies
before giving Jack a name.
The female reporter makes a phone call to an unknown
person. She tells them that she is behind schedule.
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