The camera scans the area around the salt mine. A chain link fence has
been put up and a group of men are guarding the gate as are Dale and Skylar.
A motorcade of vehicles drives up to the gate. Gray and his men approach the
gate and the men on the other side. Gray informs the men that this is
private property.
A house is shown in the woods. A man is shown with a gun in his hand,
walking up to the house. Robert slowly walks up the steps of the house with
his gun raised. He slowly knocks on the door. The man inside the house who
opens the door and steps out onto the porch is the man that Jake and Robert
met in New Bern. Robert comes out with his gun aimed at the man. Robert goes
into the house and the man follows.
Constantino orders Jake to tell him where his partner is. Jake refuses to
divulge any information. Jake refuses to help Constantino. Constantino asks
him again where his friend is. Jake asks Constantino where Heather is.
Constantino orders his guards to take Jake back to his cell.
Jake is put back into the cell with Eric. Jake tells him that they have to
get out of there. Eric mumbles something to him which is barely
understandable. Jake begins to remember a meteor shower that he had wakened
Eric to watch. Jake sits down in the floor of the cell when the guards bring
three men down the hall.
Gray threatens to arrest the men at the gate. Dale and Skylar try to tell
Gray that this is their fault. Russell encourages Dale and Skylar to leave,
but Skylar refuses to leave without their salt. Gunfire lights up the night
A man is brought into the clinic. Gray is right beside him. Gail examines
his leg and assures the man that they will get him cleaned up. They rush him
into an exam room.
One of the men who is shot argues with Gray, but Gray doesn’t pay him any
mind. Gail looks at one of the men on a table and sees that he is bleeding
profusely. Dale and Skylar are also at the hospital and they, too, have been
wounded. Dale leaves Skylar sitting in a chair.
Skylar sees a man on a gurney, and she hobbles over to where the man is. The
woman blames Skylar for this happening. Skylar tries to apologize that she
hadn’t meant for this to happen. The woman blames Dale, as well as, Skylar.
Gail pulls Skylar aside and has Caroline look at Skylar’s ankle. Gail is
busy giving the nurses their orders when Emily and Mary come in, and begin
to ask questions about Eric and if Gail heard anything from him.
Gray argues with Ross in his office about what was Ross thinking would
happen at the salt mine. Johnston comes into his office. Ross encourages
Grqy to let him go back to New Bern and tell the people that he was in favor
of this salt mine. Ross tells Gray that they need to work together in this
while they still can. Ross also tells Gray that they have men there that
they need to bring home. Johnston tells Gray that Eric is still in New Bern.
Ross shows concern for Johnston and his son being in New Bern. Johnston
finds out that Jake is also in New Bern. Johnston tells them if they leave
now, then they can be in New Bern by dawn. Gray tries to raise opposition to
Johnston’s idea. Johnston orders Gray and Ross to come on that the people in
New Bern were not going to use Jake and Eric as “human shields”. Ross goes
with Johnston, but Gray stands in his office not knowing what to do.
Jake sits in the jail cell in New Bern. Eric is asleep on one of the cots in
the cell. The guards bring two women down the hall and place them in the
cell with Jake and Eric. Jake recognizes one of the men as Maggie. Maggie
explains that the Marines had pretty much split up since Jericho and she had
gone to New Bern. Maggie tells him that they have to get out of here. Jake
has doubts as to how to go about getting out of jail. Maggie tells him that
if he supplies them with information, then they will never get out. Maggie
begs him to give her some information to supply to Constantino. This way she
can get herself released and she can go for help to get Jake as well as
Eric. One of the guards comes in and drags Eric out of his cell and out the
door. Jake tries to tell the guards that Eric already told them all he
knows, but the guards will not listen.
Johnston visits Gail at the clinic. Johnston wants to know how everything is
going. Gail informs him that Harry will be fine, but she is worried about
the staff. Johnston tells Gail that he is fine, but he had better hit the
road. Gail begs him to be careful. Johnston and Gail hug and he kisses her
on the forehead. He promises her that he will bring them home.
Jake looks out of his jail cell waiting for Eric to return. He yells,
“Eric.” Jake demands to know from the guard what they are doing to Eric.
Maggie begs Jake to give her a chance so that they can end this. Jake agrees
to let her help. A big bright light shines through the glass in the door.
Maggie is seated at a table in the interrogation room. She tells Constantino
that the man’s name is Robert Hawkins. Maggie reminds the men of the deal
that she made with Constantino. The guard refuses to abide by the terms.
Johnston and Russell arrive at the barricade. A man approaches them. Russell
introduces Johnston and tells him that he needs to talk to the Sheriff. The
man agrees to let them through.
Robert and his partner, from their hiding place, look through binoculars at
a neighboring building. Robert asks the man how is he with a rifle. The man
replies that he has never shot at a man before if that was what he was
asking. Robert and the man decide to go back to the factory for more ammo
but the man has his doubts. Robert once again looks through the binoculars
as a police car drives up to the bridge. Johnston and Russell get out and
meet up with Constantino. Johnston and Constantino shake hands and Johnston
tells him that he wishes that this could be under better circumstances.
Johnston lets him know that he just found out that Eric had been missing for
a few days. Constantino just shakes his head. Constantino suggests that they
take a walk.
A police car pulls up and the police officer opens the door and Maggie gets
out of the back. The officer whispers to Maggie that she had better hope
that he is home.
While they are walking, Constantino points out that this is a minefield.
Johnston and Constantino argue over the fact that Jericho couldn’t help New
Bern because they had to defend themselves against the mercenaries.
Constantino explains that Jake was apprehended yesterday trying to sabotage
his factory. Johnston threatens that if anything happens to either one of
his boys then things aren’t going to end well.
The officer takes Maggie by the arm and heads toward the house where Robert
and his friend were. The officer wonders what is taking so long. The officer
handcuffs Maggie to the car door and starts walking slowly to the house with
his gun raised. Maggie looks around the car for a means of escape. Robert
comes out of the woods, running with his gun raised, yelling at the top of
his voice, “Who are you? Who are you?” Maggie quickly hides behind the car
door. Maggie begins to explain that Jake sent her to help him. Robert then
asks how Jake is. Robert throws her some handcuff keys to unlock the
handcuffs when Robert’s friend approaches the car. Robert informs Maggie
that he is with him. The man hands Robert a duffel bag. Robert begins to
search through it. Robert tells Maggie that there was going to be an
explosion in town so they could divert attention and get Jake and Eric out
of jail.
Eric is hurt and bleeding as the guards push him down the hall and back into
the cell with Jake. Jake helps Eric onto a cot and asks him what happened.
Eric tells Jake that Constantino wants to know about Jericho and their
defenses. Jake insists that they have to get back to Jericho and warn them.
Eric states matter-of-factly that they are not going to die in here. Jake
gets up, walks over to the bars, and looks down the hall.
Gail changes the sheets on one of the clinic beds when Emily comes in and
offers to relieve her. Emily helps her make the bed. She tells Gail to get
some rest. Gail apologizes for her abrupt behavior from before. Emily lets
Gail know that Mary is really trying so, maybe, she can give her a chance.
Gail owns up that it is just being here and April being gone and that she
misses her so much. Emily tells Gail that she and Mary have a lot in common.
Gail wants to know what.
Skylar is, busily, stocking the shelves when Dale comes in. He wants to know
how everything is back here. Skylar can’t understand why everyone has turned
against her Dad. Dale points out to Skylar that everyone was nice to her
father because he had a lot of power.
Robert, his friend, and Maggie sneak through the streets of New Bern. In the
distance, they see three men guarding the building. They quickly hide behind
the car. Robert loads a gun. He tells Maggie and the man to stand guard here
until he comes back. Robert asks the man and Maggie if they are as they move
out toward the building.
Russell assures Johnston that they can fix this. Johnston tells him that he
has a feeling that it is just getting started. Johnston approaches
Constantino. Constantino tells Johnston that this isn’t a good day and they
will have to do it another day. Johnston doesn’t quite believe him.
Constantino tells Johnston that if he brings back all his men that were shot
in Jericho last night, then he will give him fifteen minutes with his sons.
The Sheriff and another officer walk up and tell Johnston that they are
there to escort him back to the barricade.
The men are working diligently in the warehouse, unaware that Robert has
approached the warehouse and he has his gun loaded and aimed at the first
person to come through the door. Robert sneaks into one of the trucks and
drives it out of the warehouse.
Inside the jail, a guard once again pulls Eric out of his bunk and out of
the cell. Jake watches in horror and tries to figure out what will happen
Robert opens the doors on the back of the trunk and finds that it is full of
mortar rounds. He climbs into the truck and inspects the rounds. He takes
one of the mortar rounds and gets out of the truck.
A woman runs up to the gate with her hands raised. She yells at the men not
to shoot.
Robert hides the mortar round in the motor area of his truck.
The guards drag Maggie and put her back into a cell. Constantino asks her if
she thinks that he should believe what she tries to tell him. Maggie begs
him to let her out. Constantino doesn’t believe her and walks off.
Jake is brought to the room where Eric is. Jake tries to tell them that he
told them everything that he knew.
The police car lets Johnston out at the barricade. The trucks begin to move
to let him through.
Robert arrives at the loading dock where he sees some workers pushing a
large crate out onto the dock. Robert gets out of the truck and ties a piece
of line from the brakes through the steering wheel.
One of the guards has a knife at Jake’s throat while another guard roughs up
Eric. They demand to know why Eric and Jake were sent here, but Jake and
Eric will not tell them anything.
Robert is still outside at his truck. He releases the brake and lets the
truck go into the warehouse. Inside, Constantino wonders what is going on
outside. In the distance, Johnston can see the flames from the explosion.
Men at the barricade hear the explosion, and run to see what is going on.
Johnston sees this as a chance to steal one of New Bern’s trucks.
Constantino and the other police officers go to see what the explosion is
all about. Jake and Eric remain seated at the table.
One of the gunmen aims his high-powered rifle at a guard that is up on top
of one of the buildings. Robert comes up and reminds the man that he was
told to wait here until he got back. The man runs off as Robert looks toward
the top of the building at the guard.
One of the guards brings Eric and Jake out of the building. Robert begins
shooting and runs to meet the men who have Jake and Eric. Jake breaks loose
from one of the guards, but Eric remains held by the guard. Rapid gunfire
begins and Robert scrambles to find cover. The man on the building is shot,
as well as the man that was holding Eric. Rapid gunfire continues between
the New Bern men and Jake, Eric, and Robert. Maggie runs out of the building
and is shot by the gunfire. Johnston drives up, gets out, and yells
something at Jake and Eric. The men begin to shoot at Johnston. Robert
shoots the man on top of the building. Robert covers them as Jake, and Eric
scramble to get to Maggie and get into the back of Johnston’s truck. All the
men and Maggie manage to get into the truck as Johnston drives off amidst
the rapid succession of gunfire from the New Bern guards.
New supplies begin to arrive at Dale and Skylar’s trading store and Skylar
shows the men and women where the supplies go. Mrs. Carmichael comes into
Dale’s trading post and wants more than her allotted amount of protein. Dale
wants to refuse her the extra amount, but after looking at Skylar, he tells
her that it is up to her. Skylar agrees to let Mrs. Carmichael have more
than is normal.
Mary is at the bar, washing some glasses in the sink, when she hears someone
come in. Mary yells at them that she is closed. Gail walks up to the bar.
Mary gives her another jar of alcohol. Mary offers to let her stay there
with her but Gail refuses. They promise each other to let the other know if
they hear something.
Robert, Jake, Eric, Johnston, and Maggie have stopped in the woods for the
night. Robert doesn’t think that Maggie will make it. Johnston picks up
Maggie across his shoulders and they start on their journey back to Jericho.
They all share a bottle as they walk. The camera scans up to the night sky
where you can see stars twinkling.
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