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Episode #316 "The Heavy Lifting"
Transcripts contributed by
Editing by Suzanne
Aired February 9th, 2006
(this still needs extensive proofreading)
Well, why wouldn't
she date him?
He's using her.
Her father's
the head of the board.
When I'm not around you,
I miss you.
You do?
That was save the last dance,

That dance number at the end
was so inspiring.
Me and you, we got
unfinished business.
Where's kaitlin?
You're in love with her.
Just be careful
of that girl, man.
I love you.
And I think
you love me, too.
I need to know how
you feel about johnny.
I'm with you.
But that's not the whole story,
is it?
Just come down,
johnny, please.
Okay, just be careful,
all right?
Well, you know what they say,
no news is good news.
I'm not sure that's true
about severe head injuries.
We should have stayed
at the hospital.
There's nothing
we could do there.
Doctors told us to go home,
sleep, eat.
Yeah, except I can't sleep
and I'm definitely not hungry.
Come on, everyone
needs to eat.
Your friend johnny's gonna
need you when he wakes up.
If he wakes up.
you were there.
Yeah, I was.
You guys, he's probably
gonna be fine.
Trey was unconscious
for, like, months
and he was fine.
He was shot.
Yeah, we waited around
like this once before
after a certain od in tj.
I'm going to, um...
go check on kaitlin
in the pool house.
How you doing, ryan?
She's right.
I mean, the way the doctors
were talking, you could tell.
They didn't want
to get our hopes up.
Yeah, well,
doctors are idiots.
You tell that
to your dad?
It's their job
to be negative.
It's called managing
That's why it's our
job to be positive.
( Cell phone rings )
johnny's mom.
You think you ought to...?
I don't know.
Do you want me to?
No, no,
it's all right.
( Sighs heavily )
mrs. Harper?
Hi, it's ryan.
( Door opens )
( piano and acoustic guitar

strumming gentle melody )
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What's that?
Black bean
casserole. Try it.
I think you'll like it.
(Dog whines)
(Dog whines)
(narrator) for 101 recipes
your kids won't feed
to the dog, go to
A message from the
government of alberta.
Sorry monty.
, See you there.[ Beep of cellphone ]
[ ]
[ Ringing of cellphone ]
Oh! The east roof.
[ Chuckling ]

[ ]
Thanks for coming by.
No, I'm glad you called.
Where's gwen?
I finally got her
to lie down.
She started talking about
the funeral
and just lost it, you know?
Well, what does she want to do?
Who knows?
She said no priest,
no body,
nothing depressing.
I mean, it's a funeral,
you know.
Isn't it supposed to be
Well, I mean, we could do
something during the day.
You know, maybe by the water.
No one allowed to wear black.
Or shoes.
It sounds like
what he'd want to do.
I got to take this
to mrs. H.
Hey, I'll do it.

It doesn't seem real, man.
Listen, man, you can't
blame yourself. You tried.
Yeah, and I failed.
Well, don't beat yourself up.
Ryan atwood versus himself
is a very ugly cage match.
I'm going to shower,
try and get some sleep.
So I guess you won't have
to worry about johnny
coming between you and
marissa anymore,
sudoku, fun to say,
fun to do...
too soon?
Too soon.
This just feels wrong.
The kids are going through
this awful thing
and we're planning
a valentine's day dance.
All the more reason for them
to focus on something good.
I mean, it's not like
we can cancel this dance now,
if we wanted to.
the thought had
crossed my mind.
He hasn't asked you?
Who? Dr. Neil roberts?
Why, no, he hasn'T.
Do you think he has plans
with someone else?
That I'm not
valentine material?
That I'm just a fun hang,
not worthy of chocolates,
flowers, and nice underwear.
Well, sandy's no fan
of valentine's day.
I guess we should concentrate
on hosting a great event,
and we'll worry about
our love lives when it's over.
Or I could invent a fake
reason to go to his house
and fish for information.
Julie, last time you went
on a stealth mission,
you toppled
the dessert tray.
Yeah, but it got
his attention.
Thank you.
Are you a friend
of johnny's?
I'm his cousin, sadie.
My mom thought it
would be a good idea
if I came down here
and stayed with my aunt
for a while.
How's she doing?
Not so good,
you know, but finally sleeping.
You look like you could
use a few hours yourself.
Oh, I'M...
I'm okay.
I should probably go.
I just got
a lot of stuff to do.
Hey, are you
Well, I wish it was under better
circumstances, but, um,
it's nice to
finally meet you.
You, too.
( Knocking on door )
justin, what are
you doing here?
Winter break
is almost over.
I thought you might want
a ride back to school.
You should have
saved your gas money.
It's a hybrid.
It gets pretty good mileage,
so gas isn't an issue.
Last time you came to town,
you wanted me arrested.
That was my brother,
and I was thinking,
I was hoping that we could talk.
About our relationship?
Our relationship?
Today's not a good day.
Is there another day
that would be better?
I want you to leave right now.
Kaitlin, are you okay?
I'll see you then.
( Knocking ):
Hey, boss.
You wanted to see me?
Yeah, I just got off the phone
with dr. Griffin,
and he told me that the board
has vetted the brea proposal,
and they're ready to put
a hole in the ground.
But I'm going to meet
with them one more time.
Do you think
you could call maya?
I mean, with
a few caveats?
Name them.
Don't lie.
Don't lead her on.
That's not a problem.
I mean, the reason
I went out with her
when she called,
is actually
I really like her.
Oh, boy likes girl.
Girl has access
to influential father.
Boy's boss needs
to close a deal.
Has all the makings
of a great romance.
I'm glad you like her.
Well, I'll give her a call.
Let you know.
How you holding up?
I'm okay.
I was wondering.
There's all these forms
from the hospital, and,
well, johnny's mom can't
really deal right now.
It doesn't need
a lawyer or anything...
you know what,
I actually know
just the guy for the job.
I practically
majored in paperwork.
Are you sure
you don't mind?
When it comes to mind-numbing
bureaucratic busy work,
matt is an ace.
And here I thought
you never noticed.
All right, well, uh,
I should get home,
you know, shower.
I've been in
these clothes
since you don't
want to know when.
I think you're doing great,
Oh, hey.
Hey, what are you doing?
Uh, nothing.
Oh, well, if it's nothing,
then you won't mind me
looking, right?
That's not porn.
It's a list of
my yakuza dvds
sorted alphabetically by
title and also by director.
Making my inventories is sort of
one of those things,
kind of like masturbating
or flossing my teeth,
where even though
you know I do it,
I'd just rather
you not witness it.
I found something
in your drawer.
You're not mad?
Oh, no, I'm mad.
I'm livid.
Not about the pot,
because, I mean,
whatever, it's pot, right?
And while marissa and i
were hotboxing luke's car,
you were at home
making a manger
for captain oats
out of lincoln logs.
You were a late bloomer,
and I get that, but, cohen,
you lied to me for, like,
the gazillionth time
about something important.
Well, summer, I don't know
what I can do,
except say I'm not going to lie
again, and then not lie.
You just have to trust me.
Yeah, well, I don'T.
So you better think of
something else.
What happened to the crockpot?
It broke.
( Knocking )
Let me give you guys
some privacy.
That's all right,
you don'T...
I've tried
talking to her.
Well, give her some time.
How are you doing?
( Cell phone ringing )
you know?
Hi, mrs. Harper.
Uh, sorry, hi.
Yeah, I guess. Sure.
Thanks for meeting me.
Sure. No problem.
So, uh, you're visiting.
Yeah, from ashland, oregon.
You taking some
time off school, or...?
No, actually, I just graduated.
I started my own little jewelry
making business, so...
I've just been traveling,
trying to get stores
to carry my stuff.
You know,
I really need to be with my
boyfriend right now.
Your boyfriend?
Yeah, ryan.
He was with me, with johnny,
when it happened.
Oh, yeah, my aunt mentioned
that there
was another kid there.
I just thought, um...
this is really awkward,
I thought that johnny
was your boyfriend.
Why would you think that?
Because last week he called me
and he asked me if I would
make something for you.
For valentine's day.
Here, I brought
it with me.
There is your birthstone
and that's his,
and in the middle
there's an angel.
An angel?
Yeah, he was afraid you might
think it was cheesy,
but he said that's
what you were to him.
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for blondes.
So johnny had this pair
of power ranger pajamas
that he absolutely
refused to take off.
I mean, he would literally
wake up in the morning
and put his clothes
on top of his pajamas.
And he'd go about his day
wearing his two
layers of clothing.
Ryan, there's kaitlin.
I should probably...
no, it's all right,
let me.
What are you doing up
here alone?
What am I supposed to do?
Just go down there
and introduce myself?
"Hey, I'm kaitlin.
The girl who killed him."
You didn't make him
climb that rock,
and you didn't make him fall.
That's right...
that was you.
You know what, I'm not
going to do this with you.
Everybody's upset.
Come on.
No, you know what, ryan?
You can't fix this.
So just save the speeches
for my sister, all right?
All right, here you go.
This is your fourth quarter
bonus, by the way.
Next time, I pick the sport.
Hey, did you ever
get in touch with maya?
Yeah, but I kind
of wish I didn'T.
You see, when I didn't
call her back,
she took that as a sign
of my lack of interest.
And she's a smart girl,
and now she's an angry one, too.
It's not a typo.
I need
10,000 cinnamon hearts,
and please don't
make them stale.
Hey, honey, are the kids home?
No, they're on the way
to the bait shop for the wake.
Hey, matt, how's it going?
Women troubles.
Oh, well, maybe
I can play cupid.
That's a great idea.
Really, sandy?
And what is it that you say
about valentine's day?
That it's vacuous,
a commercially-driven
hollow shell of a holiday?
Well, sometimes we all need
a little vacuous,
commercially-driven diversion,
and this would be
one of those times.
What's her name?
I'll have a ticket
to the party delivered.
It's maya griffin.
Whose father is the head
of the physician's board?
I don't know.
If anybody can do it,
you can.
This girl doesn't need my help
getting a date.
It'll never work.
You know what, kirsten,
don't worry about it.
I'm sure that we can
come up with
something else.
I'll get maya to the party,
if you try and embrace
the holiday.
No whining, no snarky comments.
Candies, candles, lingerie.
Nice lingerie, nothing red,
see-through or remotely edible.
Not even a little see-through?
Death and valentine's day.
There's an unbeatable
Yeah, this is the first one
where marissa and i
are actually together.
Should be all time.
Pressure's on for me to deliver.
Summer found my stash.
You don't have
any visible bruises.
She go for the kidneys?
I wish.
You and atwood make
v-day plans?
Actually, we haven't
even talked about it.
It's the first valentine's day
that you guys aren't fighting
or kissing another girl.
It could be special.
This is special.
All I'm saying is valentine's
day might be canceled this year.
Hey, sadie.
What do you want?
I just want to see
how you're doing.
( Chuckles )
I mean it, okay?
When was the last time
you meant anything you said?
Is there
a problem here?
Hey, man.
This is a private party.
It's okay,
he was just leaving.
So you know him?
Used to.
Sadie, right?
I liked what you said
at the beach today.
Speaking at funerals is
something of a specialty.
Not that it's anything
to brag about.
No one close to me
has ever... ever died.
It feels like everyone
close to me has.
I mean, not everyone,
but my dad-- cancer
when I was 14.
My dog rocky, like,
a month after that.
My best friend last summer.
I'm sorry.
For your cousin, too.
I see that.
It's a funeral.
People say sorry
before they say hello.
But you really are,
so thank you.
Ryan, there you are.
Hey, marissa.
So seth and summer
were looking for you
at the car.
Ready to go?
Yeah, yeah, sure.
So maybe we'll see you again
before you leave?
Yes, well, I think I might have
left it somewhere around here
at kaitlin's birthday party.
Well, I haven't seen
a cake knife anywhere,
not that I'd know what
a cake knife looks like.
And are you really going
to be baking?
Don't you have
your valentine's
party tomorrow night?
Frankly, neil,
I'm surprised
you remembered about
my little dance
or valentine's day.
So are you working
this weekend on call?
You're such a busy man.
No, I thought that I'd stay in
and catch up on some reading.
Because you're behind on work.
There must be new techniques
developed every day.
Got to keep up.
No, I thought I would
get into the da vinci code.
Have you read it?
I'm waiting for the movie.
Well, I don't see
that knife anywhere.
I suppose I should be going.
Well, it's always good
to see you, julie.
I'll see you out.
It's okay.
I, I, uh, I know the way.
Happy valentine's day.
I figured you could use
something to hug.
Or at least if you throw him
he won't break.
Trouble at home?
Shockingly, no.
It's a boy.
I mean,
not like that.
He... he died.
And I was with him.
And sort of helped it happen.
What do you mean?
We went to the beach,
drinking, a bonfire,
I thought it'd be fun.
But he was really
messed up.
And by the time I called
for help, it was too late.
He slipped, fell on some rocks.
Then it was an accident.
Yeah, but accidents
don't just happen.
People let them happen.
I understand why it probably
feels that way,
but I'm sure if he were here,
he'd be the first to take
and he'd thank you
for trying to help him.
You're like an adult.
My parents are therapists.
They're annoying,
but pretty smart.
Well, thank you.
So I will see you
back at santa barbara?
Dude, I can totally
see you.
Dude, right.
How was the uh,
how was the memorial?
Can we talk about
something else?
Like why you're reading
the victoria's secret catalog?
You know what,
speaking of underwear,
I think I have sand
in mine.
Excuse me.
Well, no, your mother
gave it to me,
with items marked
and sizes circled.
Does that mean you're
embracing valentine's
day this year?
Yeah, I thought you
weren't a fan.
No, I made a deal
with your mother,
and I'm holding up
my end of the bargain.
Oh, my god. Wow.
It's just, like,
what's even the point
almost, you know?
I'm going to have
to borrow that later.
Uh... we'll see.
So what do you
want to do?
I'm doing it.
I mean tomorrow,
for valentine's day.
Can we talk about tomorrow
Not if you want
to do something.
I don't want
to do anything.
You don't want to do
anything specific,
or you don't want to
do anything at all?
Ryan, you've never liked
valentine's day before.
Okay? So don't suddenly act
like it's your favorite holiday.
I'm not.
This is just really
hard for me, okay?
Yeah, well, it's hard
for me, too.
I can't explain it.
I was there, marissa.
What is it you think
I don't understand?
I'm going to go.

[ ]
[ Barking ]
Iams can help give
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[ ]
[ Whistling ]
[ ]
So help renew
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úúXx( knocking )
come in.
So your girlfriend
decided to cancel
valentine's day, huh?
Small town.
Very good cell service.
Well, yesterday it seemed
like we were having a good day.
At a funeral?
Not a good day
but, you know, we were good.
Then she just kind
of freaked out.
Well, sudden death can
do odd things to people.
Remember my mom
at caleb's wake?
That was kirsten's dad.
Johnny was marissa's friend.
Her good friend.
Too good.
Well, the guy's dead, ryan.
I think you can cut marissa
at least a weekend's
worth of slack.
She told me flat out
she didn't want to see me today.
Ignore her.
She was out of her mind
with exhaustion
and grief.
Seemed pretty lucid to me.
Trust me, man.
No girl wants to be alone
on valentine's day.
And you know
this because...?
Because inside
my manly exterior
beats the heart
of a 14-year-old girl.
( Knocking )
Sandy gave me
your address.
I thought you'd
want these as
soon as possible.
I'm sure johnny's mom
will appreciate it.
Yeah. So are we going
to see you and ryan
tonight at the party?
I don't think so.
We got in a fight.
I got in a fight.
It was my fault.
Well, I'm sure that
ryan will accept your
heartfelt apology.
I was more going to give him
a cooling off period.
Well, hey, if you need
anything else,
paperwork related,
or just to talk,
let me know.
Happy valentine's day.
You, too.
Hey, it's ryan. Leave a message.

Well, as I mentioned
on the phone,
my friend julie and i
have a dating service.
And, uh... thank you.
We're having
a party tonight.
And, as I mentioned
on the phone,
I don't need a service
to get a date.
Oh, I know.
It's us who needs you.
It would mean a lot
to have someone like you--
who's young, and active
in newport's business
and social life--
to be a part of the event.
Of course, if you have plans
with someone special...
you mean someone
like matt ramsey?
I know who your husband is,
And I seriously doubt
this last-minute invitation
is a total coincidence.
Maya, I'm sorry.
So just how badly does matt want
to go out with me?
You're not upset?
I was, when I first realized
why you were calling.
But I've liked matt
since college.
And, as much as I won't
admit it to him,
I was disappointed he didn't
ask me out after our dinner.
Well, he regrets his decision.
Fine. I'll go.
I see you've
picked up
a little something
for your lady, and I for mine.
Uh... your lady
is my mother,
and I really don't
want to talk about it.
Women's underwear has
gotten very complicated.
Thongs, bikinis, briefs...
who knew
women's panties
were such a minefield.
Don't say panties.
So? You and summer good?
We will be.
What did you do this time?
A certain circumstance
was not fully disclosed,
and my omission was discovered.
You got caught in a lie.
In a nutshell, yeah,
but I don't see why
she's making such
a big deal about it.
It's not like
it's the first time.
Well, maybe she thinks
of you as a man,
not a kid.
Kids lie all the time,
but a man's only
as good as his word.
Well, summer deserves
a good man.
Summer has a good man.
She does?
Why didn't you tell me?
How long have you known?
Just show her.
I got to pick up a few more
things for your mother.
I promised her the best
valentine's day ever.
I'll give you a hand.
No, I got it, thanks.
It's you.
What are you
doing here?
What do you want?
Oh, thought I'd stop by,
pay my respects.
I didn't really get a chance
to say anything
to mrs. Harper
I know she'll want to thank you
for trying to help him.
She's inside,
if you want to go in.
No. Let me help you.
I got it. It's cool.
Not cool.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
I guess it's kind
of an automatic reaction.
You're carrying groceries
or moving something,
so someone offers to help and,
it's nice
to share the heavy lifting
when you're carrying a futon
up three flights of stairs.
But is it really worth enduring
the awkward conversation?
And they're doing you a favor,
so you have to be all nice.
So being nice, that's
an effort for you?
Kind of, yeah,
when I'm carrying a futon
up three flights of stairs.
What are these for?
I'm packing up johnny's room...
so my aunt won't have to.
All done?
All done.
You know, I might have
to rethink my whole position
on not accepting help
from strangers.
Okay. Upstairs.
This isn't
awkward, right?
This isn't awkward
at all.
For you.
Too bad you're
already dressed.
I was hoping you'd wear this.
Oh! Is it the black one
with the beige trim
or the beige one
with the black trim?
Find out.
This is a fantasy
I'm not aware of.
I didn't buy that.
I... I didn't buy that.
I can explain.
You think the situation
can be fixed with lingerie?
No. Not even
if it's very sexy,
and it says so
right here on the tag.
The point is, I made a mistake.
I will fix it.
Cohen, our problem cannot
be fixed with underwear--
not even age-appropriate
with the right
cup size.
How can I prove to you
that I'm not going
to do something
I say I'm not going to do.
Well, the pressure was on,
and you needed to come with
a revolutionary idea
and rock my world!
I think valentine's day
is off.
I got you a card.
Deal with it, ramon.
Death cab for cutie
is playing the smog shop,
and jake asked me to go.
Oh! Playing death cab
in the valley?
Never listening
to them again.
I know.
You look nice.
Mom forcing you
to go out?
Well, I sharpened
my bamboo sticks.
Turns out no force
was necessary.
I'm just glad to get out
of this trailer.
You know, marissa, honey,
it's not too late
to change your mind.
Fresh air, all the baked clams
you can eat.
Yeah, that sounds tempting,
kI just need to be alone.
( Knocking )
I wasn't expecting you.
Um... hi.
I was hoping I could
convince you
to join me at the party.
Well, maybe we'll see
both of you.
Good night.
Night night.
Good night.
I got you something.
It's beautiful.
Yeah. Well, put it on.
Get dressed.
Or not. Or not.
Fine, forget it.
Just hang here.
Look, I know you're
only trying to be nice.
But I... I really
need some time.
That's fine, I get that.
But is it more than that?
I mean, when's
the last time
we actually hung out
together alone?
What, you mean without johnny?
You're glad he's gone,
aren't you?
I'm not even going
to answer that.
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So did summer give
you back the bag?
Uh, the conversation
kind of went in a different
direction after that.
Hey. No marissa?
Yeah. No summer either?
No, she's over there
with her date.
Valentine's day.
There's too much pressure.
There's matt. I wonder if
his date's shown up.
Oh, cool. Another dude.
I gotta go do something.
Are you going to try to act
like this is a strange
coincidence ?
Not... anymore.
Can I buy you a drink?
I don't know, can you?
Still got that fake id?
Happy valentine's day, sir.
I was wondering
if I could
maybe borrow your daughter
for a moment?
Cohen. I'm right here.
What do you want?
I wrote you something.
A cocktail napkin?
It's a confession.
Read it.
"To whom it may concern.
"My name is seth cohen
and I have a problem
with flying."
It says lying.
The pen shook.
I have lied about many things
over the years.
The most recent and troubling
lies include,
but are not limited
to the following:
There's a complete list
on the back of the napkin.
All my sins, very detailed.
Cohen, I know all of this.
I know, but if I ever
screw up again,
you give that to my parents.
Hmm, that's pretty smart.
You may have just
rocked my world.
I was hoping you'd come up
with a half-court
shot at the buzzer.
Is that a sports metaphor?
I don't follow.
I'm wearing the thong.
Oh, yeah, that'S...
that's my mom'S.
What are you doing?
Getting wasted.
You and me, marissa.
We're the only people
who understand what we're
going through, you know?
You might be right about that.
You know this
emotional connection
might be a really good platform
for a more physical one.
( Chuckles )
I'm not going to make out
with you, chili.
It's not chili anymore.
I'm going
back to dennis.
Johnny never liked
that nickname anyways.
Oh, no, I don't do oysters.
If I'm going to swallow
something that disgusting
there better be something
in it for me.
Hey, mom.
Oh! Hey, baby, how are you?
Um, I was thinking
about leaving.
Oh, well, then I'll see you
back at the house.
No, I mean,
leaving newport.
Going back to school.
Justin, he offered
to give me a ride.
Julie cooper nichol.
Kaitlin's mother.
Very nice to meet you.
You have
a lovely daughter.
I'll drive under
the speed limit,
make sure she buckles
her seat belt,
stop for coffee
several times...
thank you, justin,
I appreciate that.
Well, I'll see you
at parents' weekend,
and promise me,
you are definitely coming back.
I promise.
You'll be seeing
a lot more of me.
Kaitlin, I'm so sorry
if this trip wasn't
everything you hoped for.
I'm a cooper, mom.
I'll survive.
Well, hello there.
You look radiant tonight.
Thank you.
I was hoping
that we could talk.
Neil, you don't have to explain.
No, I think I do.
All this back and forth,
coming together,
pulling away again--
I think it's happening
for a reason.
We just don't belong together.
We both have very complex lives,
which will make this
very complicated.
Right, I mean, who's looking
to make life any
more complicated...
did you say "will"?
I'm sorry it's taken me
this long to ask you this.
But I lost my nerve and I wasn't
trusting my instincts.
But julie, would you
be my valentine?
All alone tonight.
Well, I guess that's
to be expected under
the circumstances.
Marissa and I have been
fighting a lot,
mainly about whether
johnny was just a friend or...
or if it was more than that.
She says it wasn'T.
I don't think
she's lying to me,
but I think she might
be lying to herself.
Now that he's gone, how
do we move forward, or if?
Well, the night's not over.
Maybe there's a little pit stop
you could make on the way home.
Yeah, actually, there is.
How's ryan?
Oh, he has a lot
on his mind, as usual.
Oh, whoa, whoa,
matt and maya
seem to be getting along.
Do you think they're
talking about business?
I think right now
he's saying
how our design offers
more space
for emergency care
and outpatient services.
I think she's
more concerned
about wheelchair access
in the lobby.
Aw, she's a good soul.
You leaving?
Yeah, don't cry or anything.
Look, I know this wasn't the
best vacation you've ever had,
but I really am
sorry for everything.
Don't be.
Just figure it all out.
Figure what out?
What you really
felt for johnny.
What does it matter now?
You keep telling yourself
whatever you want,
but it does matter.
I'm really glad you came back.
I kind of, sort of,
maybe, might believe you.
( Knocking )
I was wondering
if I could give you a hand?
No, no, I got it.
Thank you.
Okay, I'll just...
I mean, really?
Yeah, yeah, I figured
you could use the help.
If you want, I could
make the conversation
a little more awkward.
Well, in that case, please.
Thank you.
Hey, kait, I think there's
something in your eye.
What... it couldn't be...
is that a tear?
Shut up.
You know, as weird
as it may sound,
I think I'm actually
gonna miss this place.
( Sobs softly )
what are you thinking?
If I could have done
or said anything
that.... would have saved him.
well, um, I think it's
a hard thing to accept.
That life is completely
out of our control.
But you were there for him
at the end
of the day.
That's all we can
really do for each
other, you know?
Just be there.
And I'll be in the kitchen
if you need me.
Go away.
Look, I just want to talk.
There's nothing to say.
You wouldn't have come here
if you didn't want to see me.
It's got nothing
to do with you.
Now I think you should leave
before I start
screaming for the cops.
We both know you're
not going to do that.
What the hell
is he doing here?
Everything okay?
It is now.
You want tea?

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