In Sangala, Africa, Colonel Ike Dubaku calls one of his
men to say that they need to recruit more young soldiers. Dubaku hands a
boy a machete. Dubaku says that General Benjamin Juma will need the boys to
guarantee his takeover of Sangala. Dubaku wants the boy to kill a man with
the machete. The man begins to cry. The others are urging the boy to use
the machete.
Frank Trammel, a man who works for the US government,
is in a car complaining about the weather in Sangala. Frank is on his way
to serve a subpoena.
Two boys are playing a game of soccer when someone
rings a bell at the school.
Inside, Willie, one of the young boys, starts rifling
through a backpack. Willie puts a knife under his shirt. Jack Bauer walks
in. The boy is frightened at first. Willie notices a beautiful scarf.
Jack says that he plans on giving the scarf to his daughter. Willie
inquires about Jack’s travels. Jack tells Willie that he can keep the scarf
but needs to give back the knife.
Frank shows up from the Embassy. Frank tells Jack that
the Senate Subcommittee is going to hold a hearing about Bauer’s
interrogation practices. Jack refuses to comply. Jack states that he won’t
willingly come back to the US.
Carl Benton, a friend, brings up that Jack has been
evading the subpoena for a year. Frank says that someone will find Jack
eventually. Frank hands Carl the subpoena papers.
Jack helps unload a truck. Charles Solenz, a UN aid
worker, asks why Jack is in Sangala. The vehicle carrying Frank drives by.
Youssou Dubaku, Ike’s younger brother, tells Ike that
he will have enough soldiers for the coup. Jonas Hodges calls from
Washington D.C. to inquire if Dubaku needs help with recruiting. Hodges is
adamant that Dubaku owes him because he has provided him weapons. Hodges
wants Juma to call him.
Jonas tells his lawyer that nothing can be traced back
to him.
Chris, a man who works for Jonas’ lawyer, is buzzed in
to speak with his boss. Chris’ boss wants him to get rid of all
incriminating files.
Carl tells Jack that he should consider going back to
the US. Jack refuses to. Carl thinks that Jack has been running for too
long. Jack says that his situation is different from Carl’s. Carl is
resolute that Jack needs to stop running. Carl adds that Jack can stay with
him as long as he wants. Jack doesn’t like involving Carl in his business.
Jack decides to leave and the two shake hands.
Charles is worried about Juma’s movement in the area.
Some of the natives say that Juma is going take their children away. Carl
tells one boy that they shouldn’t go into town unsupervised.
The children are playing a game of soccer in town.
Desmond, Willie’s brother, gets into a shouting match with one of the boys.
Youssou shows up with some soldiers. They shoot up in the sky. The boys
know that they are trapped. Youssou announces that the boys will be working
for Juma now. Youssou denounces the US. Desmond and another boy run away.
The soldiers drive after them. The boys run into the bushes. The men shoot
at the boys and drive away.
Roger Taylor and his girlfriend, Samantha, are getting
dressed. Chris calls Roger. Chris thinks that he is in trouble. From his
car, Chris asks to meet with Roger. Roger finally agrees to meet. Sam
can’t believe that Chris is coming there since it is the day of Allison’s
It is Inauguration Day. Allison speaks to Henry, her
husband. The current Chief-of-Staff Tom Lennox asks to talk to Allison.
Tom tells her about the imminent coup in Sangala.
Sangala’s Prime Minister Ule Matobo speaks to President
Noah Daniels. Matobo asks for the US’s assistance. Daniels says that he is
unsure if Taylor will help. Daniels cuts short the conference with Matobo.
Allison and Noah shake hands. Allison inquires about
the situation in Sangala. Allison wonders who is supplying Juma with
weapons. Allison points out that there are already US troops in the area.
Daniels doesn’t think it is a good idea to invade. Allison wants to deploy
troops. Daniels doesn’t agree. Daniels hints that Allison shouldn’t be
making important decisions until she is sworn in.
Carl notices the deflated soccer ball in town. Carl
heads for the bushes. Vultures are near the boys’ bodies. One boy is
dead. Desmond is injured. Carl carries Desmond to the vehicle.
Willie offers to carry Jack’s bag. Jack says he is
leaving. Willie wants to go to the US, but Jack is adamant that he isn’t
going home. Jack wants Willie to help Carl with tending to the boys.
Willie hugs Jack. Willie begins to cry.
Thomas, a man who helps at the school, runs to Jack.
Thomas has a message from Carl. Carl tells Jack that Desmond has been
shot. They think that Juma is on his way to the school. Carl wants Jack to
hide the children. Charles thinks that everyone is overreacting. Vehicles
start showing up. Jack grabs some guns in Carl’s room. Everyone runs to a
classroom where there is a hidden bunker underground. Juma’s men look for
the boys. Jack causes a diversion. Jack throws grenades and starts
shooting at the men. There is an explosion behind Jack.
The kids are very quiet. Youssou searches the
classroom. Jack kills some more men outside. Youssou leaves the room.
Jack hides. Jack throws dynamite. Jack shoots some more men. Jack runs
into the woods. No one can find Jack. Jack jumps on two men. Jack is
knocked down. Youssou wants Jack to tell him where the children are. Carl
pulls up at the school. Desmond is still bleeding. Carl leaves Desmond in
the car. Carl sees that Jack has been grabbed.
The people of Sangala are showing up at the US
Embassy. Frank won’t allow them to enter. Frank walks away. Carl calls
Frank. Carl needs his help at the school. Frank explains that Americans
are being evacuated but no natives.
Jack is punched repeatedly. Jack is questioned about
the boys’ whereabouts. Youssou has a machete. Jack continues to be
tortured. Jack notices a reflection in the distance, caused by Carl. Jack
tells Youssou that he’ll give him the location of the children. Jack points
in Carl’s direction.
Carl ambushes the soldiers. Jack grabs the machete and
kills the men. Carl unties the rope around Jack’s wrists. Youssou is
dead. Carl needs to get to the Embassy.
Thomas warns the children to stay quiet. Carl opens
the door and tells the boys to run to the bus. Willie sees that Desmond is
hurt. Charles refuses to go with. Jack says that he needs Charles’ help in
bringing the children to the city.
Roger meets with Chris. Roger tells Chris that he has
five minutes. Chris explains that his boss, Nichols, had a project for
Chris which involved opening off-shore accounts. Chris adds that he did
some digging and found out that one of Nichols’ clients was on the terrorist
watch list. Chris wants to go to the authorities, but thinks that Roger’s
mom can help. Roger emphasizes that it isn’t a good idea. Chris says that
he has evidence on his home computer. Samantha walks in and says hi to
Chris. Roger tells his friend to send him files and he’ll take a look at
General Juma shows up at Dubaku’s station. Dubaku is
confident that the coup will be successful. Dubaku gets a message that
Youssou is dead. Dubaku finds out that Charles Solenz can lead him to the
man responsible for Youssou’s murder: Jack Bauer.
Jack thinks that Desmond might die. In the bus, Jack
hears a conversation through the walkie-talkie. Jack realizes that the men
know that they are in a bus. They pull over. Jack, Carl, and the boys walk
through the woods.
Daniels shows Allison a folder holding classified
information. Daniels makes a toast to Allison. Daniels brings up the
election. Allison thinks that Daniels didn’t have the heart for another
term. Daniels warns Allison to be careful. Allison tells Henry about the
coup. Allison is worried. Allison wants to call Ethan Kanin.
Dubaku wants Jack to die, but Juma insists that Ike
needs to be clear-minded. Juma stresses that they have only one hour.
Chris returns home. Chris accesses his computer.
Chris begins copying the files. Chris senses something is wrong. Chris
checks the bedroom. Chris returns to his desk and sees a man sitting in
front of the computer. The man is recovering the files. Chris insists that
he didn’t make any other copies. The man erases the files. Another man
appears and grabs Chris. Chris begins to be interrogated.
In the limo, Sam says to Roger that she doesn’t trust
Chris. Roger promises to help his friend. They arrive at the Capitol.
Agent Vossler, the limo driver, gets a call from one of the goons in Chris’
Jack directs Carl and the children what road to take
into the city. Carl tells Jack how to get out of Sangala. They say
goodbye. Jack suddenly senses something is wrong. Jack yells for them to
hide. A helicopter shows up and men start shooting at them. Dubaku is
unable to get a visual on them. The chopper pulls away. The children
continue to walk. Willie notices the scarf hanging on a branch. Willie
walks over to it. Carl realizes that Willie is standing on a land mine.
Carl quickly steps on the land mine and tells Willie and the others to
leave. Jack tells Carl that he can try to disable the device, but Carl
stresses that there isn’t enough time. Carl is willing to sacrifice his
life for the safety of the children. Carl hands Jack the subpoena papers.
Jack leaves. Carl tells Willie that he’ll catch up with them.
Dubaku makes his way through the woods. Carl
surrenders to the men. Carl wants to bring the men closer to him. Dubaku
shoots Carl in the arm. Carl won’t rat out Jack. Jack hears an explosion.
Jack starts to cry.
Jack makes his way to the Embassy with the children in
tow. Willie realizes that Carl is dead. Willie begins to cry. Jack
emphasizes that Carl saved all their lives. Jack is truly sorry about what
happened to his friend. Jack spots a suspicious man in town. Jack shoots
at the guy. Everyone screams. Gunfire erupts. Jack sees a child with a
gun. Jack tries to reason with the boy. The boy eventually runs away.
Roger checks his messages, but there is nothing from
Chris. Allison and Henry arrive for the Inauguration. They are happy to
see Roger. Jonas Hodges is standing by Vossler. Hodges wants to make sure
that no one finds out about his involvement. Hodges tells Vossler to keep
an eye on Roger.
Jack and the children arrive at the Embassy. A chopper
leaves the area. Jack talks to Frank. Jack pleads with Frank to help the
boys. Frank asks to see Jack’s subpoena papers. Frank explains that the
only way the boys will get through is if Jack surrenders. Jack has no
choice but to comply. Frank opens the gate. Willie, Desmond, and the other
boys are led through. Jack is arrested.
Allison is sworn in as President. Allison addresses
the nation.
Jack and Willie are escorted onto the chopper. Willie
smiles at Jack. They leave Sangala.
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