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The O.C. Episode Guide
The Chrismukkah That Almost Wasn't - 2.06

Cal and Sandy meet at the pier. Sandy reminds Cal again to confess the
truth. Cal again says that he can’t.
Seth tries to divvy out Chrismukkah responsibilities while Ryan and
Kirsten bring in the tree. Kirsten tells the boys that Julie and Cal are
invited to Chrismukkah. Sandy walks in, and when he is reminded that it is
Chrismukkah, he asks to stay out of it.
Ryan asks Seth if he should invite Lindsey to Chrismukkah. Seth says that
he shouldn’t move that fast.
Julie and Jimmy make love. Julie comments on the inappropriateness of
their relationship, asking if it’s adultery if she sleeps with her
ex-husband. Jimmy says it is, and asks if she wants to stop. She says no,
and they continue.
Sandy and Renee meet again. Sandy asks her to speak up, or she might risk
losing Lindsey. She has the possibility of going to jail, too. But Renee
cannot take the chance of telling Lindsey the truth.
Ryan meets Lindsey in class. Lindsey comments on how holidays were never
good for her and her mom. Feeling bad for her, Ryan asks her to celebrate
Chrismukkah with the Cohens. Lindsey seems excited about the possibility.
Marissa meets Summer in the lounge. They talk about how lame their
holidays will be with both of their boyfriends out of town. Seth comes up,
and is dismayed at their lack of holiday spirit. He invites them to
Chrismukkah, and they both accept.
Julie shows up at the office and finds out from Kirsten that she missed
their meeting. Kirsten points out that she was trying to call Julie all
morning. Julie says that her phone must have been dead, but then it begins
to ring Kirsten comments on the ring tone being Jimmy’s favorite.
Seth tells Ryan that Marissa and Summer are coming over. Ryan panics,
because Lindsey is coming over too. Seth complains about how Chrismukkah
might be facing backlash. The two go outside, and Ryan tells Sandy that
Lindsey is coming over for Chrismukkah. Sandy says that it isn’t a good
idea with everything going on with Cal’s case. Seth asks what Lindsey has
to do with Cal’s case, and laughingly jokes that she is Cal’s love child.
Sandy looks at the two, and they realize that he guessed the truth. Sandy
tells them that it must stay between them.
Ryan and Seth decide to tell Lindsey, Marissa, and Summer that Chrismukkah
is cancelled.
Ryan goes to Lindsey’s to cancel, while Seth goes to Summer’s to cancel.
Lindsey shows Ryan her yamaclaus that she made and comments on how excited
she is. Ryan doesn’t have the heart to uninvite her. Lindsey puts her
yamaclaus on Ryan.
Seth and Summer go shopping for Christmas trees. Summer points out that
she is thrilled about being invited to the Cohen’s for Chrismukkah, and
she thinks that Seth might actually be changing. Seth doesn’t have the
heart to uninvited her.
Ryan confesses that he didn’t have the guts to uninvite Lindsey. He shows
Seth the yamaclaus that Lindsey made, and Seth replies with, “Holy Moses!”
Marissa and Summer show up, and Ryan realizes that Seth didn’t uninvited
the girls either.
Cal and Julie show up at the Cohen’s. Cal asks Sandy to talk. Julie goes
to the kitchen and kisses Jimmy. She says that she missed him all day, and
when Kirsten walks in, Julie pushes Jimmy away and tells him to stop
picking at the food.
Renee and Lindsey pull up at the Cohen’s. Renee asks Lindsey if she’s sure
that she wants to go, and Lindsey says it might be time to get over hating
the holidays. Lindsey meets Kirsten when Kirsten answers the door.
Seth, Summer, and Marissa play video games while Ryan looks on. Lindsey
shows up, and there is awkward tension between Lindsey and Ryan and
everyone else.
Cal tells Sandy that he has decided to tell Kirsten the truth. He asks
Sandy for help with how to tell her.
Renee shows up at the Cohen’s, and asks Kirsten if she can talk to her.
They walk into the kitchen, and Cal walks in too. Meanwhile, Lindsey,
Ryan, Seth, Marissa, and Summer walk to the kitchen. Julie and Jimmy walk
in too. Cal confesses that he fathered Lindsey. Lindsey walks out, and
Renee chases her. Cal walks over to Kirsten, who slaps him and tells him
to get out of her house. He walks over to Julie, and she slaps him too.
She storms out, and Jimmy follows her. Cal turns towards Marissa, Summer,
Seth, and Ryan, and all Seth does is wave. Ryan goes to check on Lindsey,
and Seth goes to check on his mom. Summer comments on how dysfunctional
the family is.
While Sandy, Cal, and Seth chase down Kirsten, Kirsten yells at Cal. She
throws a potted plant at Cal and locks herself in the closet. Seth tells
Cal he should leave, and Cal says that going to prison would have been
Ryan shows up at Renee’s and asks to talk to Lindsey. Renee says it’s not
a good time, but Lindsey says she can speak for herself. Renee leaves, and
Ryan apologizes to Lindsey. He tells her that he is there for her. Lindsey
says that it is best if they don’t see each other anymore because she
doesn’t want to be anywhere near his family.
Summer and Marissa sit in Seth’s room and talk about how weird their lives
are while Summer cuddles with Captain Oats. Seth comes in and announces
that they should cancel Chrismukkah.
Seth, Ryan, Marissa, and Summer eat at a diner. Seth tells Ryan how
Chrismukkah is cancelled. Summer comments on how sad that is. Ryan offers
Seth a ride home, and they start to leave. Summer says that while they
might give up, she still believes in a Chrismakkuh miracle.
Julie sits alone in Marissa’s bedroom. Cal comes in and tries to explain
why he kept the secret. He says that he only cheated once, and will never
cheat on Julie. He asks for her forgiveness. Julie says she doesn’t know,
and leaves to look for Marissa.
Ryan and Sandy talk about the situation. Ryan asks if he can talk to
Kirsten. He goes up to the room and tries to talk to Kirsten through the
door. He says Lindsey is not okay right now, but she might be if she
realized what an accepting family she is a part of. Kirsten opens the
door, and Sandy is standing there too. Sandy asks Kirsten if she wants to
meet her sister. Kirsten says she isn’t ready to call her that yet, but
she seems like a sweet girl.
Summer and Marissa go to Jimmy’s boat. They ask for a generator and an
extension cord for a Chrismukkah miracle. Jimmy says yes, and Marissa
comments on how she doesn’t care if her mom is worried about her. She also
tells Jimmy that if he became friends with her mom again, he’d be in
trouble. The two girls leave, and we find out that Julie is there. She
tells Jimmy they are making a huge mistake, but she wants to be with him.
Seth meets Lindsey on the beach. Seth reminds Lindsey that she is a Cohen
now. Lindsey says that traumatic doesn’t even begin to cover what she’s
going through. Seth tells Lindsey they have much to be grateful for, like
the fact that they didn’t start dating. He gives her a Christmas
stocking—that says “Laura.” It was the only one the store had. The two
walk to Lindsey’s, and Seth explains the origins of Chrismukkah. They
arrive at Lindsey’s, and where it’s decorated in Christmas decorations.
Kirsten, Sandy, Ryan, Renee, Marissa, and Summer are there. Kirsten
introduces herself, and the two hug.
Sandy thanks Renee for coming forward. Seth thanks Summer for saving
Chrismukkah. Everyone puts on yamaclauses and Seth sings his Chrismukkah
Photos from Screencap
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