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or network.
Mad About You Cast List
"Mad About You" Actors and Characters!
Paul Reiser .... Paul Buchman
Helen Hunt .... Jamie Stemple Buchman
Maui .... Murray
John Pankow .... Ira Buchman
Anne Ramsay .... Lisa Stemple
Leila Kenzle .... Fran Devanow
Richard Kind .... Mark
Cynthia Harris .... Sylvia Buchman
Judy Geeson .... Maggie Conway
Louis Zorich .... Burt Buchman
Lisa Kudrow .... Ursula Buffay
Robin Bartlett .... Debbie Buchman
Suzie Plakson .... Dr. Joan Golfinos
Hank Azaria .... Nat Ostertag
Mo Gaffney .... Dr. Sheila Kleinman
George Petrie .... Sid
Jeff Garlin .... Marvin
Jerry Adler .... Mr. Wicker
We don't read the guestbook very often, so please don't
post QUESTIONS, only COMMENTS, if you want an answer. Feel free to email us
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