It is sunrise. Jonathon, an assassin who has had plastic surgery to look
like Martin Belkin, stares in the mirror. Jonathon puts on contact lenses.
Gaines tells Jonathon that he will be meeting with Senator Palmer in one
Jack is being followed by one of Gaines’ men. Ira warns Jack to stay on
course. Gaines tells Jack to take the key card out from under the car’s
At CTU, Milo tells Nina that he has found something on the key card. Nina
wants a name.
David instructs his driver to pull over. David walks up to Keith, who is
jogging. David tells Keith that he needs to come forward with the truth.
David promises that he’ll support Keith. Keith doesn’t believe him.
At Gaines’ desert compound, Kim tells Rick that they need to escape. Rick
says he will be free once he buries Dan. Kim knows that Gaines won’t let
Rick go.
Jack arrives at CTU. Gaines wants Jack to switch the key cards. Nina
confronts Jack. Jack lies and says that Kim is okay. Nina tells Jack that
the dead man’s name is Alan York. Once alone, Jack speaks to Gaines about
the man posing as Janet’s father. Jack is worried that Teri is in trouble.
Gaines says that Jack needs to follow directions or else.
Gaines calls Kevin (the man posing as Alan York) and leaves a message on his
Teri tells Kevin to pull over. Teri says that she is feeling sick. Teri
walks up a hill and disappears. Kevin checks his messages. Kevin hears Ira’s
message and steps out of the car. Kevin calls out to Teri, but she doesn’t
answer. Teri hits Kevin on the head using a rock. Teri ties Kevin to a tree.
Teri runs to the car, but her cell can’t find a signal.
Dan’s body is buried. Rick wants to leave the compound. Gaines explains to
Rick that he isn’t finished with him.
Jack tells Gaines that he can’t switch the cards. Ira maintains that Jack
doesn’t have a choice. Ira lets Jack know that he is watching him using the
CTU cameras. Nina updates Jack about the key card. Jack replies that he will
check out the key card in a few minutes.
David visits with Nicole. Nicole wants to know if Keith will be arrested.
Nicole says that she’ll be at her father’s breakfast banquet. Nicole
discloses that she wants to get past the rape. David says that she doesn’t
have to make comments to the media.
Jack talks to Milo. Jack causes a distraction so he can switch the key cards
while Milo isn’t looking. Milo can’t believe the files aren’t coming up on
the computer. Jamey comes over to assist him.
Teri tries to flag down a car, but Kevin says that she needs to trust him.
Jack calls Frank Miller to get security clearance. Ira tells Jack that he is
going to attend the Senator’s breakfast banquet.
Rick tells Kim that he can’t leave. Rick says that people are watching them
from all sides of the compound. Rick tells Kim to meet him outside.
Milo is having problems with the key card. Milo is adamant that he is not
working with the same card. Nina doesn’t think it could have been switched.
Milo realizes it was Jack. Nina confronts Jack. Jack plays stupid. Jack
finally admits that he changed it. Gaines reminds Jack to take care of the
situation. Jack takes Nina by surprise when he holds a gun to her head. Jack
says that he and Nina are going to leave CTU. Tony walks up to them. Jack
lies and says they are headed to a meeting with Division. Once in the car,
Jack instructs Nina to drive.
Teri calls Jack. A hospital employee picks up Jack’s cell phone. The man
speaks to Teri. Teri calls CTU. Jamey answers. Teri is concerned about Jack.
Teri admits that Kim was kidnapped. Jamey informs Teri that an agent will
come and pick her up.
David gets dressed for the breakfast banquet. Sherry brings up that they
could blackmail Maureen. David says that it isn’t a good idea.
Rick and Eli, one of Gaines’ men, talk about Ira. Rick asks Eli if he will
get paid. Eli comments that Kim is pretty. Rick and Eli walk away from the
shed. Rick has left the shed door open so Kim can escape. Rick tells Eli
that he left his keys in the shed. Rick meets up with Kim.
Two men show up at Teri’s location. The men let Kevin go. Teri realizes the
men are not from CTU.
Tony asks Jamey about Nina. Tony thinks that something is wrong.
Nina and Jack are in the car. Nina brings up the key card. Jack tells Nina
to keep her eyes on the road. They pull up to an abandoned area. Ira
instructs Jack to shoot Nina. Jack grabs Nina and pulls her out of the
vehicle. Jack shoots Nina. Nina falls to the ground. Ira tells Jack to get
back in the car. Jack leaves the scene.
Rick and Kim dig under the property fence. Kim notices that men have arrived
with her mother. Kim tells Rick that she is staying at the compound. Rick
insists that Kim escape with him.
Tony watches video from the CTU cameras. Tony notices that Jack grabbed Nina
and handed her a bulletproof vest.
Nina stands and looks at her vest, which is marked with bullets. Nina walks
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