No, they-the cocktail napkins were delivered here for some insane reason, ok? So
be outside in 20 minutes. I'm gonna do a drive-by, all right?
[Sigh] Please let me have my keys!
Billie: They're on the counter. Um, sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Piper: That's ok. I'm just a little frazzled. I've gotta check on
Chris, and then I gotta get to the store,
and then I gotta go and pick up Wyatt early and make cookies for his
Valentine's Day party, and then I gotta take these to p-3. [Sighs] All of which pales in comparison to what you're going
Billie: No, you know, life goes on. I'm just happy to have Christy back, I
Piper: But...?
Billie: But she hasn't even said anything. I mean, I-I told her I
wanted to call
and Dad, and closed up even more.
Piper: Well, you know, it's only been a
couple days.
Billie: I know, but what if I never get through to her?
Piper: You will. I
mean, you just have to be patient. She's been through something none of us
can even imagine, so, I mean, the only thing you can really do is just be
there for her. And if you need anything we are just a call or an orb away,
Billie: Knock knock. Hey, I brought you some breakfast. Christy? Christy. Christy?
Christy, it's ok. You're safe now. You're gonna be ok.
Christy: [Sniffling] They're coming.
Paige: Well, I guess we figured, you know, they'd try to
get Christy back sooner or later.
Phoebe: Yeah, I just wish it was later rather than
sooner. Give the girl time to heal.
Paige: I just wish we knew who they were, and
why they're coming.
Phoebe: And why they want her back.
Billie: Well, it doesn't matter
they won't be getting her back.
Phoebe: That's why we're here, sweetie. How is
Billie: Very scared.
Paige: Well, has she said anything? You know, who these demons
might be, when they're coming?
Billie: No, nothing.
Paige: Ok, well, we need to try to come
up with some sort of game plan, don't you think?
Billie: Yeah, but we don't know
anything. I mean, we don't know where they've been keeping her this whole

Phoebe: Which is why we have to find out what she knows, get her to open up.
Billie: I just think it's too
much for her right now.
Phoebe: Look, if they held her captive for 15 years, she
must know something, at least be able to I.D. them.
Billie: I just don't want to
pressure her right now.
Paige: Well, sweetheart, she's already under pressure
because she knows that they're coming.
Phoebe: Do you think they're contacting her?

Paige: Well,
maybe. Then again, maybe she's got some sort of telepathic thing going on.
It would actually kind of figure that she'd have powers, right?
I mean, maybe that
could be why they wanted her in the first place.
Phoebe: And why they want her back. You have to talk to her.
Billie: I just don't think she's ready for that.
Phoebe: Look, if
it's coming from you, she'll be ok.
your sister. There's no stronger bond than that. Trust us.
Billie: Uhh, all right.
I'll try.
Phoebe: Ok, I'm gonna whip up a quick potion, and you go to the book and
make a list of all the telepathic demons, ok?
Paige: Oh, you're in a hurry.
Phoebe: Yeah, well, I got a
new condo to enjoy.
Paige: Lamp!
Simon: [English accent] Excuse me, but I don't think you recognize my entrance. Fear
not, ladies. I'm one of the good guys. The best, actually, so... oh, yes,
the legendary manor where generations of Halliwells have blossomed into
Paige: Who are you, and what do you want?
Simon: Of course. Ladies, I am Simon Theotus Reginald Marx, and I'm here to take
Paige Matthews as my wife.
Scather guard: Aah! [Groans]
Dreylock: We've been at this for 2 days. If you want your suffering to
end, you will tell me who took the witch.
Scather guard: I don't know. I swear!
Dreylock: Come on.
You were in on it. Why else would you leave your post?
Scather guard: I told you. I was
called away. Please, you've gotta believe me!
Dreylock: Do you think they'll believe you? they, who could decimate our entire clan on a
whim? They chose us to watch over her, to break her down, and in return,
we'd share in the ultimate power for which she is the key. If we don't get
her back, we're all dead.
Scather demon: I've questioned all of the scathers. No one called
him away.
Dreylock: Last chance. Who are you
Scather demon: He may not even know. He may have been tricked perhaps, telepathically. The witch has answered to unseen voices before.
We've seen it.
Dreylock: If so, he's a liability. He's been breached.
Scather guard: Aah!
Dreylock: Gather the
witch's things. We'll find her another way.

Scather demon: We cannot use dark magic.
They may sense it. They'll know something has gone wrong. We cannot risk it.
Dreylock: We
have to risk it! We must find out who took the witch if we are to survive.
Simon: I know all about The Charmed Ones. I, uh...I grew up on the stories
of the Warren line of witches. Grams and her many, many lovers, and, or
course, Patricia's trysts with her whitelighter. Goodness,
a randy bunch.
Paige: Is there some sort of magical Enquirer I've not heard of?
Phoebe: Wow! Our families worked together during the Salem witch trials? That is so cool. Well, you know, I'm just sayin', he checks out.
Simon: Well, you know, I am a
descendant of the mighty Marx, which is a very powerful, very noble line of
witches. To be honest with you, I'm a little surprised you don't know
I am, but, oh, my goodness, you're fetching.
Phoebe: Oh, that's so sweet. [Laughing]
Simon: But you're not half whitelighter, which is a requisite for my
future mate, so sorry to disappoint you. But you, on the other hand--
Paige: Uh,
did you just say "future mate"?
Simon: No, no, that was-- that was-- it came out
wrong. Apologies.
Paige: Ok, here's the deal. We're actually super, super busy
be fabulous if you could just orb yourself off now.
Simon: Well, I'll ignore that. But, Paige, I'm not leaving without you. After all, we are destined to be wed.
Phoebe: Ok, who says?
Simon: Well, only 40 of the most powerful oracles and soothsayers
from around the globe, plus a wizard or two, so...
Phoebe: Oh.
Simon: When you think about
it, Paige, it makes all the sense in the world, bringing our 2 magical
together. We would be the ultimate power couple.
Paige: Ok, uh, we're not gonna be
bringing our lines or bringing anything together for that matter, ok?
Simon: Why
Paige: Because I don't want to! And because I have a boyfriend.
Simon: A boyfriend?
Hmm, I see. And who is he? A witch? A whitelighter?
Paige: His name is Henry, and
he is a parole officer
trade and he is a mortal.
Simon: Ooh! An immortal no less. Very
Paige: No! Not immortal. A mortal, as in non-magical?
Simon: Oh. Well, what would you expect? That makes absolutely
no sense to me at all. Having a...having a mortal around whilst you're
fighting evil is, well, let's face it, irresponsible.
Paige: Ok, uh, you need to go
now. Unless you want to stay and help us vanquish
Simon: Of course, ma'am. Having a powerful witch around like myself can
only be an asset. Tell me, how does Harry fare in a magical battle?
Paige: Hen-ry! And he fares just fine in whatever he wants to fare in.
Simon: I'll be
honest with you. I'm a little surprised you're not taking to this. You know,
me? I mean, imagine, if you will, the evil we could vanquish as a couple.
Paige: We are not
now, nor will we ever be, a couple!
Simon: Well,
that did not go too well. Piper!
Simon: May I be of some assistance? Bags.
Piper: Are you crazy? What if somebody saw that?
Simon: Well, what if somebody were to see
you shopping, a witch of your standing? No, no. After all, there are people
for things like that.
Piper: Heh. Who are you?
Simon: I am Simon Theotus Reginald Marx. Of
the Marx line of witches? It's a very noble, very...never mind. Moving on.
of all,
I'm here to state my case.
Piper: Great. Well, I don't have time for that 'cause I have
to go pick up my son, so... again with the magic.
Simon: Piper, I'm here to appeal
to you, you being the practical Charmed One. Now listen to me. It is my
destiny to marry your sister Paige.
Piper: Oh, for god's sake.
Simon: 40 of the most
powerful oracles and soothsayers from around the globe have predicted it,
plus a wizard or two.
Piper: Good
luck with that.
Simon: According to your sister, a demon could be attacking at this
very moment. And I want you to know that I am fantastic at vanquishing
Piper: Well, that's great, but we can handle our own demons, ok?
Simon: You'll
see. It is my fate to be with Paige.
Piper: [Gasp] Oh, god. Oh, god. Oh, god! Oh, I'm so sorry. I
wasn't even looking...
Greg: It's ok, don't
worry about it.
Piper: Greg.
Greg: Piper.
Piper: Hi. Oh, my god.

Billie: Look, Christy, you're safe now.
I promise I am going to keep you safe, but I need your help to do that. Do
you know who they are? Who's coming? Do
you hear them like voices? Yeah? That's good. That's really good. What'd they say? What did they want? You know, it's ok. You know, we can talk about it
later. Don't worry. It's ok.
Paige: I mean, who's this guy think he is? He just
shows up and announces that we're destined to be together?
Phoebe: Well, according
to 40 oracles and a soothsayer, your future husband.
Paige: That is
not funny.
Phoebe: I'm sorry. How's the list coming?
Paige: Well, I have a dozen that have
telepathic powers.
Phoebe: Well, hopefully, Billie can convince Christy to narrow it
down for us a little bit.
[Doorbell rings]
Phoebe: Who's here?
Paige: Rats, I forgot. Henry and I have a lunch
Phoebe: Oh, you might want to reschedule in case a demon attacks.
Paige: Why, look at
you. You sound like
Full of Himself.
Phoebe: [Laughs] Well, he might not be your Mr. Right, but he does
have a point.
Henry: Paige, I don't want to run away from a fight, ok? Come
on, I deal with violent, dangerous criminals every day.
Paige: But those violent, dangerous criminals do not throw
fireballs at you.
Henry: W-Well, what about Piper's kids? I mean, they-they're
here all the time.
Paige: They have powers to defend themselves.
They do?
Mm-hmm. So, please, just
go. I will call you in a little bit.
Henry: Hold it, hold it, hold it. If I run
away every time a demon attacks, I'm gonna be running away all the time,
Piper: Ok, come on, baby. Oh, hi. Sorry. Oh, thanks. Go on. Wyatt's
really gotta go.
Piper: Uh, you could just put those on the dining room table.
That's be great.

Henry: Sure.
Thanks. Sweetie, don't forget to wash your hands! I hear we have,
uh, demons
Paige: How did you hear that?
Piper: You know, your friend
Simon? British, very
Henry: Who's Simon?
Paige: Nobody!
Ok, I have 2 seconds for you to catch me up. Go.
Ok. Uh, Christy finally spoke. Unfortunately, she said something weird.
Uh..."They're coming"?
Who's coming?
It's ok. Phoebe and I have got this under control. We didn't want to tell
you because we know you've got a crazy day.
Crazier than you think. Guess
who I just ran into, literally?
Fireman Greg.
Ohh! He
was the hot Greg.
You gonna go out with him?
Oh, god,
be ridiculous.
Christy: Aah!
Billie: Christy, what is it? What's wrong? Christy, please, I want to help you.
Christy: I'm afraid.
Billie: I know you're afraid. Look, nothing's
gonna happen to you. You're in a very, very safe place.
Christy: You can't stop them.
Billie: Stop who? Christy, please.
Christy: You can't stop them from coming.

Billie: When? When are
they coming?
Christy: Now.
Henry: So,
how long does it usually take for demons to attack?
Piper: Well, it could be
anytime really. You know, it depends.
Henry: On?
Piper: On timing, you know, usually the worse
it is for us, the better it is for them, you know? That kind of thing. Mustard?
Henry: Uh, no, thanks.
Paige: You can still opt out if you want.
Henry: Not a chance.
Billie: Incoming!
Paige: What? What is it?
Christy: They're here.
Billie: Get down!

Christy: Unh!
Demons: Uhh! Uhh!
Piper: Sweetie, why don't you orb up to your room?
Paige: Fireball!
Henry: Aah! Ahh!
Christy: No!
Henry: It's ok. I'm all right. I'm ok.
Christy: Oh.
Billie: Are you ok?
Phoebe: What's going on? What
Piper: Ask the fire starter.
Henry: Paige...
Paige: Shh! You know you could have been killed?
Henry: Paige, I'm ok.
Paige: No, you're not ok. You were hit by a fireball, which was
actually my fault.
Henry: No, it was not your fault. I'm a grown man. I chose to be
Paige: Henry, I really think you should leave. We don't know
they're coming back.
Henry: Paige, I'm not leaving.
Paige: I'm not having this on my head, ok? So
please, please...
Henry: All right.
Phoebe: I know that was probably hard for you.
Paige: Well, I
guess it would have been harder if I was planning his funeral.
Phoebe: Well, looks
like Christy has a few more powers than we realized, huh?
Paige: Yeah, maybe more
than even she knew about.
Phoebe: Maybe that's why those demons were holding her
hostage for all those years.
they were trying to co-opt her powers for themselves.
Phoebe: But I don't think she's that
powerful. I mean, unless they know something that we don't.
Paige: Well, all the
more reason for her to open up, so we can find out.
Phoebe: I just think she's too
freaked out.
Paige: Well, she needs to get unfreaked out, and fast.
Piper: Ok, I'm gonna
go drop off Wyatt with Dad and Chris and get one of the other moms to take
over cookie duties.

Phoebe: Wait. Why?
Piper: What do you mean, why? Why do you think?
Paige: We can handle this, Piper.
Piper: Yeah,
Phoebe: No buts. Listen, you bake and spend time with Wyatt, and, hopefully,
we can figure out who we're up against before they come back.
Paige: Or before Christy burns down the house.
[Christy crying]
Christy: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that.
Billie: No, it's ok. You didn't do anything wrong. Did
you know you could do--
Christy: No. But they did.
Billie: They? You mean the demons? Were those the same ones?
Who are they?
Christy: I don't know. I never knew.
Billie: Hey, it's ok. I told you we'd protect you, and we did. Look, I
am not gonna let them hurt you anymore, I promise.
Scather demon: It's over. Don't
you see that? The Charmed Ones are protecting her now.
Dreylock: We still have time.
They haven't sensed anything yet.
Scather demon: How do you know? How do you know they are
not deciding our punishment as we speak?

Dreylock: Because
they would have acted by now if they had. They're not known for their patience. We
have to get the witch back somehow.
Scather demon: Impossible. We do not have the power to
go up against The Charmed Ones and survive.
Dreylock: Still, it would be better to be
vanquished by the witches than by The Triad. That would be a fate worse than
Scather demon: Then, perhaps we should escape, hide from them.
Dreylock: They're the most
evil ever known. They'd find us. [Drops skull] Prepare the ritual.
Scather demon: The ritual? For The Triad? We cannot
tell them we've lost her. That is suicide.
Dreylock: We have no choice. They're the
only ones who can get the girl back now. We'll just have to hope they show
us mercy.
Piper: Hi.
Greg: Hey.
Piper: What are you doing here?
Greg: Hey, I'm sorry just to show up
this, Piper. But I've got-- you've got a little somethin' there on your cheek.
Piper: Oh...
Greg: Frosting?
Piper: No. I was just baking cookies for
my son's party. Um...anyway...
Greg: Anyway, there's a guy in my station, he used
to work at a body shop, and he says he can fix our cars for next to nothing.
Piper: Oh, that's great.
Greg: But there's a catch. You see, he's leaving this afternoon,
his next shift isn't for like four days, but if you get your car down there right now, he
can take care of everything.
Piper: Well, I-I can't go. I mean, I've gotta bake a
zillion cookies and drop 'em off at Wyatt's school.
Greg: I smell smoke.
Piper: Well, you
know, I burned a few cookies.
Greg: Looks like you burned more than a few cookies.
Piper: Well, you know, kids. Those are the cookies.
Greg: You go, I'll watch him. Hey,
little man, what's up? Pretty cool truck.
Simon: Ah, Master Wyatt, it's an honor.
Harry? Now, you must understand that your kind and our kind simply can't
Greg: Where did you come from?
Simon: Ah. There is a reason why mortals should
stick to their own. Well, actually, there's a few reasons.
Greg: Mortals?
Paige: Simon?
Simon: Darling!
Paige: Ah...uh!
are you doing here?
Simon: I am just explaining things to Harry here.
Paige: If you mean Henry,
that is not him. Uh...in fact, I don't know who that is.
Simon: I'm Greg. We met
once before when I was dating Piper.
Paige: Oh, right. Greg. Ok, uh... excuse us.
You need to get out. Uh! Are you insane?
Simon: Are you? Those were Windsor roses,
my dear, from East Sussex. Very rare.

Paige: We
do not practice magic in front of mortals.
Simon: Must be very trying, but I can assure you, Paige, once we are wed--
Paige: Ah! We are not going to be wed. Not now, not ever.
Get out! Unh!
Greg: You take that one. I got that one. Let's crash 'em. Come on!
Piper: Hey, how's it goin'?
Paige: Uh, not so good. Simon just orbed in in front of your
friend. Luckily, he didn't see anything.

Piper: Oh, thank God. Did you find who that shoe belongs to?
Paige: No, we haven't yet, but, uh, we're
on top of it, and it's not your job, so don't worry about it.
Greg: Hey, Piper, if
you want my buddy to fix the car, we better get goin'.
Piper: Oh, gee, that's
really great, but--
Greg: Come on. We'll drop off the cookies on the way, and Wyatt can play on the fire truck. We can catch up.
Piper: Yeah, hold that thought.
don't think that's a good idea.
Paige: Actually, I think it's a great idea. What
with Simon orbing in and out of here willy-nilly, and demons are trying to
Piper: No, that's not what I mean. I mean spending the day with another
man while Leo's frozen and all.
Paige: Well, Piper, it's not a date. He's just a
friend of yours.
Piper: A friend that I used to sleep with.

Paige: Well, don't sleep
with him. Duh! Easy solution to that problem. Go have fun. Remember how to
do that?
Piper: Mm!
Simon: Ooh, my word. This man is a pig.
Ah! Ooh.
Henry: Who are you?
Simon: I, sir,
am your girlfriend's future husband.
[Sigh] Nothing. You got anything yet?
Phoebe: Yes. I see... my new condo with me
not in it. I should just move back here.
Paige: Here's what I'm not understanding.
If we've identified them and know who they are, why can't we find 'em?
Phoebe: And
the scather demons don't even have telepathic powers.
Paige: Maybe I was right.
Maybe Christy does have some power of telepathy and she contacted them.
know, maybe she's suffering from that Stockholm Syndrome thing.
Phoebe: Possibly,
but it doesn't explain why we can't find the demons.
Paige: Oh, god, maybe we
should have accepted Simon's help.
Phoebe: Oh, are you still thinking about the Brit?
Paige: Paige: No, I'm not thinking about him. He just may have had a point, that's
Phoebe: Ah, the age old question-- to date or not to date a mortal.
Paige: I just keep
that fireball had been 2 inches to the left there would be no Henry to save. Does that make
me selfish?
Phoebe: Only you can answer that, sweetie.
Paige: Right. Ok, well, back to the matter at hand.
Scather demon: You realize that once we summon them, there is no
turning back? They will come.
Dreylock: Proceed.
Asmodeus: Why have you summoned us?
Asmodeus: How could you let her escape?! Why did you not
summon us immediately?
Dreylock: My lord, we thought we could get her back.
Baliel: You failed
us, just as I predicted you would.
Scather demon: We didn't fail you! For 15 years, we held
her for you, and now...? Aahh!
Asmodeus: We mustn't let our anger get the best of us.
We can't lose
sight of the bigger picture.
Candor: There is no bigger picture without the
witch, Asmodeus. She is the key.
Baliel: And without her, we can't possibly hope to
get the power we need. We should decimate this miserable clan before
anything else goes wrong.
Dreylock: No, wait. You don't understand. The witch was
rescued by her sister.
Candor: So...
Dreylock: So they are both under the protection of The
Charmed Ones.
Charmed Ones?
Dreylock: That's why we summoned you. We don't have the power to go up
against them.
Candor: Neither do we.
Asmodeus: Not yet, we don't. Not unless we get the witch
back. And if we do, you'd better not lose her again.
Billie: Look, just because
demons use their powers to do bad things, doesn't mean all powers are bad.
You can use yours for good. Like, you are in the light now,
There's good magic all around you. You just have to believe it. You have to
trust it.
Christy: How?
Billie: [Sighs] Well...like this. See? It's easy. Just focus on what you want
and you can do it. All right, why don't you try now? Oh, come on. Don't
worry. You can do it. I'll be right here. Come on. Come on. Now, I want you
focus really hard on what you want, ok? See it in your mind's eye.
Christy: [Gasp] I did it!
Billie: I told you! Whoa. That's a lot. Maybe I should put that
Simon: You know, it's not easy having magical powers. But then again,
you will never understand that.
Henry: Uh, where'd you say you're from again?
Simon: Sussex, with homes in Devonshire,
London. And when... when Paige and I are wed--
Henry: Listen to me. I already told you that's not
gonna happen. You got that? Paige is my girl.
Simon: Is it really fair of you to be
keeping Paige away from the magical world she's destined to be in?
Henry: I'm not
keeping Paige away from anything.
Simon: But you are. You see, it is destiny to
combine the Marx and Matthews magical lines. Once we are a couple, we will
most powerful force of good the world has ever seen.
Henry: Well, I think Paige and her
sisters are doing fine without you.
Simon: But I think Paige deserves so much more,
and I can give it to her.
Henry: I'm getting pretty tired of you insinuating that I
am not good enough for Paige.
Simon: I'm not insinuating it.
I'm saying it.
Henry: All right, look, pal. I may be
new to this magical world, but I'm not afraid of demons, and I'm definitely
not afraid of you.
Simon: Ah! Not afraid?
Henry: No.
Simon: Not afraid?
Henry: No.
Simon: Well, I tell you
what. Let's wait until you've had a fireball thrown at your face, and then
we'll have a little discussion about how brave you think you are.

Henry: Already
happened this morning. I'm still here.
Simon: And how embarrassing that must have
been. Let me guess, Paige had to heal you. Correct?
Henry: Yeah. So?
Simon: So it is only
a matter of time before you are beyond healing, leaving poor Paige too
devastated to fight the great fight.
Henry: You know what? We're finished here.
Simon: Are
you blind, man? Can't you see
you're a liability in every sense of the word and the fear of you being blown up will
make it impossible for Paige to ever truly be honest with you.
Henry: Look, pal, I
don't know who you are, and I don't really care. You're not getting Paige.
You got that?
Simon: Really?
Henry: Yeah.
Simon: Well, if you won't listen to reason, then I
guess there's only one thing left for us to
Henry: I guess so.
Simon: I challenge you to a duel.
Piper: You sure you can't pay him
something more for this?
Greg: No, he's good. Don't worry about it.
Piper: Well, it
doesn't seem right, especially since it was my fault.
Greg: It's no big deal. He's
a fireman. He likes to help people.
Piper: Is that why you became a fireman?
Greg: Yeah,
I guess. I mean, it sure
the pay. You know, I wanted to call you, stay in touch, but I felt weird
after I heard you and Leo got back together.
Piper: Yeah. Of course.
Greg: Hey, I don't
mean to pry or anything, but I couldn't help notice that he didn't seem to
be around. Is everything ok?
Piper: Yeah. Sure. You know, it's great.
Greg: So is he
Piper: Uh, well,
been away.
Greg: Away.
Piper: Mm-hmm. Away.
[Cell phone rings]
Piper: Excuse me. Hello?
Phoebe: I think you need to come home.
Piper: What
do you mean? Why?
Phoebe: Well, we've I.D.'d the demons that took Christy, but we
can't find them anywhere.
Piper: Well, they're low level. They shouldn't be that
hard to find.
Phoebe: Yeah, that's why we think
else is on, like maybe they're being protected by other demons, more
powerful demons.
Piper: Like who?
[Billie screams]
Piper: What was that?
Phoebe: Hurry!
Piper: Phoebe! Phoebe!
Greg: Is something
Piper: Um, actually, I need my car now.
Greg: But it's not finished.
Piper: Oh, well,
that's ok. Uh...huh. Do you think you could watch Wyatt for me for a little

Greg: Yeah,
Piper: Ok, thanks. Bye. I owe you.
Billie: Uh! Uh! Help! Ah! Jacket! Aah!
Phoebe: Oh,
my god! Billie, what happened?
Billie: I cannot believe this. I cannot believe what
just happened.
Phoebe: What?
Billie: Christy just attacked me.
Paige: What? Where is she? Where'd
she go?
Billie: She just left with one of the demons.
Billie: I don't understand, you guys. Everything
was going so well. I mean, she was laughing, we were having fun, and, oh, I
just don't know how this happened.
Piper: Hang on a second. Start from the
beginning. What were you guys doing right before?
Billie: Well, I was showing her
how to control her powers the same way you guys showed me, and she was
getting it.
was really excited.
Piper: And then?
Billie: And then she started hearing some voices, voices
she started talking to.
Paige: What was she saying?
Billie: At first, she wanted them to go
away, and then it was something about being the key or that she didn't want
to be the key or--
Piper: Wait a minute. What key?
Billie: To the ultimate power?
Phoebe: Whoa. Excuse me?
Piper: Oh, no, not another one.
Billie: Yeah, I don't know.
Phoebe: Well, that explains
they took her now.
Billie: And then, the weirdest
thing happened. She just changed. Her expression got very dark. Then that
demon from before showed up, and before I knew it, I was on fire.
Billie: What?
Phoebe: Well, it's just, if that's true, the demon that took her didn't have
telepathic powers, which means she had to contact them.
Billie: [Scoffs] That's ridiculous.
Why would she do that?

Paige: Beause they're all she knows.
Billie: No. No, that's not what happened, ok? You guys weren't there. Christy and I
connected as sisters. So if those demons didn't contact her, then some other
demons did. Ok?
Paige: That's a possibility.

Billie: So what are we waiting for? How do we
find her?
Phoebe: Well, I guess we could start by trying to figure out who this
ultimate power is, and maybe they tie
into how we're supposed to get Leo back.
[Cell phone rings]
Paige: Henry?
Henry: Paige, what do you know about duels?
Paige: Duels? Why?
Simon: En garde, sir!
Henry: Wha-Wait! What are you doin'?
Paige: I have to
[Henry gasping and straining]
Paige: What the hell--?
Simon: Ah,
Paige, yes, great. Best for
you to see this yourself firsthand. Now, I know this might look a little
extreme, but I am determined to make my point.
Paige: Simon, knock it off!
Simon: But you
see, my dear, I can't. For your sake, as well as his, it's far better you
face the truth now than later. Look, for you to be
Paige: Henry!
Simon: Whatever. For you to be with him instead
of me... [Gasp] Would be a terrible mistake.
Henry: Huh! Unh! I got him right where--
right where I want him. All right, you pompous son of a bitch, you think
you're the perfect man for Paige just 'cause you know a little magic?
Simon: Well,
matter of fact I do.
Henry: You don't know anything about her.
Simon: On the contrary, sir. I
know everything there is to know about Paige Matthews, thank you.
Henry: Where is
she ticklish?
Simon: Ticklish, well...
Henry: Third toe, left foot, right below the neck.
Did you know she only salts her popcorn on the right side, never on the
left? And every time she watches
Wizard of Oz, she cries. Every time. Did you know that?
No, why would you? Because you don't even care. You just want some
trophy witch so you can have a nice power couple. I care about Paige.
I love her.
Paige: And I love him.
Simon: Paige. Paige, you can't be serious--
Henry: Yeah, we're both serious. Beat it, pal.
What he said. Cross the pond.
I told you I never run from a fight.
Paige: Oh!
Henry: Ahh! Thank you.
Paige: Sorry,
Henry: That's ok. It's ok.
Piper: Nothing, except stuff about all the other
ultimate powers we've faced.
Phoebe: Billie, did Christy say anything else
that might be able to help us?
Shh! She's calling for me. I--I can hear her.
She wants us to reverse the "to call a lost witch spell" so we can come find

Piper: How does
she know about that spell?
Phoebe: Doesn't matter, we're not going.
She doesn't want you guys to go, just me.
Phoebe: Well, no. It
could be a trap.
It's not a trap. I trust her.
Piper: Even though, you know, she
did try to kill you?
I have to. I can't lose her again.
Phoebe: Ok, fine. But if
you're not out of there in 5 minutes, we're coming in to get you.
Are you there?
Dreylock: Your
sister can't be saved... and neither can you.
Christy, help me, please! Unh! Don't let them make
you do this!
have the power to stop them! Use it!
Christy, look, we're sisters, ok? They can't come
between us. Nobody can.
Dreylock: Hold your fire.
No! We don't want to hurt the key.
Billie: Look, we can combine our powers together and put an end to this once and for
all.We can do this together. Trust me.
Dreylock: Surround her.
demons: Aaah! Why?!
Phoebe: Well?
Billie: It's over.
Paige: So, um, why did you want to come here?
Henry: Oh, I don't know, it's just kind of, uh, it's-it's like our
place, now, right? I mean, ever since you were--
Paige: A witch. It's ok, it's not a bad word, you know.
Henry: Oh, no, no. Not at all.
Paige: Henry, are you ok?
Henry: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Great. Top of the
world. Literally, right?
Paige: Do you want me to heal that for you?
Henry: No. No, I like it.
It's like a battle scar, right? Says I fought for my girl, and I won.
you certainly did.
I mean, I-I faced demons and fireballs,
uh, magical suitors, orbing... I mean, I think I passed the test, right?
What test?
You love me,
don't you?
Yes, I love you.

Henry: 'Cause,
um... Paige, will
you marry me?
Paige: Yes.
[Paige laughs]
Piper: Hello!
Wyatt: Hi, Mommy.
Hi! Looks like somebody had fun. Can you
say thank you?
Thank you.
Greg: I gotta take that off. We gotta get it back here,
Piper: There you go.
Greg: You're welcome, buddy. Anytime.
Ok, why don't you go
play, and I'll be right there, ok?

a great kid.
Thank you, um, for everything.
Oh, it was my pleasure.
Piper: Um. Whoa.
I'm sorry.
No, no, it's ok. I mean, no, it's not ok. It's definitely not ok.
I just thought, you know, with
Leo gone...
Piper: No, I mean, he's not gone. I
didn't say he was gone. He's just, you know, he's...away.

Listen, Greg, you're a great guy. Really, and if, you know, the situation
was different... but...Leo is coming back.
I understand. Well, it was really
great to see you again, Piper.
You, too.
Christy: What am I wearing?
Billie: Oh, that's a
John Stamos t-shirt. You were totally obsessed.
Christy: I was not.
Billie: Yes, you wanted
to marry Mr. Full House.
[Laughs] Well, you wanted to marry Pee-Wee.
Billie: Ew! No, I

Christy: I'm
sorry about attacking you.
That wasn't me. I was being controlled. I would
never hurt you.
Billie: Oh, stop. I know. I know.
Is it really over? I mean, for
I'm not gonna let anyone take you away ever again. I promise.
Piper: Phoebe!
Phoebe: [Gasp] Oh, oh, you-you scared me.
Piper: What are you doing?
Phoebe: What does it look like I'm
doing? I'm eavesdropping. I don't get to do that anymore now that I moved
Piper: Well, stop it.
Phoebe: Spoil sport. What's wrong with you? Your fireman?
Piper: No.
Thank you. Christy.
Phoebe: Oh. Well, don't worry about her. She's doing fine.
Piper: That's not what I mean. She's the key, whatever
that means, it can't be good.
Phoebe: Well, maybe it is. I mean, maybe she's here to help us
fight whatever comes next, you know? Maybe they both are.
Piper: Well, I guess
we're just gonna have to wait and see.
Asmodeus: She's in position. We're almost
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