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Episode #313 "The Pot Stirrer"
Transcripts contributed by
Editing by Suzanne
Aired January 26, 2006
(this still needs extensive proofreading)
Previously on the O.C.:
Oh, my god, Kaitlin cooper?
So how l
in love with my sister?
I don't have feelings
for Johnny.
Last one in...
I could really go
for a drink.
You read my mind.
Actually, I was hoping
that you might
have dinner
with me sometime.
Neil, I would love to.
You disrespected me,
and the company
I'm trying to build.
That guy from brown,
he didn't say that they
couldn't take
more than one student.
This might be the year.
That's right.
Hey, baby, have you
seen my lucky tie?
I got it dry cleaned.
Oh. You're an angel.
Big day?
Well, I got to sign some papers,
make a few calls,
build a hospital.
Building a hospital, wow.
Well, Caleb deserves
most of the credit,
I just inherited
the project.
So who's paying for it?
The board of the Newport Laguna
medical center.
They commissioned a proposal
from us and from a firm in Brea,
and today we're both presenting.
And they're going
to pick you.
Well, now that I got
my lucky tie.
Hello. Hi.
Are you okay?
You seemed a little
distracted last night.
Uh, yeah, no, I'm fine.
I don't think that
convinced anyone.
I was leaving school yesterday
and Mrs. Rushfield said
that some brown rep called and
wants to interview me on Sunday.
That's great!
Why didn't you
say anything?
I don't know, I guess it
just needed to sink in.
Did summer get an interview?
I forgot to ask, actually.
I was just kind of spinning.
Well, you want me
to help you out,
maybe uh, ask you
a few questions?
Listen, matt's waiting
for me right now.
But when I get back,
let's talk.
We'll practice,
whatever you need.
I got to go.
I better go, too--
Julie and I have a meeting
with a new client.
I am so proud of you.
Sure you're all right, man?
Yeah, it's just
kind of weird.
It's like, there I am,
I'm all ready to go,
and I've got my watch set
to east coast time
and then I get this interview,
and it just kind of hit me.
I'm leaving Newport.
Well, so, you're having
second thoughts.
Dude, I planned my first
escape on an etch-a-sketch.
This is my dream.
It's just, I don't know,
now it's real.
Well, why don't you talk
to summer about it?
I mean, I'm sure she's freaking
out a little bit, too.
No, I'm fine.
Seriously, this is
just my process.
Fair enough.
You're pouring coffee
in your cereal.
( Grunts )
( sighs )
( sighs heavily )
Newport, I hardly knew ya.
Cohen! I got one!
Hey, summer.
My interview with
the brown guy!
Mrs. Rushfield just told me
and that you got one, too!
Oh, yeah, that's great.
Mrs. Rushfield said they
only interview people
that they're serious about.
This like totally increases our
chances of getting in together.
Show some excitement!
No, it's amazing.
It's just... are you feeling
any anxiety at all about this?
About what?
About leaving Newport
and your friends and family
and going somewhere
completely new in September?
Yeah, honestly, I was.
Really? 'Cause...
but then I talked
to colonel Flynt.
Who's colonel Flynt?
He's my boot camp instructor.
He's a former delta.
He says you can
either ride change,
or change rides you.
And also, there's no room
in the trenches of life
for whiny little babies.
Want to see my war face?
That's not necessary.
I got to go.
But, um, it's not September.
Freshman orientation
starts august 25.
Situated as it is,
the hospital will provide
ready access
Newport's affluent
and less affluent neighborhoods,
servicing the whole community.
There's more detailed budgets
and schedules in your folders,
along with copies of the
permits that we pulled.
We know you have another
proposal to hear today.
You should know we're
ready to start any time.
Just give us the green light.
Well, speaking for all of us,
you two have done a great job.
I only wish Caleb
could have been here.
Thanks, bill.
This project was
close to his heart.
He did have one,
as it turns out.
We'll contact you as soon
as we've made our decision.
Now we wait.
I took a look at Brea group's
plan this morning.
I didn't want to tell you,
because I didn't want to spook
you before a presentation.
It's good.
Better than ours?
They're both
But the Brea group
has been wining and dining
bill Merriam and the board
for months.
I mean, dinner,
concerts, cruises.
Well, we offered them bagels
when they came in.
I'm worried that we've
handicapped ourselves.
When I got into this,
I said I wouldn't do business
by plying people
with meals and gifts.
And I respect that.
I do.
But what it could
all come down to
is who bill Merriam likes more.
Well, hopefully he'll
appreciate the fact
that we appealed
to his intelligence
and not to his taste for pinot.
Here's a picture
with Kaitlin.
But what's wrong
with this horse?
That's china.
She has alopecia.
Oh, she looks like
a giant Chihuahua.
Hey, what's up?
So Kaitlin turns
15 this weekend
and I'm putting together
an album for her.
Oh, that's nice of you.
Yeah, well, she hasn't been home
for one since she was 12,
so I've got a few
to make up for.
Well, as long as it comes
with two carat diamond earrings,
I'm sure little Kaitlin
will be happy.
My parents kind of went
overboard on Kaitlin's birthdays
when she was little.
It always made summer
a little jealous.
I need a coffee.
Anyone else?
What is it?
It's just looking
at these old photos.
I mean, is this
really the same girl
who stole money
from a fraternity
and then lied about
paying for an abortion?
I feel like I don't
even know her anymore.
Well, families can be like that.
People change on you.
Maybe this is your chance
to get to know the new Kaitlin.
I guess.
I mean, otherwise
she goes back to school
and I have to go to college
and that's it.
Cirque d'Soleil?
Yeah, what's wrong with that?
Most people I know just had a
clown at their birthday party.
My mom went all out.
We had presents, games,
a petting zoo,
and honestly the best part
was always the after party.
The whole family together.
We'd stay up late
and eat cake
and watch the sound of music.
Sing along.
Oh, you mean, like, um...
I'm 16, going on 17?
Yeah, except however
old I was turning,
we'd always put in the ages.
I guess as long
as we still do that,
the rest doesn't
really matter.
So have you told Marissa
that we're hanging out?
You're not going
to tell her, are you?
Not much sense to that.
Now that she's at harbor,
I haven't even talked to her
since your mom's party.
You mean, since we had
our midnight swim?
You mean since you
had your midnight swim
and I got you a towel?
Most guys would have taken
advantage of me.
Yeah, I guess I'm old-fashioned.
That's what I like about you.
Let's talk about what you're
going to get me for my birthday.
Julie, I am so sorry
to keep you waiting.
A procedure ran long.
Oh, no, no,
it's fine, Neil.
It's just... I have
to pick up Marissa
from school
in a few minutes.
Oh, no.
Well, let's enjoy
the time that we have.
I'm just happy
that we're finally meeting.
After you postponed twice,
I thought maybe
you changed your mind.
No, I just kept thinking
about the fact
that our daughters
are best friends,
I'm a recent widow,
you're just out
of a marriage.
So what finally
tipped the scale?
I felt something.
Me, too.
I'M... I'm so sorry.
I really have to go.
No, no, no, I got this.
Julie, how about dinner
on Sunday night?
I know this terrible burger
joint, even the owner avoids it.
We'll be totally alone.
Sunday then.
( Knocking )
I came to see
how you're doing.
Hi, dad.
It's amazing to think
that you'll be leaving
in a few months.
Yeah, and I'm freaking out.
For years, I've
been talking
about how much I want
to get out of here,
and then,
soon as it's time,
I'm all like,
"no, no, I'm not ready."
No, what you're feeling
is totally natural.
I felt it.
Leaving the Bronx
for California?
I was terrified
about fitting in.
I spent a month practicing
how to say "dude."
You still say it, kind of...
look, you're about to begin
this great adventure
and you have no idea
what's going to happen.
Yeah, I just don't really feel
like it's the beginning
of anything.
I feel like
( phone ringing )
more things
are coming to an end.
I'm sorry.
It's the hospital board.
Bill, how you doing?
I'm going to go
take a walk.
Good idea.
Clear your head.
I'll talk to you
when you get back.
I'm sorry.
So... are we
building a hospital?
Hey, Kaitlin?
Anyone home?
Me and mom got takeout.
Hey, sweetie.
Did Marissa tell you
we got Thai takeout?
We're doing dinner ą la Cohen.
That sounds great.
I love Thai.
Oh, you know what?
I also picked up a menu
from this Armenian place.
I thought you guys could order
from there Sunday night.
I have a business dinner.
It's totally annoying.
Um, mom,
we've got plans
Sunday, remember?
What are you talking about?
We don't have plans on Sunday.
Yeah, we do.
We were going to order in food,
watch the sound
of music.
The sound of music?
Why would...
oh, my god.
Baby, I totally forgot.
Sunday's your birthday.
Yeah, but hey,
if it's business,
you can totally
reschedule, right?
I can totally reschedule.
You know what?
Why bother?
No, seriously.
I hardly even remembered myself.
I'm going to go
meet a friend,
because I'm not even hungry.
Kaitlin, wait.
Oh, sandy, you want
to tell the boys
that dinner's almost ready?
Well, sure,
but Seth's taking a walk.
He'll be back soon.
What's wrong?
Oh, bill Merriam called.
It looks like they're going
with the group in Brea.
Oh, I'm sorry.
I just really wanted
this project.
Is it too late
for a new approach?
We took our shot.
Plus, I don't want a contract
if we have to get it
by plying some guy
with Kobe beef.
If that's what you
think would convince him,
I think you're selling
yourself short.
What do you mean?
I just know that
when you wooed me,
there was no caviar
and champagne,
and you did all right.
I should take bill Merriam
out for pizza and bad wine
in the back
of a mail truck.
I mean, show him who you are
beyond schedules and budgets.
And who knows,
maybe he loves pizza.
( Sniffling )
What are you doing here?
Are you... are you smoking pot?
Yeah. Why? You a cop?
No, but I...
you know, I mean...
Nobody here is gonna bust me.
You want some?
No, I'm okay.
I'm good, thanks.
You sure?
It helps take the edge off,
and I could tell
you could use it.
Yeah, well, I was saving the
whole drug thing for college.
Plus, my dad smoked pot
at Berkeley,
so it... it's
pretty much ruined for me.
Where'd you get that?
School. This girl
grows it in her closet.
What made you decide to, uh...?
My mom forgot my birthday.
Yeah. That whole time
that I was gone,
I kept telling myself
that you're paranoid.
They're not gonna forget
about you.
Well, you know what?
I'm sure
your mom feels really bad.
But that's not the point.
Can you imagine growing up
with Marissa cooper as your older sister? My birthday was the one day I could
count on people actually noticing me. Not anymore. Kaitlin! Please don't say
anything. Yeah. Hey. Hey. We just bumped into each other. Two ships passing.
Um, come on. Please, can we go home now? Mom feels terrible. Okay. Bye. See
ya. Offer stands. You know where to find me.

( Phone ringing ) Kaitlin, your phone!
Oh, Marissa, hey.
Hey. Were you calling Kaitlin?
No, I was calling you,
um... but...
your phone didn't ring,
so I figured
I'd give hers a try.
What are you doing?
Hey, it's Johnny.
It's for me.
Hey, what's up?
You know, it just seemed like
we hadn't talked for a while.
I know. What are
you doing tonight?
'Cause we were
all gonna go out.
Oh, uh, thanks, but...
I'm gonna be with a friend.
Um... hey, listen,
my mom needs me.
Let me, uh, call you later?
So anytime a guy calls,
it's for you?
What are you talking about?
I mean, it was for me.
Forget it.
Look, Kaitlin, I know
you're upset
about last night, but...
no more talking about it.
Okay, well, um,
we're all going out tonight
to the bait shop,
if you want to come.
I can't. I'm meeting friends.
I'm going to go take a shower.
So, how do you feel about going
to the bait shop tonight?
Julie. What a surprise.
Come in.
Hi, Neil.
Is summer here?
No, I think
she's at Seth's.
Oh, okay. Well,
is there any chance
that we could
have dinner tonight
instead of
tomorrow night?
I'm working.
You're not going
to cancel on me, are you?
Well, tomorrow's
Kaitlin's birthday.
I can't believe
it slipped my mind.
I'd like
to give her a small party.
I guess it'd have to be small.
I live in a trailer.
I hope you understand.
Well, why don't
you have it here?
There's plenty of room.
Girls can use the pool,
and I get to see you.
What do you say?
I say...
Here is a key.
You can let yourself in,
do all the prep
that you need.
I've got a couple of
minutes, why don't
I give you a tour?
Come on.

All right,
summer, this one's for you.
Yeah, I'm
Who's been
the greatest influence
in your intellectual
Um, Miuccia Prada.
You probably want
to say somebody
more like Einstein, or...
so, you want me to, like, lie?
No, I just...
I don't think that, uh,
Prada is the answer
that they're looking for.
Well, this interview could,
like, determine the rest
of our lives,
Well, if I say something
that I don't believe in,
I could end up
with the wrong life.
How awful would that be?
She has a point.
I have to go get a man and pedi.
Cohen, if you want
to memorize answers
you think that they want
to hear, that's fine,
but I believe in being myself.
And by the way,
Miuccia Prada combines styles
from time periods
in ways people never even
imagined possible.
Her clothes teach you
to change your perspective.
I think she'll be fine.
So where do you see yourself
in ten years?
Where do I see, uh, myself
in ten years?
That's a good question.
Okay, uh, well,
I guess more than anything,
you know what I would like?
I would like the happiness
that I have right now.
Although, I guess,
what are the chances of that?
I mean,
you go through your life,
and you're probably only going
to be able to look back
and pinpoint, like,
two or three times
where you were genuinely
actually happy.
And then, of course,
in those moments,
you wouldn't have even
appreciated it anyways,
because who does, right?
So, where do I see myself
in ten years?
Um, I guess
what I would like is, uh...
I would like to be right here.
You know what I mean?
Right now, in this moment,
and, uh,
not because I'm afraid
of uncertainty, because I'm not.
It's just,
you know, I was taught
that when
you have something good,
what you're supposed to do
is you hang on to it, you know?
You hang on to it
with both hands,
and if somebody tries
to take that from you,
what you should do is
you should make sure
that they pry it from your cold,
dead fingers.
Let's take a break.
Oh, god.
I'll get you some water.
Hey, I told you to stop
coming in on Saturdays.
Look who's talking.
Hey, listen, give
bill Merriam a call
and tell him we'd like
to take him out tomorrow.
This is a good idea.
I know that they officially
haven't given Brea the word yet,
so what should I do,
uh, set up a tee time?
Reservation at the arches?
You ever eaten at el Pavo loco?
No. Is that a new restaurant?
It's a burrito stand.
I thought we'd take
him on a walking tour
of the neighborhoods
around the hospital.
You're kidding.
The Brea group's hospital
is smack in an exclusive area.
Ours would serve more people.
I want to bring that home.
I know it's not how the rest
of the world
does business.
I'll tell bill Merriam
that he'll have a day
he'll never forget.
How's it going with Kaitlin?
Well, I mean,
she was pretty upset.
I invited her out.
Oh, my god,
Marissa, I totally
forgot you were
going to be here.
Oh, hey.
Well, what are you two doing?
We're just
hanging out.
So don't freak out
or anything.
Yeah, we probably
should have mentioned it.
So, you two
are just hanging out?
Well, yeah. He
took me home from
the party, remember?
And then we had
a chance to talk,
went for a swim.
Actually, uh...
oh, so I asked you
to drive my little sister home,
and you guys went
for a midnight swim?
No. Look,
I just got her a towel.
Who were you really calling
this morning, me or her?
Look, I knew she was going
to freak out like this.
I'm not
freaking out.
I just don't like being lied to.
Can you take me home?
I don't feel
very well.
I'm sorry.
You all right?
Yeah, I just...
I don't see why
they couldn't tell me the truth.
( Truck engine rumbling )
Come on, watching
Marissa get jealous?
Admit it felt good.
She wasn't jealous.
She was so jealous.
Seeing us together...
Kaitlin, I'm not
sure about this.
But... I thought you liked me.
I do... but...
okay, look, even if you
weren't Marissa's sister,
I'm 17, you're 14.
15 tomorrow.
I get it.
No, look.
I want to keep hanging out,
but as friends,
It'll make Marissa mad.
I can live with that.
Oh, my god.
Sorry. I didn't mean
to scare you.
I know it
seems weird. Uh,
me loitering in the shadows...
it's okay.
I had a feeling
you'd come around.
( knocking )
hey, top of the morning.
So today's the day, huh?
Yeah. Interview's
not till this afternoon.
Well, your mother's
making pancakes.
Come on down.
You know, I already ate,
plus I just want to...
kind of go over
some of this stuff.
At a certain point, cramming
becomes counterproductive.
Do something to relax.
I was thinking that myself.
You're going to do great.
Happy birthday.
Look, Kaitlin, I know you think
I overreacted or whatever,
but, I mean, Johnny's just
a lot older than you,
and I don't want
to see you get hurt.
Oh, please.
Like that's really
why you got mad.
What's that supposed to mean?
( Door opens )
( Panting ):
look at that.
My two little girls-- or should
I say, two young women.
Happy birthday, sweetie.
Oh, gross, mom,
you're all sweaty.
Oh, I know, I'm sorry.
I was running.
You know,
after years
of doing cardio bar
and yogilates,
I forgot how good
this feels;
I got three honks.
That's great, mom.
Okay, so tonight?
Not only have I planned
an amazing dinner,
but dr. Roberts said that we
could have it at his house.
Whoa, dr. Roberts
offered you his house?
Yeah, well, I ran
into him yesterday,
and I mentioned that it
was Kaitlin's birthday,
and, voilą*, he couldn't
take no for an answer.
He's so generous.
Whoever gets him is
a very lucky woman.
You know I don't want
a birthday dinner.
What are you talking about?
He even said that
we could watch
the sound of music
on his plasma.
Maybe next year.
Oh, honey, I am so sorry
that I forgot
your birthday.
Ever since Caleb's death,
things have been a little crazy.
But we really need this.
As a family.
Only if I can invite a friend.
I mean, isn't it better
if it's just our family
and the Roberts'?
Well, it's Kaitlin's birthday,
she can have whoever she wants.
Oh, maybe we should
invite your old friends
from the equestrian club.
Sure. Sounds great.
Okay, bye, honey.
( Sighs )
oh, Marissa, I'm going to need
you to help me set up.
Please, I need to make this up
to Kaitlin.
Okay, thanks.
Oh, sorry about
the sweat.
I am 16,
going on 17...
knock, knock.
Hmm. You and Marissa.
Looks like
the perfect couple.
You know, people
used to say
that about
her and Luke.
Life's weird, huh?
What's up?
I need your advice.
My mom's throwing
a party for me tonight.
Of course you're invited.
But do you think that
Marissa would mind
if I invited Johnny?
No, why would
she mind?
Well, she seemed
a little weird
when she saw us
together last night.
But they're just friends,
so why would it matter
if we're hanging out--
if they're just friends?
Kaitlin, what are you
trying to do?
Just make everybody happy,
I told you.
Because it seems like
you're mad at Marissa,
and you're...
I don't know, you're looking
for a way to hurt her.
What are you talking about?
Marissa's my sister
and I love her.
Then why don't you talk to her
instead of trying
to stir
something up?
You know, I'm sorry
that you feel that way.
But Johnny's my friend,
and I want him at my party.
It's just that
look on her face
when she saw us
But I don't have to tell you
about that, do I?
See you tonight.
Thank you so much
for your help, Kiki.
God knows I have my talents,
cooking is not one of them.
Well, it was nice of Neil
to lend you his house.
Yes, he is a gentleman.
Is he?
Kirsten, please.
We've hardly had a real date.
We haven't even kissed.
But he offered his house
for Kaitlin's birthday.
I'd say that's
a good sign.
It is a beautiful house.
Although I was thinking
you could change out the marble
in the entrance
and some of
the furniture...
Since you haven't
kissed yet,
you might want to hold off
on the redecorating.
Oh, yeah.
Just making conversation.
Should I take this out?
Yeah. Please.
Great, thank you.
Here you go.
Newport's finest churro.
Thanks, sandy.
I don't remember
the last time
I walked this much.
Well, the hospital
would service
a wide variety
of neighborhoods.
I wanted you to get
a sense of that.
Mission accomplished.
And I told you how
the free clinic might operate?
But if you don't mind,
I think I need a little
break from the hospital.
All right,
we're losing him.
Let's do it your way.
Yeah? You sure?
The truth is,
the tour worked
more on me
than it did on him.
I'm not going to rob
this community
of something it needs just...
just so I can sleep easier.
So come on.
It's almost dinner time.
Where would you like to go?
Marissa, you should come in.
The water's great.
Yeah, I'd love to,
but I'm helping set up
for your party.
And I'm so grateful.
Look who's here.
Hi, dr. Roberts.
Hey, Marissa.
Don't you think
you should say thank you
for dr. Robert's
Thank you so much
for letting me use your house
for my party.
You are so welcome.
my little girl is growing up.
And she wants everyone
to see it,
Mom, this is Johnny.
Of course.
This is dr. Roberts.
This is his house.
Hey, Johnny.
Nice to meet you.
Hey, Marissa.
Oh, look,
I got you all wet.
I'm sorry.
I'm going to go see
if Kirsten needs help.
( Knocking )
Hey, man.
( Knocking )
Com... geez, man,
I'm coming.
Something's blocking
the door.
Just calm down.
"I got to get in right now."
I've got... to do
something real...
yeah, that's perfect.
Listen, hey, man.
I'm sorry, there was A...
there was a laundry build up
right there.
It's almost 3:30,
isn't your interview
at 4:00?
What are you
talking about?
Hey, how'd that happen?
Well, are you ready?
Am I ready?
Do me a favor.
Go ahead and feel that.
Feel that puppy
right there.
No, dude, no.
Okay, you don't
want to touch
another man, I get it.
I get it.
You find my slender
swimmer's body, um...
Something smells.
No, it doesn't.
No, it doesn't,
but they say
the first sign of,
um, a brain tumor,
is a phantom smell,
so you should lay down.
You've solved it.
You've figured it out.
you're a mystery solver.
You're like
encyclopedia brown.
when encyclopedia
he went on down to Texas
to solve the mystery
of the great shootout?
how about this
for a change?
How about
in a cage match:
Encyclopedia brown
versus the great brain...
to the death.
Are you high?
Am I high?
No, come on, man.
I love when you
go for the comedy.
But I would not
quit your day job
beating up,
uh, people.
I wouldn't.
I don't know how that got there.
Hey, summer.
Are you at the interview yet?
Um, yeah, I'm about to go in.
Can you stretch yours out
a little bit?
Seth's going to be late.
What happened?
I just need to bring him
down to earth a little.
We'll be there
soon as we can, okay?
Hey, man.
Got some coffee for you.
I want you to drink it, okay?
Dude, I am not
stoned anymore.
Okay, then, uh,
why are you in my shower?
How'd that
Just drink the coffee.
Dude, all right, I'm fine.
The guy's going to think
I'm Rupert the monkey boy.
How long you
been doing this, man?
Oh, god, it's pot.
Aren't you overreacting
a little bit?
You were doing it
alone and in secret.
It's a little bit
Well, this is
the first time, I swear.
And this is really just
stress about the leaving?
Two years ago this miracle
happened to me, okay?
You showed up and summer
started talking to me,
and my life changed.
And I'd be leaving that
for someplace new.
And it'd just be real easy
for things to go back
to the way they were,
and I just can't do that.
Well, it wasn't a miracle.
You're the one who got up
on that coffee cart
and told summer
you loved her.
You've changed,
you know?
You're going to be fine,
wherever you go.
Now tell me you weren't
stupid enough
to buy the pot
down at the pier.
Cause you know
half those guys
are narcs, right?
No, it was nothing like that.
hey, don't get her
in trouble with Marissa,
but actually,
I got it from Kaitlin.
Thank god.
You guys, do you realize
I have been in there
for an hour and a half?
What took you
so long?
He just needed
to calm down.
Why don't you
head on in
and just meet us
at summer's
when you're done?
Oh, okay.
Yeah, no pressure.
But if you mess it up,
our future together is ruined.
People I know.
After Kirsten left,
I had no one to talk to.
This is a good
turnout though.
Yeah, well, my mom invited
Kaitlin's old riding club.
She probably shouldn't
have bothered.
Oh, excuse me,
you guys.
( Julie chuckles )
hey, sweetheart,
how'd your interview go?
Everything all right?
Yeah, well, remember when I said
I wanted to get to know Kaitlin?
Be careful what you wish for.
In that case,
there's something I should
tell you about her and Seth.
What are we doing here?
I told you.
Looking for my presents.
Your presents
are all downstairs.
Not all of them.
Kaitlin, look,
I told you...
that you're 17,
and that I'm 14.
But I'm not 14 anymore,
Okay, but look,
someone could come in.
We should just...
you want
to lock the door?
What are you planning
on doing to me?
Very funny.
Or is it that you're afraid
that Marissa will come in?
She sees you
with her little sister,
and then you really
don't have a chance.
What are you talking about?
Look, you said
that you liked me.
Now we're only
two years apart.
So unless there's
something else...
I'm not interested in Marissa,
all right?
Then prove it.
One birthday kiss.
You know, I think we better
get back to the party.
You can't stop me.
I let this go far
enough as it is.
Marissa, loooo I know you need
to talk to her, but...
come on, it's your sister.
It's still her birthday party.
I'm back!
From my interview for brown,
which I went to.
You told her, didn't you?
Okay, first of all,
don't blame Kaitlin.
Fat chance of that.
Where have you been?
Oh, Johnny
gave me my present.
So, looks like lily
and bill are hitting it off.
Yeah, I balked at
taking him out to dinner,
but I'm totally cool
about turning your apartment
into the playboy grotto.
Bill, here you go.
Thanks, sandy.
Dry martini for you, lily.
I've got to tell you,
I'm glad I didn't go home.
So am I.
Well, this may
not seem fair,
but I think I'm going
to have to talk to you
a little bit more
about the hospital.
Sandy, that won't be necessary.
Excuse me, please.
I'm in.
You're in?
Honestly, I didn't see
the difference
between the proposals.
You're trying
to take care of me.
The least I can do
is take care of you.
I mean, that's business, right?
Caleb would have
been proud.
A martini...
and scotch for the lady.
So what he say?
We got the hospital.
Sandy, that's amazing.
Beach volleyball
a little later?
Woman ( laughs ):
Where are you going?
Would you tell mom?
You're leaving
your own birthday party?
I need to talk
to my sister.
Listen, Marissa...
look, I really don't feel
like hearing it right now.
What's wrong with you?
Here we go.
Kaitlin, you gave Seth pot.
You stole money
from a fraternity.
I don't even know
who you are anymore.
Do you want to just spare me
the concerned sister bit?
We both know
this is about Johnny.
You don't know
what you're talking about.
Look, Marissa, anyone
can tell that you like him.
You don't think Ryan can?
I love Ryan.
Yeah, you love Ryan.
You guys are soul mates,
blah, blah, blah.
It doesn't mean
that you don't like Johnny.
I don't.
Well, then you wouldn't mind
that I just made out
with him upstairs.
You may not know me,
but I do know you.
Hi. There you are.
You all right?
No. It's Kaitlin.
Hey, Marissa, honey.
Where's Kaitlin?
It's time for the cake.
She's gone.
What do you mean she's gone?
Of course she's not gone.
I mean, she wouldn't
just leave her own party?
Yeah, well, we got
into a fight.
You got in a fight
at her birthday party?
What about?
I don't want
to go into it, okay?
How could you do this
to your little sister, Marissa?
Do you even know
what's she's been through
being away for so long?
This was a very important
birthday for her.
For all of us.
Look, mom, no offense,
but I don't think a party
is really going
to fix this family.
Excuse me?
You know what,
I should just go.
Okay, I'm sorry.
Um, bye, dr. Roberts.
I'll take you home?
No, I...
I want to walk.
I need the fresh air.
( Nervous laugh )
I don't know
what to say, Neil.
It's fine, Julie, it's fine.
You know, I just wonder...
oh, no.
No, I think that you were
right to be cautious.
We both have very complex lives,
and maybe we should consider
all of the implications
before going further.
( Pager beeps )
I'm sorry,
it's one of my nurses.
They said they'd beep me
if I was needed.
I hate to leave you like this.
Oh. No, it's fine.
I'll just give these kids
some cake and send them home.
You're right about the other
thing, I completely agree.
So we'll talk.
And you can leave the key
on the dish
when you leave, all right?
( Sighs heavily )
( knocking on door )
come in.
Hi, Cohen.
I'm looking to see
if brown has a course
in human sexuality.
Because no offense,
you are so taking that.
Oh, my god, I'm such an airhead.
How did it go?
Please tell me
it went okay, please?
It went great.
We totally bonded.
That is amazing.
This means we're going
to be together
next year.
Come here, let's pick out
our schedule.
Where's the rest of it?
Oh, I threw away
the boring courses.
You know, like history, English, health, science.
That was probably a good idea.
Oh, hey.
When'd you get home?
Just a few minutes ago.
I thought you might
be sleeping.
No, I waited up.
How'd it go?
Well, we made our case...
and we got it.
Sandy, that's wonderful.
And you did it your way.
When are you coming to bed?
Soon. Bill Merriam
is coming by tomorrow,
and I thought
I should prep a little.
Well, I'm very proud of you.
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