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What Boo Watches 9/27/08 During the day, I usually watch Good Morning America, Regis & Kelly, The View, The Young & the Restless, The Bold & The Beautiful, As The World Turns, Guiding Light, All My Children, One Life to Live, and General Hospital. *Denotes the shows we tape while watching other shows. **Are shows that I haven't seen yet, but plan on trying them out at least. Monday: Terminator, Chuck*, Dancing With The Stars*, Heroes, Boston Legal Tuesday: House, Opportunity Knocks*, The Mentalist, Fringe*, Dancing With The Stars*, Dexter, Without A Trace* Wednesday: Bones, Pushing Daisies*, Knight Rider*, Criminal Minds, Dirty Sexy Money, Thursday: Survivor, CSI, Eleventh Hour** Friday: Ghost Whisperer, America's Toughest Jobs*, Weeds, Californication, The Ex List**, Numbers Saturday: Cops, John Edward: Cross Country, and usually catch up with shows we have taped during the week Sunday: AFV, Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, Amazing Race*, Desperate Housewives, Cold Case*, Brothers & Sisters, Army Wives* Also must see TV for me is
Lost and
24 when they come back.
Updated 9/27/08 |
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