Summer meets with a school counselor to discuss how
much she misses Marissa. The counselor observes how Summer is going through
the five stages of depression. At the end of the week, Summer has made
tremendous progress, but the counselor makes her promise to take things slow
when she says that she wants to get back to her old life.
Seth calls Ryan from the Rhode Island airport (he is there to visit Summer)
and speculates that Summer is going to break up with him. He is stunned to
see Summer arrive, looking just like she used to. Summer kisses him, and
Seth is thrilled that the old Summer is back.
Ryan works out at the beach and joins Sandy. The two discuss Ryan’s new job
that he is about to have at a Mexican restaurant. Sandy reminds him that it
will not be forever, since Berkeley has accepted him for the next year.
Sandy says that he is glad Ryan is getting back to his old self, and he
tells Ryan to hang in there.
Seth tells Summer that he thought she was going to break up with him, and
Summer talks to him about how she was just acting different to try to cope
with Marissa’s death.
Kirsten and Sandy chat about Ryan. Kirsten suggests to Sandy that he should
hang out with his old friend, Jason. Sandy seems to be pleased with the
Julie hangs up after talking to Neil on the phone. Kaitlin asks Julie what
is going on, and Julie tells Kaitlin that Neil is going to let them stay in
the mansion as long as they want. Julie tells Kaitlin that she is going to
give up men. The two make a deal—if Julie stays away from men for a week,
Kaitlin will stay out of trouble. Taylor comes in and thanks the Coopers for
letting her stay with them, and Kaitlin gives Taylor a piece of mail that
arrived for her from her French husband.
While Ryan works at the restaurant, Taylor walks by, and Ryan says hi. She
asks him for a favor—her French husband, Henri-Michel, is coming to Newport,
and she needs Ryan to be with her when she sees him so that he can’t
persuade her to come back to France. Taylor tells Ryan that she has nobody
else to turn to, and Ryan agrees to be there.
Summer redecorates her dorm room. Che comes to visit her and Summer opens up
about who she really is. Che assures her that he is happy for her. Seth
comes in, and Che says hi. He leaves to go to a rally, giving Seth and
Summer some alone time.
Sandy asks Jason if he wants to get together to do something that weekend.
It is an awkward moment, and Jason tells Sandy that he will get back to him.
Seth and Summer watch The Valley. Summer leaves to get a magazine, but she
is saddened when she sees the flier that Che gave her earlier for his rally.
Ryan and Taylor wait for Henri-Michel to arrive. Taylor tells Ryan that what
she had with her husband wasn’t true love. Henri-Michel’s lawyer arrives and
tells Taylor that Henri-Michel will not grant her a divorce, and he wants
her to come back to France. Unless one of them has been unfaithful, they
have to remain married. Taylor tells the lawyer that she is Ryan’s lover.
Ryan stands there, unknowing, since Taylor and the lawyer are speaking in
Summer asks Seth to give her some privacy so she can try on clothes. When he
leaves, she calls Che and gets an update on how his rally went.
Julie tells Kirsten that she is giving up men. She also says that she wants
to focus on their business now. Kirsten tells Julie that the dating service
is open to her whenever she wants it. Taryn stops by and tells Julie that
she should sue Neil for leaving her. Kirsten gets a phone call from Sandy,
who is heading out to hang out with Jason. Taryn tells Julie that she is
dating younger men and having a lot of fun. She invites Julie to hang out
with her the next night, but Julie declines, saying that she is trying to be
a role model.
Kaitlin tells Luke’s brothers that she will get a fake ID with them after
they finally convince her that she won’t get caught.
Taylor visits Ryan at work and asks him to sign a paper for her. When Ryan
observes that it is all in French, she says that it is just to attest to her
Seth hangs out with Che, and the two overhear Summer making a speech. They
walk in and find her making a passionate speech about solar panels in the
dormitories. Che and everyone else cheers, while Summer seems awkward when
she sees Seth watching her.
Ryan tries to learn French while looking at Taylor’s papers. Seth calls him
and tells him that he thinks Summer might have legitimately changed. Summer
overhears, and tells Seth that she is still going to have bits and pieces of
her old self as well as her new self. She assures him that she is still
going to be the best girlfriend she can be.
Seth visits Che, who is playing guitar in the nude. Seth feels awkward when
Che plays him a song and gives him a hug.
Sandy and Jason play golf together, and talk about how little time they have
for friends nowadays.
Kirsten asks Julie to hang out with her that night. Julie agrees. Her phone
begins to ring, and Taryn asks her if she is going to come hang out that
night. Taryn reminds her that she will not be as hot as she is now forever.
Julie tells Kirsten that she is getting sick, and won’t be able to hang out
that night.
Kaitlin and Luke’s brothers go to get their fake IDs. The guy who gives them
the IDs tells Kaitlin that he is available, but she declines.
Julie and Taryn get drunk together at a club, and Julie begins dancing with
a guy.
Taylor visits Ryan at work again, and Ryan tells her that he has figured out
what the papers say—they are a statement that they have been having an
affair. Taylor tells Ryan that he is all she has, but Ryan refuses to sign
the papers. He tells Taylor that the only thing that he can handle right now
is his job. She leaves.
Seth and Che join Summer at a rally, and Seth shows off his newfound
knowledge of the green lifestyle. They all begin to head into the rally, but
Seth is denied entry since he is not a student. He tells Summer that he
understands, and everybody needs her. Summer tells Seth that he is the best
boyfriend ever.
Sandy introduces Ryan to Jason. Sandy tells Ryan that he is glad to see him
doing better, and tells him that his lifestyle of helping people is just
what he does. Ryan remembers Taylor and tells Sandy that there is something
he has to do. Ryan leaves.
Kaitlin and Luke’s brothers go to a bar, but only Kaitlin is permitted to
enter. Kaitlin is amazed at the whole atmosphere—until she sees her mom
dirty dancing with a guy. Julie spots Kaitlin as well, and excuses herself.
Kaitlin begins to head off.
Kirsten calls Sandy to check up on him. He tells her that he is having a
great time, and Kirsten tells him that Julie cancelled on her.
Ryan goes the Yacht Club, where Taylor is trying to convince the lawyer that
she doesn’t want to go back to France. Ryan kisses Taylor passionately, and
asks the lawyer where the paper is for him to sign. The lawyer says that it
will not be necessary, since he knows love when he sees it. He says that he
will go back and tell Henri-Michel immediately. Taylor is very grateful.
Summer leaves the rally to find Seth sleeping outside. She tells him how
great things are going, and Seth tells her to get back in there.
Taylor visits Ryan and gives him peach torte to thank him for helping her
out. Taylor tells him that everything she expected is out the window. She
says that that could be a good thing, and it is clear that she is hoping for
a relationship with Ryan. Ryan tells her how good the torte is.
Seth goes to the airport to head home, and finds out that no flights leave
until the next day.
Sandy comes home and kisses Kirsten, and the two play strip poker together.
Julie and Kaitlin quietly sit down to some ice cream together.
Taylor leaves the poolhouse grinning ear to ear.
Summer goes back to her dorm and finds a cute drawing of herself that Seth
did, and a message saying that he is leaving to give her some space for
herself. He says that he loves her.
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