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Q&A Interview


Role: Veronica Koslowsky, SAVANNAH

Birthday: September 25

Lives With: Husband of 7 weeks, Jack Coleman (ex-Steven Carrington, DYNASTY; ex-Jake Kositchek, DAYS)

Home Is: Los Angeles, Martha's Vineyard, and Atlanta


``I'm a total Libra,'' sighs SAVANNAH scamp Beth Toussaint. ``I drive people crazy. I have such a hard time making decisions.'' But her real-life wedding went off without a hitch.

DIGEST ONLINE: How does it feel to be a newlywed?

Toussaint: ``It feels great. It's the best thing in the world. People always say, `Oh, it won't feel any different, but it feels totally different.''

DIGEST ONLINE: Right now, you and Jack have a rather unusual living arrangement, don't you?

Toussaint: ``We don't really live together [on a day-to-day basis] because I live in Atlanta [while SAVANNAH is filming] and he lives in Los Angeles and Martha's Vineyard. I commute back and forth to L.A. and the Vineyard, wherever Jack is, as much as possible.''

DIGEST ONLINE: How did you two meet?

Toussaint: ``We met on a Wes Craven TV series called NIGHTMARE CAFE. I came in on the last episode to play Jack's love interest. He's the first man that I ever met working with, so I decided to marry him [laughs].''

DIGEST ONLINE: Tell us about the wedding...

Toussaint: ``The wedding was June 21. It was the first day of summer, which is Jack's favorite day of the year, so he picked the date, and we got married on Cape Cod. The ceremony started at one o'clock in the afternoon, and the party ended at 4 a.m. At about midnight, we all took a break from dancing, hiked up our wedding dresses and tuxedos, and waded into the ocean.''

DIGEST ONLINE: Was it a big wedding?

Toussaint: ``We had about 120 guests. No castmates were there. We really wanted it to be an intimate wedding. It wasn't a religious ceremony. We said our own vows. It was really a ritual about our relationship, and what the commitment meant to us. We just wanted the people closest to us there, the people who've supported us in our lives, and in our love. You know, the relationship was rocky for a long time. For the first few years, we were just trying to get away from each other; then, finally, we realized that instead we would just spend our lives together. So we didn't want our wedding to be a Hollywood occasion.''

DIGEST ONLINE: On SAVANNAH, Veronica's storyline has intertwined with Edward Burton's. What is it like working with Ray Wise, who plays Edward? Toussaint: ``I love Ray. He's just the greatest to work with. Ray has really become a friend, and we spend a lot of time together. On the set, he's an absolute dream. Besides being a wonderful actor, he's smart, and has a great sense of humor. We literally just laugh all day when have scenes together. It's kind of like going to Club Med when I go to work with Ray.''

DIGEST ONLINE: What's it like working with Paul Satterfield, who plays Veronica's fellow scam artist, Tom Massick?

Toussaint: ``Paul's more serious [than Ray]. He's great to work with, too, but as far as chemistry goes, Ray and I just have a blast together.''

DIGEST ONLINE: What was your SAVANNAH audition like?

Toussaint: ``I auditioned the day the verdict was announced in the O.J. Simpson trial, and a very close friend of mine, Ron Shipp, who was at our wedding, [had been] pretty prominent [during] the trial. He was the black cop who testified against O.J. He was O.J. and Nicole's domestic violence counselor, and he was a friend of O.J.'s for 15 years. He broke down on the [witness stand] and basically said, `Tell the truth, O.J., this is sad.' And he was kind of blacklisted [by O.J. supporters] after that. I would be at games with him, and people would just curse him out, threaten his family. Anyhow, I went through the whole thing with Ron. I was so distraught over the verdict. I was devastated and crying the day the verdict came out --meanwhile, I had to go to this audition [for SAVANNAH], and I hadn't even looked at the script. I figured I had all day to do it; it was only three pages of dialogue. I was so distraught that [I couldn't concentrate]. I studied [my lines] on my way over in the car, but I'd worked with Aaron Spelling before, so [it worked out]. After that, they offered the role to me, I didn't have to test or anything.''

DIGEST ONLINE: Does your husband, Jack Coleman, have a project coming up soon?

Toussaint: ``He's going to do a movie for Showtime in the next few weeks. He took the last several months off to go back east with me and plan the wedding. The two of us planned our whole wedding and arranged for 120 people to stay on Cape Cod. We literally picked out every bed and breakfast and decided where every person should stay -- it was quite an event. He just got back to LA a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, he needs to be in LA, while I'm in Atlanta, because there's really nothing for him to do there [work-wise]. He basically quit DYNASTY because he really wanted to do stage. He also turned down [the lead] in THE FLASH. [fyi: The role went to John Wesley Shipp.] Jack was just going through a time in his life where he said, `I want to do Broadway,' and he did. He loved DYNASTY. Then, he just felt that he needed to venture off and try other things for a while. But he's definitely anxious to get back into television on a regular basis.''

DIGEST ONLINE: You must be clocking a lot of frequent flyer miles these days...

Toussaint: ``I've been to the Vineyard twice since [SAVANNAH went back into production]. Actually, I fly out on the red-eye a lot, just to be wherever Jack is. I expect to get home once every two weeks, whichever home it might be.... Ultimately, I guess, home is where Jack is.''

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Updated 1/19/09  


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