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Heroes Videos

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We have a two minute replay and a highlight from tonight's finale episode! Sent by NBC 2/8/10

Brave New World

Samuel's murderous plot is put into action, but not before the heroes converge en masse to halt it.

Dawn of a New Day

Claire changes everything for everyone in one fell swoop.

Next On: Season Finale Preview

Samuel's evil plot sets the stage for an epic battle.

Reaching Out, Part 1

Tracy's the only hope for thwarting Samuel.

LINK: http://www.nbc.com/heroes/novels/episodes/#vid=1198327 

Sent 2/2/10 by NBC

The Wall

A captive H.R.G. reveals his past to Claire; Sylar and Peter fight to
escape their shared nightmare.


Fly On the Wall

Shot on set, a bug's eye view of how directors work with actors (in this case James Kyson Lee) in getting a shot just right.

Link: http://www.nbc.com/heroes/video/clips/fly-on-the-wall/1196740/ 

Masi Caught in the Act

Masi takes a moment on the Tokyo set to talk up episode 1.

Link: http://www.nbc.com/heroes/video/clips/masi-caught-in-the-act/1196739/ 

Heroic Memory On set, Greg Grunberg invokes his memories of episode one--and his inability to be free of Sylar.

Link: http://www.nbc.com/heroes/video/clips/heroic-memory/1196741/ 

Sent 1/25/10 by NBC

 Heroes: Big Curling Fan

David Lawrence XVII, aka puppetmaster Eric Doyle, can't wait for Olympic Curling.

Last night's highlight clip has Noah going after Samuel at the carnival. You can see how the whole plan plays out in the Two-Minute Replay (below) and the full episode: http://www.nbc.com/heroes/video/episodes/?vid=1196498 . And, get a look at next week's episode where Peter lends a hand to Sylar with the preview clip. You can learn more about your favorite characters in the online Novel. This time around, Suresh tries to start a new life - look below for that interesting extra bit.

Raid on the Carnival

H.R.G. can't wait any longer. Samuel needs to be stopped -- now!

Sent 1/19/10 by NBC

  *Heroes: Recap Slyar's plan from last night in the two-minute replay, highlight clip and the full episode: http://www.nbc.com/heroes/video/episodes/?vid=1194203 . Look ahead to next Monday's episode as Noah tries to take down the Sullivan Brothers Carnival.

Two Minute Replay: Pass/Fail (01/18/2010) [3:27]

Hiro is put on trial for his life; Sylar seeks Claire's help; Samuel's dream of love takes a terrifying turn.

How Do I Hate Thee? [2:35]

Sylar has a hyper-erotic plan to get his mojo back, and it's got Claire seeing red.

Next On: The Art of Deception Preview [0:30]

H.R.G. enacts his plan to take down the carnival; looking to understand his desire to make a human connection, Sylar visits Matt.

Sent 1/11/10 by NBC!

 On tonight's episode, Peter bands together with Noah, Matt and Hiro to stop Samuel's plan. Watch the preview below and tune in for new episodes of both shows starting at 8/7c!

Next On: Save Yourself [0:30]

Peter starts to see a deadly pattern put in place. Heroes, new next Monday 9/8c after an all-new Chuck.

This was sent today 1/5/10 by NBC.

We have a ton of clips from the two hours of Heroes you saw last night. Look below for highlight clips and Two Minute Replays from both 'Let It Bleed' and 'Upon This Rock'! Or, to make sure you're fully caught up, you can watch both episodes online on the official site: http://www.nbc.com/heroes/video/categories/season-4/1159313/ . And, finally, get a preview at what looks like another exciting episode to come next week.

Just Some Kid From NYC [1:46]

Ready to burst with grief, Peter aligns himself with a killer.

Two Minute Replay: Let It Bleed (01/04/2010) [3:22]

Sylar's lost a step, Peter's ready to be a hero, Senator Petrelli is put to rest.

Hiro to the Rescue [1:40]

He many be addled, but he still knows a damsel in distress when he sees one!

Two Minute Replay: Upon This Rock (01/04/2010) [3:12]

Hiro emerges with a new quest, Claire sees Samuel's vision for the Carnival.

Next On: Save Yourself [0:30]

Peter starts to see a deadly pattern put in place. Heroes, new next Monday 9/8c after an all-new Chuck.

Pieces of the Puzzle [0:31] January 4, 2010

Sylar's got it figured out.

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Updated 2/9/10 


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