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What Bettye Watches 9-30-08 I really don't watch a lot of Television because I am very hard to please. Some of the shows that I really cared about were canceled. We have ten televisions in our house, yet I don't watch any of them much. I spend quite a bit of time on my computer, which leaves my back turned on my old faithful, a small black-and-white television. I listen to all the CBS soaps while I do my writing. If it sounds like a good day for any of the soaps, I will then go to one of our big-screen televisions and watch. Otherwise, I listen only. These are some of the other shows I watch occasionally: Meet the Press, Cold Case, Without a Trace, Real Time With Bill Maher, The Rachel Maddow Show, and Anderson Cooper 360.
Updated 10/6/08 |
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