Premiered: October 23, 2005, Episode 8.5
Attic: Daytime.
Paige comes in
and puts a map of San Francisco on the table. She has placed three red
dots on it. The dots represents 3 dead
innocents near Memorial hospital that has occurred in three weeks.
Billie and Paige are looking at the map. Billie wants to attack the
demons who did this. Paige wants to watch the
area to see what is really going on there and wait on vanquishing. She
explains to Billie they need to first ID the demon. Billie feels that
they are being overprotective of her. Paige tells her that she is
wrong , she doesn’t want to fight any demons
anymore. In fact, she doesn’t want to teach Billie to fight them too.
Billie wants to be free to show what she can do on her own. Paige
explains to her she doesn’t to see her end up dead. Billie is moved by
that, and takes Paige’s car to see if she can find out the demon
who is killing the innocents. On her way out,
Paige stops her and tells her to empty out her pockets. Before Billie
is allowed to go Paige tells her to empty all her pockets. She had 2
vials and brass knuckles in them. She hands them over to Paige and goes.
Alley: Day
There is a
businessman, whose name is
Antosis, who suddenly leaves the alley
trying to get help. People in the streets ignore him. He tells them his
wife is trapped. A young guy finally asks him what is wrong,
Antosis explains he crashed his car and his
pregnant wife can’t get out. The young man asks him where and
Antosis shows him in the
allye. Antosis
now turns evil, he nods to a swarm of buzzing
creatures. The imps come out of the shadows and go into the alley.
Antosis suddenly shimmers out. The young
man who was running stops when he figures out he was
lied too. He looks for the guy who told him the story and sees
imps coming toward him. Billie pulls up in Paige’s VW just then. She
hears someone scream and sees the imps cutting the man’s arms, legs and
clothes. Billie telekinetically moves them away. She catches an imp and
a imp cuts her arm and she drops it. The rest
of the imps fly away too. Billie helps the guy on his feet and takes him
to the hospital. In his car, Agent Murphy has binoculars and is
watching her. In his car he has stacks of photos of the Charmed Ones
and pics of their fake selves.
He pics up a
pic of Billie.
Piper is in her
bedroom getting dressed to go to P3. Paige is walking back and forth
waiting for Piper. She tells Paige she only has to be there for a few
hours. Paige tells Piper tells Piper only desperate guys and not cute
guys go to speed dating. Piper would like to cancel but it was Victor’s
idea and it is way to late to cancel. Leo
comes in and tells her he needs baby aspirin and that his fever is
almost gone. Phoebe in the hallway asks to borrow Piper’s suitcase.
Paige asks her if she’s going to the speed dating at the club. Phoebe
says no she’s ovulating and needs to work toward fulfilling her
premonition with Dex. Paige says love
should come first. Phoebe says that can wait, destiny can’t. Piper
yells for Billie, Billie tries to hide her wound. Piper asks Billie if
she is single, but Paige cuts in and says she’s not old enough to drink.
Paige asks Billie if she found out who the demon is. Billie says not
yet. As she leaves the room, she checks her wound again and Phoebe sees
her. Later that night she answers the door for Agent Murphy. Billie
doesn’t know who he is and ask can she help him. He shows her his card
for Homeland security. He wants to talk.
Magic School:
imp master explains what went wrong in the alley. He tells
Antosis that a witch was there.
Antosis thought imps could handle anything.
That’s why he choose to use imps to attack
good Samaritans. The imp master says the witch won’t surprise him again
and he will be waiting for her next time.
Manor: Living
Room: Night
Billie says she
doesn’t know what he means. He explains he has been tailing her. He
wants to know what she knows about the Halliwell
sisters. Billie says nothing. Murphy then gives her his business card
and says call him soon.
Sitting Room
The girls ask
Billie who was at the door. She tells them it was a guy from Homeland
Security. Piper wants to know what the wants. Billie explains he has
been following her. Paige wants to know why and she says he thinks she
knows about the sisters. Paige asks wants
to know if he followerd her to the hospital
and if she used any of her powers. She says yes, the imps were going to
kill an innocent. Phoebe says well than they are Phoebe says that if he
saw her use magic, then they are screwed. Billie says the imps are
controlled by the Imp Master, to kill them get rid of the master. Piper
tells her they are only a screen and need to find the demon they work
for. Phoebe and Piper don’t want to do anything for risk of exposure. So
they should just forget about the problem and hope it goes away.
Attic: Night
Billie looks
through the BOS to find a spell to fix the problem. She comes across a
spell for making lover’s dreams come true and believe this spell would
help Phoebe.
Foyer: Night
Phoebe answers
the doorbell. Dex
comes in and ask what is the matter. Just
than up in the attic Billie says the spell. Phoebe says she
can’t go with now. She says this is not about him. As she steps outside
to be near Dex a glow goes over both of
them. They kiss each other. Dex takes her
hand and they run away.
P3: Day
Piper is getting
the club ready for the speed dating event. Piper tells Paige don’t chase
off anyone until the second round. The bouncer lets the daters come in.
Paige tells Piper she owes her big time.
Manor: Porch:
Phoebe enters
the manor wearing a wedding dress and Dex is
wearing a tux. He carries Phoebe over the threshold.
Manor: Foyer:
A golden glow
surrounds them, suddenly
Dex drops Phoebe on the floor. He sees what he did and asks what
happened? Phoebe says she doesn’t know how they got here. She looks at
her dress and tells Dex she needs to talk to
someone right now.
Manor: Attic:
Billie is
reading the BOS and making notes as she looks for demons. Phoebe comes
in furious at her. She wants to know what she did.
P3: Day
The bell rings
for another round for speed dating. Paige is talking to various
guy each time the bell rings. Suddenly a cute
guy sits down, his name is Whit. A guy comes up to Piper, who is at the
bar typing notes. She explains she is married. He shows her his card and
says he wants to write a piece on a failing club. But says he changed
his mind when he sees how well the speed dating here is working. He
wants to do an interview on how she turned the club around. Phoebe calls
to tell her what Billie did. Piper tells Paige they have a family
emergency and Paige begs off and do her a
favor and let her stay. Agent Murphy is posing as a male speed dater
watches Piper as she leaves.
Manor: Main
Hall: Day
hears Phoebe and Billie having an argument upstairs. Piper comes in and
says hi to Dex and tells him who she is. She
asks where Phoebe is. She goes upstairs, Leo
comes in with baby Chris. Leo asks who he is.
Manor: Attic:
Phoebe and
Billie are still arguing. She tells Phoebe she was trying to help her.
Phoebe says this was helping. Billie says she didn’t know they would get
married. Phoebe says they told her not to cast any spells. Billie says
she thought they meant no demon magic. Piper comes in and Phoebe shows
her her ring. Billie explains she was trying
to make up for the imps thing. Besides she says she thought they were to
get married and maybe it was suppose to happen in this way. Phoebe says
maybe that’s true. They say they’re not mad at her, she asks than if she
can find the imp master. They both say no. She warns them the imps could
continue to kill innocents. Phoebe says they can’t risk exposure. They
tell Billie this is one battle they need to choose not to do.
Street/Alley: Day
tells a nurse that his son is injured. She runs down an alley to find
the swarm of imps. They surround the nurse. The Imp Master calls the
imps, they go into his body. Antosis
appears and asks him where the witch is.
Stairwell: Day
Piper wants to
know what Phoebe is going to tell Dex. She
says she’s going to play it by ear and not mention anything about magic.
Phoebe thinks she can play it off as drinking too much. Piper wants to
know if she’s going to stay married, Phoebe says that’s what the fates
Conservatory: Day
and Leo are watching a football game on TV. Piper comes in the
room, Leo tells her Dex
was a football player in college. Piper says she has to go back to P3.
Phoebe comes downstairs in her normal clothes. She tells
Dex the dress was uncomfortable.
Dex asks if she figured out where she got
the dress at. Dex offers to go to city hall
and get the marriage annulled. She wants to know if that’s what he
really wants and he explains he’s not sure what he wants and this
situation is weird. Phoebe goes on and tells him things happen for a
reason, and since they cared for each other anyway, why not see how it
all plays out. And if they’re unhappy they can then get an annulment.
Dex says I agree, but he doesn’t know why he
should go along with it. He than kisses her.
P3: Office:
Paige and Whit
come into the office, she wants him to slow
down. Whit than calls Paige Jo and she stops kissing him and sees her Jo
identity in the mirror and tells him she cant
do this. She tells him it’s not him but her.
Upstairs Hall/Phoebe's Bedroom : Night
Billie knocks on
Phoebe’s door, she opens it, Billie says she found
out who the Imp Master is. Phoebe goes into the hallway and
tells Billie to keep it down. Billie says the demon is one by the name
of Antosis. The one problem is it’s a power
of 3 spell. Phoebe says no way. Billie says what about the greater good
and Phoebe explains that was the old them,not
them now. Phoebe goes back into the bedroom with
Manor: Living
Room - Night
Phoebe is
sitting at the fireplace and in walks Paige and she updates
her what happened while she was gone and
shows her her ring. Paige tells her about
the guy she met and that she could see herself with him, but when she
looked in the mirror she saw the fake her, and she just doesn’t know how
she can be with anyone when she doesn’t know herself. Phoebe says she
agrees. She explains how Billie made her feel guilty for not fighting a
demon and Billie left. Paige believes Billie went after the demon
P3: Office:
Agent Murphy
shows Piper photos of the victims that were killed near the hospital.
Piper says she can’t help him. Agent Murphy is wondering how
can they live with themselves and not do
something to stop the killings in the alley. Piper’s cell phone rings
and there’s a text message to come home Billie is in trouble.
Alley/Street: Night
Billie puts another victim she found
into a cab. She looks for the demon but doesn’t see him. The demon and
the imp master follow Billie as she leaves the alley.
Manor: Attic:
The girls are
busy in the attic. Paige is at a map scrying.
Phoebe is at the BOS copying a vanquishing spell. Piper wants to know
where Billie is. Paige says she can’t find her by
scying. Phoebe says she somewhere in the area. Paige tells them
that the demon they have to vanquish is a power of three. Paige finds it
hard to believe they are fighting demons again. Piper tells them that
Agent Murphy says they should have never stopped killing demons. Phoebe
wants to know if their cover to blown, Piper says not
yet,but soon it
will be. They hear Billie coming in the house.
Manor: Foyer:
shimmers in and asks Billie if she was looking for him. The Imp Master
joins him. She asks them what they want. Antosis
says she is what they want and for her to be out of their way.
Antosis makes hand motions for the Imp
Master to call the imps. The creatures come in and swarm around him.
Piper, Phoebe, and Paige come downstairs and stay on the staircase
watching what is going on, the demons don’t see them. As Piper is
getting ready to blow up Antosis, Paige says
wait Billie has it covered. Just than Billie tosses a vial at the feet
of the Imp Master which vanquish him. Billie tells
Antosis unfortunately only the Charmed Ones can vanquish him.
Antosis brags to bad they are dead. Billie
ask him if he’s sure they are. She points to
the sisters on the staircase as they chant their power of three spell.
Antosis is vanquished. They tell Billie they
are impressed on how she solved the problem.
Manor: Night
to Day
All the girls
are in various stages of getting ready for bed, each in their own room,
each is troubled by their fake identities in the mirror.
Manor: Dining
Room: Day (Morning)
Paige and Phoebe
are downstairs eating breakfast, Piper and
Leo come in the room. Paige addresses the problem they have all been
thinking about. She believes their fake identities aren’t working
anymore. They all agree they want their real identities back. So Phoebe
chants the spell to unmask them. Piper has an idea how to explain to the
world why they came back to the world after being declared dead.
Security: Corridor: Day
The sisters walk
into Homeland Security office. They ask for Agent Murphy. They go into
his office and he is shocked. Piper wants to know if he still wants
their help. Paige explains they knew about his offer because of their
fake disguises. Piper tells him not to ask surprise because he knew they
were powerful persons. Phoebe corrects by saying powerful witches.
Paige tells him they got rid of the demon that was killing good
Samaritans. Piper tells him they will help him with a few of his cases
if he agrees to keep their secret. But first they need his help. Phoebe
warns him he wouldn’t want to know what would happen to him if he
refuses to help them. Agent Murphy calls a press conference and
explains what happened with the sisters. He tells them they were working
to solve a National Security threat and that his agency protected them.
Studio/Loft: Day
is shocked by what the TV bulletin says about the sisters. Phoebe comes
to his door, and is surprised to find Phoebe there. She tells him that
she was Julie and asks for his forgiveness for what is going to do. She
transforms herself into Julie, Dex faints.
P3: Corridor:
Piper tells
Paige she can’t wait till all this fuss is over with. They enter the bar
and are applauded by the crowd.