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Welcome to The TV MegaSite's Heroes Site!

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This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to the show or network.


"Heroes" is a great show about various people around the world who all have discovered that they have mysterious powers. They come to realize that they are related in some way and that they are headed toward a dangerous event.  Meanwhile, there is an evil man, also with powers, who is hunting them, and others involved in finding them and using them.  They have to deal with this, along with their own personal and family problems.  Heroes includes a Japanese Star Trek fan who can travel through time; a teenaged cheerleader who can't be killed; a man who can fly; his brother, who can absorb others' powers; an invisible man; and more! Everyone watches this show!!


  • Read our Heroes News Page for info about the upcoming series! Check back often!
  • Watch clips on YouTube!
  • Watch episodes and clips at Hulu!
  • Great exclusive Photos from 2015 San Diego Comic-Con of David Anders for his new show "iZombie" on the CW! Also, photos from the 2014 SDCC of Zachary Quinto!
  • Please email us if you are interested in helping out with this page; we can use volunteers to gather news and spoilers, write an episode guide, top ten lists, trivia quizzes, polls, character descriptions, puzzles, etc.

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This Section needs a new manager!  If you're interested, please contact us!


Heroes aired Monday nights at 9pm eastern / 8 central. 

NBC cancelled Heroes

A new 13-episode miniseries, "Heroes Reborn" premiered Thursday, Sept. 24 8-10 on NBC.

10/8 "The Needs of Many"
10/15 "The Lion's Den"
10/22 "Game Over"
10/29 "The Day"

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Updated 10/2/15


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