The episode opens with Crashdown holding a prayer for those
that have died on the mission before. Six informs Gaius that because they
died on Kobol nothing good awaits them. They conduct a mission and make
there way back to the raptor site, but the Cylons are in process of
dismantling it and making a nuclear warhead.
Cottle is finally aboard the Galactica and they discuss what the best course
of action is, and they start an operation. Billy tries to get some medicine
for Roslin but Tigh refuses to indulge him. Lee is let out of the brig to
plan a search and rescue mission for those on Kobol. Tigh is being beset
with demands, left and right, including the Chroum of twelve.
Billy tries to talk the guard watching over Roslin but he refuses to help.
On Kobol Baltar bemoans the pointlessness of the situation, but Number Six
tries to pin it entirely on the Humans. There’s an indication that Six and
Baltar’s child will offer Humans some kind of salvation. Baltar is reluctant
to accept any responsibility and Six is quite angry, telling him to act like
a man.
Tyrol spots a dradius dish and decides that the Cylons are building an anti
aircraft gun, destroying all hope of a search and rescue mission. Tigh is
forced to face up to the Chroum of twelve but as always Tom Zarek causes
trouble. Zarek tries to get the Roslin re-instated but Tigh walks out
without allowing it.
Ellen goes to visit Roslin in the brig, but the president is a complete
mess. Roslin asks to speak to a lawyer, but then she starts to gibber
incoherently. It’s only after Ellen goes that Roslin realises she’s made a
bad mistake.
On Kobol everyone is watching the Cylons, but mistakenly Baltar alerts them
to the Humans presence but doesn’t tell Crashdown. Crashdown has come up
with a ludicrous plan to take down the Cylons. Tyrol tries to advise him
that it perhaps isn’t for the best but Crashdown pulls rank and the plan
goes on.
Crashdown walks them through the plan but Baltar expresses doubts over
Crashdown’s sanity and the workability of the plan. Despite having similar
doubts Tyrol shuts him up.
Roslin has degenerated into a gibbering wreck quoting scripture –
specifically from Pythia. The guard is religious and agrees to get the drug
that Roslin needs.
Tigh is informed by Ellen that Roslin has gone mad, and that they should let
the Chroum and the press see Roslin.
Lee leads a Search and Rescue mission into the upper atmosphere of Kobol. On
the surface Number Six tells Baltar that during the mission one person will
turn against the rest of the group and everyone will die unless something is
done. Tigh drinks a bit too much and makes a complete fool of himself
The search and rescue mission have located the Colonials, but sadly
Crashdowns plan has a fault in it: there’s more cylons than they expected.
They realise the search and rescue mission are here and tension rises. Kally
freaks out but Crashdown looses his temper and turns a gun on her. Tyrol
tries to talk sense into Crashdown but it doesn’t do any good so Tyrol turns
a gun on him! Just as Crashdown is about to shoot Kally, Baltar of all
people shoots Crashdown!
The Cylons hear the gun-fire and start shooting so the group is forced to
flee. Tyrol runs ahead and tries to take out the Dradius dish but gets hurt.
So Tyrol and Baltar grab one of the missile launcher and use it to take out
the dish, saving the search and rescue mission. Because of the fighting a
viper manages to find them and everyone is relieved.
The press and the Chroum go to see Roslin and she’s perfectly sentient and
sane. She reveals about the roles of Pythia and that she’s dieing. Everyone
believes her and starts to see her as a sort of saviour. The Chroum are
escorted off the Battlestar by a very annoyed Tigh. Roslin thanks her guard
for getting her the medication she requires.
Lee asks how everyone died and Baltar makes up a grand story about Crashdown
dieing in the line of duty. No-one thinks it’s wise to contradict him.
Number Six tells Baltar that she’s very proud of him.
Everyone gets on the shuttle and they all flee Kobol.
Cottle tells Tigh that Adama will live but might be unconscious for some
time. Tigh apologises to Adama about the mess he’s made of the entire
Tigh makes a speech about Roslins removal from presidency, and as such the
Chroum has been dissolved and the fleet is being placed under martial law.
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