Alias Fanlistings From The TV MegaSite
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This is just an unofficial fan page, we have no connection to the show or network.

Alias Fanlistings

We need more primetime episode guide writers, daytime recap/update writers, article writers, MS Frontpage and Web Expression users, graphics designers, and more, so please email us if you can help out!  More volunteers always needed!  Thanks!

What Alias Characters are you fan of?

Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon 

 Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon

 Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Sydney and Irina icon Sydney and Irina icon 

Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Michael icon Irina icon  Sydney and Michael icon  Sydney and Michael icon 

Michael icon Michael icon Michael icon  Irina icon  Michael icon Jack Bristow / Victor Garber icon

 Ron Rifkin / Arvin Sloane icon Jack and Irina icon Jack Bristow / Victor Garber icon Jack Bristow / Victor Garber icon Jack Bristow / Victor Garber icon

  Merrin Dungey / Francie Calfo icon Merrin Dungey / Francie Calfo icon  Carl Lumbly / Marcus Dixon icon Carl Lumbly / Marcus Dixon icon

  Greg Grunberg / Eric Weiss icon Greg Grunberg / Eric Weiss icon David Anders / Julian Sark icon  David Anders / Julian Sark icon  David Anders / Julian Sark icon Kevin Weisman / Marshall Flinkman icon

Kevin Weisman / Marshall Flinkman icon Jennfer Garner/Sydney icon Music of Alias icon Jack and Irina icon    

Our other fanlistings: General Hospital, Passions, Port Charles, 24, Battlestar Galactica, Boston Legal, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Jericho, Law and Order, and The O.C..

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Updated 1/11/10  


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