A mushroom cloud can be seen in the distance. Everyone
at CTU watches their monitors in disbelief. David is at a loss for words.
Kim thinks her dad is dead. Kim sits on the curb, obviously
grief-stricken. Kim starts to cry.
Jack lets off a few more flares so the helicopter can
find him. The chopper lands and Jack hops inside. Jack wants Tony to be
alerted and Kim notified.
Tony addresses the CTU staff and thanks them for their
hard work. Tony says that they still need to work on the recording. Auda
confronts Tony and wants info to report back to his country. Tony is
evasive. Tony requests that Carrie work on the recording’s authenticity.
Syed Ali is being questioned by Michelle. Michelle
asks about the recording. Syed is silent. Syed finally speaks and
maintains that the meeting never took place. Syed does admit that the bomb
was created solely by Second Wave.
Tony meets with techs about the recording. The techs
confirm it is Ali’s voice on the recording. Tony thinks it could have been
doctored but the tech says it is highly unlikely. Michelle updates them
about Ali’s story. Tony thinks that Ali is trying to save his family and
will say anything. Carrie pipes in that Michelle isn’t very good at
interrogating. Michelle takes offense. Carrie storms out.
Mike tells David that no casualties are expected due to
the detonation. David wants to speak to Kim about Jack but Mike discloses
that Bauer is alive. Lynne says that the recording is real. David asks for
a meeting with his staff. David wants to make a statement about the bomb.
David asks for a meeting with Congress and is contemplating a declaration of
Michelle is giving Tony the cold shoulder. Tony says
that Michelle has no experience with interrogating.
General Bowden talks about a war strategy. David will
be addressing the nation in six hours. Lynne says that the Prime Minister
is waiting to speak to him. The Deputy PM speaks in his place. David says
that they have evidence against Ali. The Deputy PM maintains that his
country is against Second Wave. He insists that David shouldn’t try to
Syed Ali is being escorted out when Jack walks by. Ali
starts to curse in Arabic. Tony is relieved to see Jack. Tony says that he
called Kim’s aunt and she will contact them when Kim arrives. Jack makes a
call to the Sheriff’s Department. Jack inquires about Kim. Michelle is
worried about the recording. Michelle tells Jack about her doubts but he
doesn’t want to get involved. Michelle insists and promises to call the
Sergeant if Jack will help her.
Jack follows Ali out to the transport van. Jack admits
to Syed that his son is alive. Ali says that the tape is a fake. From
afar, someone shoots Ali.
Tony wants to know who knew Ali was being moved. Jack
thinks that Ali wasn’t lying. Tony doesn’t agree. Jack wants to make sure
that the recording is real before the President declares war. Tony is
stubborn and won’t back down. Jack walks away.
Kim walks up to a liquor store but it’s closed. A man
approaches Kim. It is Frank Davies the store owner. Kim asks to use the
restroom. Frank locks the door behind them.
Bowden talks about casualty numbers if David decides to
go to war. Jack calls and says Ali was killed by a sniper. Jack thinks
that the recording was fabricated but David isn’t sure. David needs proof.
Jack only has one hour to prove the tape is a fake. Jack calls Michelle and
insists that they need evidence. Michelle says that Auda is at CTU and
found the tape in Ali’s apartment. Kate sees Jack. Kate is shocked to see
him. Agent Baker says that Kate needs to be debriefed.
David is hesitant to make an announcement. Mike asks
what is wrong. David doesn’t want to rush to a decision. David respects
Jack’s concern. Mike tells David that they can’t back down.
Jack confronts Auda in the restroom. Jack asks about
the recording. Jack says he can’t tell Auda about the situation. Auda
leaves the restroom. Someone calls Jack and admits that the recording isn’t
real. The man asks for Jack to bring Kate to him. Jack is curious but the
man doesn’t say much. The man wants to meet in thirty minutes. The man has
a Coral Snake tattoo.
Kim hears arguing in the store. Frank tells a man
named Garcia to leave immediately. Garcia keeps knocking on the front
door. Frank calls 911. Garcia throws a chair through the door. Kim points
the gun at Garcia. Kim tells Garcia to leave but he grabs the gun and
steals some supplies.
Jack calls Michelle. Jack needs Michelle’s help.
Garcia says that he’ll pay for the supplies. Frank
puts on the TV. The cops show up at the liquor store. Frank tries to grab
the gun but is shot instead. Garcia grabs Kim.
Kate is being debriefed by Agent Baker when Michelle
interrupts. Agent Baker leaves. Jack walks in and instructs Kate to come
with him. Carrie is watching and alerts Tony.
Kim tries to stop the bleeding from Frank’s gunshot
Kate and Jack are stopped by Tony who pulls out a gun.
Jack can’t say why they need to leave CTU. Jack manages to get the gun away
from Tony. Tony falls to the ground. Kate and Jack run out of the
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