A young girl sneaks a bite of wedding cake and then runs off. Gail,
Johnston, Eric, and April are having their picture taken as part of the
wedding party.
6 years ago
Gail, Johnston, Eric, and April are having their wedding photographs taken.
Gail reminds the photographer that she is pulling her shoes off in ten
minutes. April tells them that they can’t really do this without Jake anyway
and Gail wonders where Jake is. Gail goes in search of Jake. She says, “Hi”
and pats one of the women guests on the shoulder as she heads out the door.
As she heads out the door, she is no longer in the day of Eric and April’s
wedding, but she is in today. Standing outside, she looks around at all of
the devastation that the bombs had caused. She recognizes one of the fellow
Jericho men and they walk off together. Jake rides into town on a horse. He
hurriedly gets off as he is met by Eric. They both head for the mayor’s
office where they are met by Johnston, the Mayor, Robert, and others.
Johnston immediately questions Jake as to how many men there are. They begin
to make their plans to defend their farm and if they do this then they will
be overwhelmed by the enemy’s forces. They decide to make their stand at the
Stanley farm.
Constantino and his entourage head out for their attack on Jericho.
60 miles away
State Route 37
A car is found overturned. Two bodies are found on the ground, dead. The one
soldier goes around to the other side of the car and finds another woman’s
body. When they check for a pulse, they find that the woman is alive.
6 years ago
Everyone is at the wedding of Eric and April. Drinks are served all around.
One of the men tells the waiter to keep the drinks coming. Jake, his date,
and Stanley are having a good time, talking and laughing. The one man begins
to tell a story about World War 11 and the Nazi army. Gail approaches the
table and asks the man if it was his plan to get her son drunk tonight. Gail
tells Jake to come with her so they can take some pictures.
Robert comes into the office of the Mayor and he meets up with Johnston.
Robert tells Johnston that he has access to a satellite that he can use as a
tracking device. Johnston is confused by Robert’s suggestion, but Jake nods
his head to let Robert do as he suggests. Robert tells Johnston his plan.
Johnston goes along with it and tells him that it sounds good. Johnston
begins to argue with Jake and Robert and then walks out on them. Robert and
Jake just exchange looks.
Stanley, Mimi, and Bonnie visit the graves of his Mom and Dad. Stanley tells
them that they just wanted to pay their respects. Stanley introduces Mimi to
his Mom and Dad. Mimi begins to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley. Mimi
misunderstands something that is said concerning the subject of marriage and
Stanley laughs. Mimi becomes disturbed by his laughter and asks him if
everything is a joke to him. Stanley explains his reasoning behind the laugh
and Mimi understands and they all hug.
The men of Jericho ready themselves for a battle with the men of New Bern.
Johnston, Jake, and Eric arrive on horseback. Johnston confronts one of the
men and asks if more men are coming. Johnston gives Jake and Eric their
instructions on where to go. Jake and Eric leave on horseback. Gray starts
to go with them, but Johnston stops him. Gray wonders why. Johnston informs
him that the people of Jericho have named him their leader and he is to stay
there and arm their tank.
Robert is on the computer and he is typing in the coordinates that are
needed. His wife is annoyed that he is once again getting involved in this.
Mrs. Hawkins is worried about the safety of their daughter, Allison. Robert
assures Darcy that Allison is at City Hall and the fighting will be miles
away from there. Robert manages to get a picture on the screen of where
Constantino’s men are.
Jake and his men are busy getting their road blocked off to stop
Constantino’s men. Robert calls him and tells him that he is about to have
company. Jake is surprised that he will be having company this fast. Robert
tells Jake that he thinks that they will need the mortar round in the tank.
Robert begins to see different numbers coming up on the screen. Darcy asks
him what is wrong. Robert tells him that someone is trying to track him.
Darcy looks at the picture on the wall of the Head of Homeland Security.
Robert concludes that they will have to disconnect before the trace can be
Heather sits up on some sort of sterilized table .She slowly gets up and
begins to walk around the room. She opens up curtains and walks through.
When she walks through the last curtain, she finds herself on the outside.
She sees that she is in some sort of Army refugee camp for she sees army
trucks and army men going to and fro. Unbeknownst to her, she is in Camp
Liberty which is located in Southwest Nebraska. She looks around as she sees
helicopters coming in for a landing.
Jake looks through a pair of binoculars at the road ahead of him to see if
any of New Bern’s men are approaching. As Jake continues to look through the
binoculars, Eric has his gun aimed, as does Emily and a fellow Jerichoan.
They see two men with guns walking up the road. In a few seconds, they see a
convoy of trucks also approaching. One of the trucks is covered with a
canopy. As the truck approaches its destination, the men throw the canvas
off and hit the ground with their guns aimed. All the Jerichoans plus the
convoy from New Bern have their guns aimed at each other. The man, who has
the machine gun, begins firing. Jake and Eric hurry to hide behind the car.
6 years earlier (Eric and April’s wedding reception)
Eric walks up and asks Jake if he is having a good time. Jake nods his head
that he is. Eric hands him a piece of paper with a speech written on it so
he will be ready when the time comes for the speech. Eric makes a comment
that Jake’s life is a joke. This remark hits Jake the wrong way and he wants
to know why he thinks that Jake’s life is a joke. Eric enumerates to Jake
the things that he had done in his life. Jake wonders if his life was such a
joke, then why he wanted him as his best man. Eric owns up that he didn’t
really want Jake as his best man. Eric walks off and leaves Jake standing
Jake, Eric, and Emily rise up and begin firing at the men from New Bern. The
gunfire continues. Jake starts to leave the safety of the cars. Eric wants
to know where he is going. Eric tells Jake that he has his back as Jake
begins to run away from the car and toward the trees.
Robert watches the action on his computer. Darcy goes through some papers on
a nearby desk. Darcy concludes that whoever is tracking Robert wants to keep
Robert from using the bomb or they want the bomb for themselves.
The gunfire continues as Jake continues to hide behind a tree. He only steps
out long enough to fire. Jake continues to run and hide until he comes to a
pile of rocks. He hides down behind the rocks and lays his gun on top of the
Robert laughs as he watches the action from his computer. Robert explains to
Darcy about the bomb. Darcy realizes that this bomb could expose the main
man, who was responsible for the attacks.
Jake continues to hide behind the rocks and he is able to shoot one of the
main men from New Bern. The gunfire continues. Jake continues to hide as the
gunfire is all around him. In the distance, he sees the tank coming (the
same tank that Johnston had taken from the so-called Marines). As the tank
continues to find its way down the hill, the men from New Bern retreat, but
not before firing upon the tank. The tank fires and blows up one of New
Bern’s main trucks. The men from New Bern retreat on foot and any way that
they can to get away from the firing of the tank. The men of Jericho rejoice
that they have won the first round against New Bern. Stanley and a fellow
Jerichoan can’t believe what they have just done. Jake assures them that
they will be back and there will be more of them. Eric notices that Johnston
had been shot as he and Jake rush to his side.
Jake and Eric carry Johnston into a house and lay him on a table. They yell
for the woman to get towels, etc. for them. Jake grabs a towel and hurriedly
begins to apply pressure to the wound. He orders Eric to apply pressure to
the wound. Jake gets on the walkie-talkie. Jake calls Robert. Robert gives
him the up-to-date details. Jake informs Robert that Johnston had been shot.
Robert continues to watch the numbers on his computer. Robert questions Jake
if he knows what to do. Robert lets Jake know that the people of Jericho
will be looking to him now. Robert tells Jake to keep the radio close and he
will keep him abreast of what is going on. Jake turns back to his father,
who is still bleeding profusely.
Heather walks toward one of the Army men, and she tells him that she needs
to talk to the man in charge. Heather walks over to another man, who sits on
the back of one of the Army trucks. She begins to explain to him about New
Bern having a munitions factory and they are aiming revenge on a town named
Jericho. The man refuses to help Jericho. Heather urges him to help, but
once again, he refuses to help.
Johnston, still bleeding, tells Jake to order the people out that are
onlookers. Jake goes back to his father’s side. Johnston begins to talk to
Eric and tells him that he loves him. Johnston tries to make a joke about
his getting shot. Jake lets Johnston know that Gail is on her way. Johnston
holds tightly to Jake’s hand as he tells him that he is proud of him.
Johnston dies. Eric bursts into tears as he bends over Johnston. Eric and
Jake hug.
Jake and Eric walk slowly out of the house and into the yard. In the yard of
the house are other Jerichoans, who are eagerly awaiting word on Johnston’s
condition. Jake slowly looks around the crowd.
Six years earlier
Everyone enjoys Eric and April’s wedding. Jake proposes a toast to Eric.
Eric and April exchange looks with each other. Jake exchanges looks with
first his Mother then with his father.
The present
Jake continues to look around the crowd.
Six years earlier
Jake proceeds with the toast to Eric as to how proud he is of him and how
lucky he is.
The present
Jake tells the people that his father is dead, but he assures them that they
will get through. Everyone goes into the house. Jake tells the men to get
Gray back to town. Gray tries to persist, but Jake lets them know that Gray
is too important to them and they need a leader. Jake tells the men to get
into position. Emily and Gail arrive at the house. The men leave Gail alone
with Johnston.
Jake sits alone out on the porch. Emily joins him and they begin to hug as
he softly cries. Jake dries his eyes and answers his walkie-talkie. Robert
asks him about a set of train tracks. Darcy cuts Robert off and will not
allow him to finish warning Jake. Jake kisses Emily before he leaves.
Robert tells Darcy that he has to go. Robert lets Darcy know that he had to
stop a train.
The head of the Army unit gives instructions and updates to the Head of
Homeland Security. The head of the Army also tells him about a skirmish
between the two towns and their locations. The Head of Homeland Security
tells the Army head that they tracked a terrorist close to there. The Head
of Homeland Security tells him to go to Jericho and quash the skirmish, and
then they will move in and hunt for the terrorist.
Robert, hurriedly, rides on horseback to his destination.
Stanley points out all of Mimi’s faults but says that he still loves her.
Stanley tells Jake that he doesn’t want to die today. They hug. Robert rides
up on horseback. Robert tells Stanley that he needs to borrow his tank.
Robert approaches the tank and climbs up on it. Robert wishes Jake good
Jake loads his rifle. Emily comes up and says, “Any minute now.”
Six years earlier
Jake comes outside to join Johnston. Johnston comments on the speech that
Jake made for Eric. Jake assures Johnston that he is fine.
Constantino calls Jake. Constantino offers his condolences on the death of
his father and urges him to throw his guns down and return to town. Jake
tells him about his father and that he is coming after him in his father’s
Heather thanks the Army head for helping Jericho. They show an American flag
turned up sideways as it blows in the wind.
Jake tells the other men that they are going to do what his father wanted
them to do, defend their homes. Jake and his men aim their rifles and get
ready for a clean shot. Jake yells,”Now.”
This is the season finale of Jericho!!!!! See you again in the fall.
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