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The O.C. Episode Guide
The Strip - 1.26 aired
By Jessica
The show starts off with an amusing
conversation in Seth’s room at night. Seth wakes Ryan up and starts asking
what to do about Summer. Ryan tries to sleep, but Seth keeps bothering him.
Finally Seth says Ryan can go back to sleep, since things are worse for him
than for Seth. Ryan asks how, and Seth explains that Ryan’s ex is sleeping
in his room, to the dismay of his current girlfriend. Ryan says Marissa is
fine, but Seth is sceptical. He then asks when Theresa is leaving, but Ryan
says he’s not worried. Ryan tries to sleep, but realizes he is wondering
when Theresa’s leaving. They go to visit her in the pool house, and before
they can ask she says she’s probably leaving soon. Ryan says he’ll see her
tomorrow – he including Marissa, and Seth says he’ll be there too since
Summer is apparently dating her father. Ryan shuts him up, and the two guys
leave. Then Theresa pulls out a pregnancy test box and stares at it
In the Cohen kitchen Julie is asking
Caleb wedding questions, and he tries to go off to work. Kirsten mentions
that he’s been so busy with the wedding lately that she wanted him to come
to some breakfast thing for work, and Julie interjects that Caleb has kept
saying he’s busy with work to get out of wedding work. Sandy smartly asks
“so Cay Cay what have you been doing all this time?” Julie tries to make
weekend plans with Caleb before he runs away, but he gradually admits he has
a one night business meeting in Las Vegas. Julie figures out it’s a bachelor
party. Seth and Ryan wander in as Sandy fakes hurt about not being invited,
and Seth quickly agrees. Then Sandy clarifies that he doesn’t have any
affection for Caleb, but he loves “The Vegas.” This leads to a discussion
about “The Vegas” in which Ryan admits he’s never been there (his mom was
all about the Reno). The guys decide to go when Kirsten says she’ll take
care of Theresa, and Caleb realizes he has no say in it.
Sandy goes to visit Jimmy so they
can go for breakfast, and Jimmy shows him a house he’s placing a bid on, and
says his realtor is just going to stop by. Apparently Marissa hasn’t told
him about moving in with Caleb and her mom yet. Sandy invites Jimmy to crash
Caleb’s party with him, and Jimmy agrees since Caleb did something (couldn’t
hear it) and took Julie off his hands. The doorbell rings and Jimmy runs to
get a contract while Sandy lets in the realtor. She reveals that Robert
Campbell is going to turn the land into an outdoor mall and when Sandy says
they sold the place to Caleb, she says Caleb must have sold it off, and made
a fortune. Hmm dirty dealings here?
Over at the school (whoa you mean
Ryan and company still go to school?) Marissa wants to kill Caleb, but that
would put her in jail. Then she realizes that then she wouldn’t have to move
in with him, or tell her dad about it. Ryan asks if she still hasn’t told
her dad, and she says no, how can she say she was blackmailed? She says
she’ll do it this weekend, but Ryan says Jimmy will be in Vegas this
weekend. When she asks how Ryan knows, he says it’s because he might be in
Vegas, and then elaborates that it’s for Caleb’s bachelor party. Marissa
asks if it involves strippers, prostitutes, and showgirls, and Ryan jokes
that he hopes so. She playfully shoves him, and he says he isn’t going
because Theresa needs him. Way to make Marissa feel special. Marissa is
hurt, and asks what about her. Ryan says that she has Summer and her sister,
and Theresa has no one. Marissa says Theresa has her, since she’s Ryan’s
girlfriend (this is posed as a question) and his friends are her friends.
Ryan kisses her and says that she is his girlfriend, and then plays
oblivious when she asks about the strippers.
Julie (who now seems to live at the
Cohen’s house or in Kirsten’s office) is whining about not wanting
Chippendales – she wants strippers. She and Kirsten argue about it (Kirsten
doesn’t want them, and especially doesn’t want to go out somewhere where
there are strippers). Julie wants to go to the Petting Zoo, but Kirsten flat
out refuses. Finally she agrees to “one little stripper who’s trying to make
his way in the world – naked” as Julie put it.
At school in the lounge room Seth
informs Summer that he’s going to a bachelor party as “a courtesy thing,
since last time [he] checked they were still officially boyfriend and
girlfriend.” He then begs her to not let what her dad thinks of him break
them up. He then figures that his caring for her just isn’t good enough for
her, and leaves her looking sad.
Ryan goes to see Theresa in the pool
house, asking her to hang out with him and Theresa, but she’s working
another shift to make money to go to Atlanta where her cousin lives. All she
needs is airfare, and she’ll have her own second chance. Ryan asks how much
she needs, and she says around $2000, but she isn’t asking him for money.
He says he’ll ask the Cohen’s (ok just cause they took him in, doesn’t mean
they want to fund his ex-girlfriend too), but Theresa says it’s not his
problem. Inside Ryan, Marissa and Seth plan for him to take Seth’s bar
mitzvah money (about a thousand) and a few hundred from Marissa to Vegas.
Seth pulls out fake Ids he conveniently has, and asks if Ryan is in. Ryan
pauses, and says he is.
The guys arrive at the Hard Rock
Hotel and Casino in Vegas. Seth explains that they chose not to go to
Caesars. A lady comes up and asks who is Mr. Cohen, and Seth steps forward.
She says that the penthouse is ready for them, and they had talked on the
phone. Seth reveals to Sandy that he used Caleb’s credit card, and then
everyone is happy. Sandy says he loves Seth, and Seth says he loves Sandy
too, but not as much as Vegas. The guys discover they have a bowling alley –
in their room. They are excited about it, except Caleb who thinks it’s a
million dollar frat house. Seth and Ryan ask the lady to show them to the
casino, and she asks to see their ID. They go to pull it out, and she
mentions how they have so many underage kids using fake ID, and they’d hate
to throw them out of the hotel. The boys quickly put away their wallets, and
say they don’t really want the tour after all. Seth asks Ryan what they
should do – he doesn’t want to be kicked out since he loves the hotel, and
wants to marry it and have “little gambling alcohol addicted kids with it.”
Ryan says they’ll find somewhere else, and sounds very evil villianish when
he says that it’s Vegas, and all you have to do to find some action is ask.
It only took 26 episodes for him to start plotting like a real teenager. In
the casino Caleb gets a phone call, and makes plans with some person. Sandy
comes up at questions what Caleb is going to do with the restaurant, and
Caleb says he doesn’t know yet. He asks what Jimmy and Sandy are going to
do, and Sandy says he’s going to gamble his, and Jimmy is buying a house for
him and Marissa. Caleb asks why, since Marissa is moving in with him. Sandy
pauses in thought.
Back in Newport Summer, Marissa and
Hailey (really, how old is she?) are watching “The Valley” at Marissa’s
house/apartment thing. Hailey is bored with the show, while Summer is in
tears over the sad episode. Marissa informs Hailey that Summer broke up with
Seth because her dad didn’t approve. Hailey makes a little faux pas when she
says “you think my dad approves of Jimmy Cooper – the man’s a felon” and
then tacks on a “no offence” to Marissa. Marissa adds that her mom doesn’t
approve of Ryan, and Hailey says it’s like a rule that parents don’t
approve, otherwise the sex isn’t that good. She realizes she shared a bit
too much. The doorbell rings, and it’s Kirsten who (in private) asks Hailey
to get a stripper for Julie. Hailey chastises her, because she doesn’t like
Julie Cooper, and lets her walk all over her. Kirsten denies it, and says
Hailey is upset Julie’s marrying Caleb, to which Hailey adds “for his
money.” Hailey says she’ll get someone – she knows just the man. Ooh more
evil plotting stuff.
At the beach pool thing at the hotel
Ryan and Seth enjoy the sights (bikini clad women). Seth says he feels
confident enough to go talk to any woman, but then realizes he’s a bit too
shy. Suddenly a girl comes up and kisses Seth. She explains that her name is
Jen, and she kissed him to pretend she’s with a guest (so she can use the
beach pool area). Just then Summer calls, and starts off that she’s been
thinking (wow Summer learned an important skill this season – when it
started off all she could say was “eww”) Just then Jen says “I have to kiss
you again” and kisses Seth, which Summer overhears. Jen compliments him on
kissing, and Summer gets angry and hangs up on him. Summer turns to Marissa
and says Seth was kissing another girl (wow he gets around – just wondering
why she chose him over Ryan?) Summer says “He’s kissing another girl, right
in front of me on the phone. I’ve been crying actual tears over that ass,
and he’s kissing randoms.” Marissa quickly steps in for damage control and
says that Theresa’s coming over, and they can do whatever Summer wants.
Summer says all she wants to do is go to Vegas and kick Cohen’s ass. Seth
knows what’s coming for him, and Jen apologizes and goes to leave. Then she
asks where they’re going, and says she lives there, goes to UNLV and has a
car. The guys ask if she knows of a blackjack dealer, and she offers an
“intense” poker thing with some guys she knows. On the balcony Sandy and
Jimmy talk, and Sandy is clearly suspicious of Caleb’s plans. Sandy tells
Jimmy to retract his house bid, since Caleb claims Marissa’s moving in with
At Marissa’s Summer has gone home,
and Theresa has come over. Theresa says she doesn’t want to go out, and when
Marissa asks what food they should get, Theresa says no raw fish. Then
Marissa offers some drinks, including beer, and Theresa she’s she can’t, or
shouldn’t. Marissa makes a joke (one of her first) and says “you can’t
drink, you can’t have sushi, what are you, pregnant?” (just a note, I can’t
drink yet, I don’t like raw fish, and I am not pregnant and if someone who I
know is underage said what Theresa said, I wouldn’t assume they were
pregnant). Theresa looks down, and Marissa questions if she is pregnant.
Jen takes Ryan and Seth to the poker
place where we see the players (including one in a trucker hat). Ryan joins
in the game after Seth persuades him that he loves “The Vegas” and they
should see if “The Vegas” loves him.
Theresa tells Marissa that no one
else knows, and Marissa promises she won’t tell anyone. She asks what
Theresa is going to do, and Theresa says she doesn’t have enough money to
get to Atlanta, so she has no idea what she’ll do. Marissa suggests talking
to Eddie, and Theresa says she can’t since he’ll try to convince her to
marry him and have the baby, or else he’ll say it isn’t his. Marissa asks
who else’s it could be, and Theresa looks up at her sadly. Marissa realizes
what Theresa’s implying, and is shocked. Ok honestly, this baby better be
Eddie’s, and I think it probably is because if it’s not then Ryan will have
to marry Theresa (or at least support her) therefore not be with Marissa,
which will ruin the show eventually. Plus the whole show is based on the
outsider forced into the OC, so he can’t leave or get married / tied down.
In Vegas we see a funny shot of Seth
sipping with a straw out of a shot glass. Ryan does really well at poker,
and makes enough for Theresa, plus keeps Seth’s money. Seth says Ryan should
keep playing, but Ryan points out that the guy in the trucker hat looks
really angry at him. Seth suggests that maybe he’s angry because he found
out people don’t wear trucker hats anymore (haha). Seth wants to stay since
he’s doing so well with Jen (and apparently forgot Summer, even though
earlier he kept thinking of her or calling her). Ryan says to invite her to
the hotel room, and when she comes over Seth invites her and her friends
(who have always wanted to see the penthouse).
At the Cohen’s Julie waits
impatiently for the stripper. The doorbell rings, and it’s Hailey. Julie
angrily asks what she’s doing there, and Hailey replies that Kirsten invited
her, since Julie “clearly forgot.” She mentions she saw fire trucks outside,
and suddenly a bunch of strippers dressed as firemen run in. Kirsten scolds
Hailey for getting more than one stripper, and is distracted as the phone
rings. She goes to answer it, and it’s Sandy. Kirsten tells him what’s going
on, he says to keep the strippers off the furniture. Sandy voices his doubts
that Caleb couldn’t get their liquor license, and Kirsten admits he knows
everyone on the board. Sandy says he thinks Caleb did it to buy them out
cheap and sell it for a lot of money, and he plans to talk to Caleb.
Ryan, Seth and Jen come back to the
hotel, and Jimmy beckons Ryan over. Jimmy is leaving Marissa a message, and
then tells Ryan she hasn’t been picking up her cell all day. He asks Ryan if
he knows about Marissa moving in with Caleb, and Ryan says yes, assuming
Marissa told him. Jimmy says Marissa didn’t tell him, but Caleb told Sandy
who told him, and asks if Ryan knew. Ryan wonders why Caleb did that, as he
and Marissa had a deal. Jimmy wants to know about the deal and Ryan
assumedly tells him.
Over in the lobby, we see Summer
arriving (wow that was really fast). She goes and asks for Cohen
(“C-O-H-E-N, I think that’s how he spells it.”) Upstairs Seth is admiring
the view, while Jen tries to get him in the hot tub. She takes off her robe,
revealing a bikini, and when he obviously likes it, she asks if he wants to
see what happens next. He says he would, except that he’s in love with his
girlfriend (aww!). She points out that it’s ex-girlfriend and kisses him.
Just then Summer comes in and yells “Cohen!” to Seth’s surprise, and she’s
followed by Ryan who says he tried to stop her. She calls Jen a whore and
tells her to get away from Seth, and when Seth explains she’s not a whore,
and that she goes to UNLV Summer says “oh I’m sorry … skank!” Then three
more girls wander in, and Summer is not impressed. They’re followed by two
men, who explain that they want payment before the party. Seth is confused,
Ryan realizes they’re prostitutes, and Summer hits Seth and mutters “knew
it.” The man wants $5000, now. After a commercial break, we return to Seth
informing Ryan he hates “The Vegas.” Seth is upset about being taken
advantage of, and Summer in definitely not sympathetic as she mutters “way
to go whore-boy.” (Just a note, as this point they’re on a couch with Ryan
between Seth and Summer.) Ryan asks Summer for her money, and she says no
since it’s Seth’s problem. Seth blames her for breaking up with him, she
says “so you hire yourself a call girl?”, he says “what your dad wouldn’t
approve”, she says “this has nothing to do with my dad”, he says “you’re
right it doesn’t” (Ryan falls back against the couch, out of their way), she
realizes she over reacted a little and says “maybe if you didn’t try so hard
with him”, he says “I only did that because I knew that it was important to
you.” Summer stops, and obviously feels bad. She makes sure nothing happened
with Jen besides the kiss – Seth says yes, and then clarifies it was four
kisses. Summer says if anything like this happens again she’ll kill him, and
Ryan adds that if they don’t get the money soon, the guy will kill them.
Seth says they have $3000, Summer adds $500, and then Jen comes up and
suggests more of Texas Round Up (the poker game)
Julie and the stripper talk a bit,
and he suggests they go somewhere after, and she goes to get her purse. On
her way she meets Kirsten, who’s shocked she’s leaving. Julie feigns
exhaustion and then notices the stripper chatting with Hailey. Kirsten
reveals the two are old friends. Julie stalks over to Hailey, and asks if
her plan was to catch Julie with the stripper, and then tell Caleb, who
would call off the wedding. Hailey says Julie wouldn’t sleep with Jeff (the
stripper) since he doesn’t make enough money. She elaborates that Julie
married Jimmy and now her dad for the money, and then says “Jeffery here
might be a stripper, but honey you’re a whore.” (Haha SNAP for Hailey!)
Julie slaps Hailey, who retaliates by shoving Julie, The two get into a
catfight, and eventually end up in the pool, still fighting (one of the
funniest scenes I’ve seen).
Sandy goes into the restaurant where
Caleb is with Robert Campbell, sits down at the table, and helps himself to
Caleb’s food and drink. He asks Campbell about the property, and then starts
telling his little story about the liquor license, including the part where
‘one of the partners’ asked the council not the give them the license, so he
could buy the property from them and sell it for a much higher price. Then
Sandy says he is guilty of fraud (and some other stuff I missed) and that
the legal battle could take years. Caleb gets up and tries to force Sandy to
leave, but Sandy’s ready to fight. But Jimmy runs in and stops Sandy from
punching him, saying “no, let me.” He then punches Caleb – hard – and yells
at him for manipulating him and holding his daughter hostage. Sandy’s upset
– because Jimmy beat him to the punch
At the poker game Ryan loses his
money, so he goes to Jen and asks her for some. She refuses, and Ryan blames
her for him needing more money, but she says she was doing her job, and
assumed they’d have money as they’re staying in the penthouse. She asks how
come he sucks so much, when he was doing so well earlier. Ryan says “so I
guess the guy with the trucker hat is feeling pretty confident right now,
wouldn’t you say?” in his new evil plotting way (which I’m totally loving).
Jen realizes Ryan lost on purpose, and gives him some money. Cut to Ryan,
Seth and Summer walking outside, with Ryan wearing the ugly trucker hat.
Seth can’t believe the guy gave it to him, but Ryan says he won it. Ryan
says he did lose Seth’s bar mitzvah money, but Seth says he lost it himself,
as well as Theresa’s money. Ryan is ok with it, and says you win some, you
lose some, and they’re leaving pretty much even. Seth says some of them are
walking out ahead, and gives Summer a big kiss. Summer says if it were up to
Seth they wouldn’t be walking out at all, and he says now they have a good
Vegas story. She questions if they’d want to tell people he lost his bar
mitzvah money to prostitutes. Ryan adds “you know what they say – what
happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” Summer says she thought that was Tijuana,
and Seth thinks the hat should stay in Vegas, and grabs it off Ryan’s head,
throwing it into a conveniently located river. Seth says he definitely loves
“The Vegas” and the three walk off (for once it’s Seth and Summer paired up,
and Ryan alone – but I did wish Marissa was there too).
Now Sandy is arriving home, where he
finds Kirsten in bed. She tells him about Hailey and Julie’s catfight, he
says that he didn’t punch Caleb in the mouth, since Jimmy did. Sandy says he
doesn’t want to go back to Vegas soon, and when Kirsten questions him he
says that the best part about Vegas is coming home afterwards.
The next morning we see Marissa
fling open the door to find Ryan looking very happy. She’s upset he told her
dad, but he says that her dad found out and asked him, so he had to tell the
truth. She says that he’ll tell her dad the truth, but not her. Ryan is now
confused, but still looking very cute. He asks what she’s talking about, and
she says he should ask Theresa, and tries to close the door on him
(forgetting that he’s easily 100 times stronger than her). He pushes it back
open, and comes in. Marissa says Theresa’s pregnant, and Ryan’s happy little
half smile finally fades. Then she says “and it might not be Eddie’s, so why
don’t you tell me what’s going on?” Ryan looks totally shocked and scared
(though his hair looks great), and Marissa’s eyes are all watery. The camera
pans out on them both standing there.
Jessica's Final thoughts:
NOOOO Theresa can’t be pregnant – it
BETTER be Eddie’s (read my little thing somewhere in the middle of the
summary for thoughts on that).
The catfight was funny, and a long
time coming. I hope at some point we see implications of that.
Seth and Summer are back together!!!
But according to the “Cohen-Atwood Curse” only one of Ryan or Seth can be
happy in love at a time (think about it – if you go through all the
episodes, they never both are happy with Marissa and Summer respectively for
more than an episode). Obviously Ryan and Marissa have problems coming up,
and since the finale is next, that means the problems will stay till next
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