The chopper heads for CTU. Jack smiles knowing that
his family is safe. Nina and Alberta wait for the chopper to land. Jack,
Teri, and Kim get out of the chopper. Teri tells Jack about her stomach
problems. Alberta tells Jack that he will be debriefed and handed over to
the FBI. Teri and Kim head to Medical. Jack asks Nina to keep an eye on
his wife and daughter. Jack enters the Holding room.
Nina asks Alberta for a one-hour break, but Alberta
flatly refuses. Nina confides that Jack asked her to look after Teri and
Kim. Alberta finally okays it as long as Tony has all the needed files.
At Campaign Headquarters, David makes telephone calls
about the Primary predictions. David talks to Sherry in private. Sherry is
resolute that David can’t talk about the cover-up any longer. David decides
that he is going to step back from the story. David admits to Sherry that
he’s being blackmailed. Sherry can’t believe that the higher-ups want to
pin Dr. Ferragamo’s death on Keith.
At CTU’s Medical, Dr. Kent speaks to Teri about her
stomach pains. Kim is led to another room to be checked out. Teri admits
to the doctor that she was raped. Dr. Kent advises that Teri get a blood
test and see the CTU psychiatrist. Teri adamantly refuses to speak to the
shrink. Teri tells Dr. Kent that she doesn’t want Jack to know anything
about this.
Mike and David talk politics at the suite. Mike senses
that the Ferragamo situation won’t die. Keith overhears them speaking and
asks about the therapist. David sadly informs his son that Dr. Ferragamo
died in a fire. Keith is suspicious. Keith doesn’t want to let it go.
Keith wants David to go to the police. David is mad that Keith won’t listen
to him. David says that they can’t go to the authorities without credible
proof of a murder. Keith maintains that he wants the killer to be brought
to justice. David swears that he’ll find out what really happened to Dr.
Ferragamo. David admits that they can’t come forward with unfounded
suspicions. David hugs Keith.
Regional Director Ryan Chappelle arrives at CTU to
question Jack. Alberta brings Ryan to Holding. Jack shakes Ryan’s hand.
Ryan puts on a tape recorder. Jack explains the day’s timeline.
Nina goes to find Teri, but an agent is waiting in the
room instead. The agent is evasive and doesn’t say much. Nina leaves the
room to find Teri. Nina finds Teri and Kim in adjoining rooms. Teri is
having an ultrasound on her stomach. Teri asks about Jack. Nina insists
that they still need to debrief Teri and Kim. Teri thanks Nina for all her
Nina returns to Teri’s original room in Medical, but
the agent is gone. Nina looks around for the mysterious agent. Nina talks
to a female agent, but the woman insists that she and her partner are the
only ones there to interrogate Teri and Kim. Nina begins to worry.
Jack continues to tell his story to Ryan. Ryan brings
up that Jack didn’t follow protocol. Jack is mad that Ryan isn’t
understanding of the situation. Jack says that he can still help protect
Senator Palmer.
Nina calls Jack. Ryan leaves the room. Jack explains
what happened during the interrogation. Jack thanks Nina for her help.
Nina is quiet. Jack thinks that something is wrong. Jack brings up that
someone must have recruited Jamey. Nina is worried about Teri and Kim’s
safety. Nina reassures Jack that she’ll watch over them.
Tony tells Alberta that the Intel is showing the
possible arrival of assassins in the Los Angeles area.
There is a meeting in the desert. Kevin has taken over
as leader of Gaines’ men. Alexis, an assassin, is watching them from afar.
Kevin calls Drazen. Kevin is confident that they can still get to Palmer.
Drazen isn’t interested and hangs up on Kevin. Kevin notices Alexis in the
distance. Suddenly, the building close to Kevin blows up. Kevin is
injured. Alexis kicks Kevin’s gun away. Alexis shoots Kevin and walks
Tony advises that Palmer needs to get out of California
pronto. Alberta asks Tony if he wants a higher position at CTU. Tony is
surprised. Alberta says that Ryan will be speaking to him regarding the
matter. Alberta stresses that Tony tell Ryan the truth.
Jack is eating in Holding when Alberta shows up to
debrief him. Jack says that he went over everything with Chappelle. Jack
wants to call Teri and Kim, but Alberta says no. Jack thinks that Alberta
needs to check out the Balkan terrorist database.
Nina calls Tony. Nina tells him about the supposed
agent she met. Tony says that he’ll look into it.
Patty asks for Sherry’s advice on something. Keith is
obviously upset. Sherry questions him and Keith admits that he knows about
Dr. Ferragamo’s death. Sherry tries to console Keith, but he wants to go to
the police. Sherry says that they can’t do that. Sherry tells her son that
he needs to respect David’s decision. David announces to Sherry that they
need to leave California due to an imminent threat. Sherry is confused
since Bauer is in custody. Palmer emphasizes that more assassins are
looking for him.
Jack continues to tell Alberta about the day’s events.
Tony meets with Chappelle in private. Ryan wants to
know Tony’s opinion regarding Jack. Tony surprises Ryan by defending Jack’s
The car ride is quiet. Mike whispers to David that
Jack Bauer was in Special Forces in Kosovo two years prior. David realizes
that is why he recognized Jack’s name. David thinks that Bauer blames him
for the undercover mission that killed Jack’s men overseas.
Elizabeth Nash, one of Palmer’s aides, tells Patty that
she needs to leave the suite for a while. Elizabeth gets on the elevator
and goes to room 1243. Alexis, the assassin, answers the door. Elizabeth
and Alexis begin to kiss.
Nina has a technician check for fingerprints in the
Medical room. The tech can’t find any prints. Fearing the worst, Nina
wants Teri and Kim to be brought to the safe house immediately.
Dr. Kent informs Teri that her stomach pains were
caused by a cyst that burst. Dr. Kent stresses that Teri needs to do a
pregnancy test just in case. Nina walks in and insists that Teri and Kim be
moved to the safe house right away. Teri and Kim follow Nina out of
Medical. Dr. Kent hands Teri a paper bag which contains a pregnancy test.
The ‘agent’ is watching as the Bauer women are led outside. The man makes a
call to say that the Bauers are on the move.
David goes to CTU. David speaks to Tony. David wants
to see Jack to the surprise of everyone.
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