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Angel Trivia Quiz

Test your "Angel" knowledge!


Who said what from Season 5?

1.       “Slayer loving freak.”                          

a.      Lorne

b.      Harmony

c.      Faith

d.      Andrew


2.      “Damn it feels good to get my violence on.”

a.      Angel           

b.      Spike

c.      Gunn

d.      Lindsay


3.     “Being nearly indestructible is pretty cool.”

a.     Angel

b.     Spike

c.     Illyria

d.     Hamilton


4.     “Ladies and gentlemen hell just froze over.”

a.     Gunn

b.     Lorne

c.     Spike

d.     Angel


  1. “Always was a bit of a drama queen.”

a.     Spike

b.     Lorne

c.     Faith

d.     Cordelia



  1. “Thank you Wesley I’d love a gun.”

a.     Gunn

b.     Andrew

c.     Lorne

d.     Fred



  1. “Sex with robots is more common then most people think.”

a.     Knox

b.     Spike

c.     Andrew

d.     Harmony



  1. “I’m not very comfortable with hugging.”

a.     Angel

b.     Hamilton

c.     Illyria

d.     Faith


  1. “Look who’s come to call Crocket and Tubbs?”

a.      Lorne

b.      Lindsay

c.      Hamilton

d.      Spike


  1. “He’s my Frodo, he’s alive.”

a.      Fred

b.      Lorne

c.      Andrew

d.      Harmony



  1. “It’s really been a pleasure, let’s never keep in touch.”

a.      Angel

b.      Wesley

c.      Cordelia

d.      Lorne


  1. “Oh my God Angel your cute.”

a.      Nina

b.      Fred

c.      Darla

d.      Cordelia


  1. “Look at you.  You’re a bloody puppet,”

a.      Spike

b.      Wesley

c.      Lorne

d.      Roger Wyndham-Price



  1. “It’s my boys.  I haven’t had this many big strapping men at my bedside since that night with the varsity lacrosse team.  That was a joke.”

a.      Faith

b.      Fred

c.      Cordelia

d.      Harmony



  1. “War’s here and your already two soldiers down.”

a.      Hamilton

b.      Sam Lawson

c.      Lindsay

d.      Cyvus Vail



  1. “I’ve been hitting the half breed he makes noise.” 

a.      Drusilla

b.      Angelus

c.      Faith

d.      Illyria



  1. “The vampire plays children’s games.”

a.      Illyria

b.      Lindsay

c.      Senator Bruckner

d.      Hamilton



  1. “We’re motivated go getters.” 

a.      Gunn

b.      Spike

c.      Angel

d.      Andrew


      19. “It’s business boys not a bat cave.”

a.      Drogyn

b.      Cyvus Vail

c.      Hamilton

d.      Lindsay



     20.“He felt like sunshine.” 

                                                                                a.  Darla

                               b.  Fred

c.      Andrew

d.      Drusilla.


     21.“Try not to die.  You are not unpleasant to my eyes.”

a.      Nina

b.      Illyria

c.      Fred

d.      Andrew


     22.  “Good night folks.”

a.      Lindsay

b.      Lorne

c.      Spike

d.      Andrew

    23. “Okay you take the 30,000 on the left.” 

a.      Gunn.

b.      Angel

c.      Spike

d.      Wesley


    24. “Let’s go to work.”          

a.      Wesley.

b.      Fred

c.      Angel

d.      Gunn


  1.   B is correct.  Harmony accusing Spike of his love for Buffy.
  2.   C is correct.  Gunn getting hyped for a battle.
  3.   A is correct.  Angel’s comment in a fight.
  4.   B is correct.  Lorne’s comment about Angel splurging for dinner.
  5.   A is correct.  Spike about Angel.
  6.   D is correct.  Fred says to Wesley as they’re about to destroy a giant bug.
  7.   B is correct.  A reference from Buffy Season 5 when Spike had a robot of Buffy made.
  8.   A is correct.  Angel’s comment.
  9.   D is correct.  Spike talking about Wesley and Gunn.
  10.   C is correct.  Andrew upon seeing Spike for the first time after he saved them from Hellmouth.
  11.   C is correct.  Cordelia saying goodbye to Eve.
  12.   B is correct.  Fred talking to Angel when he’s a puppet.
  13.   A is correct.  Spike comment to Angel when he’s a puppet.
  14.   B is correct.  Fred to the gang before she dies.
  15.   C is correct.  Lindsay says this when the gang rescue him from W&H hell.
  16.   D is correct.  Illyria about Spike when he is testing her abilities.
  17.   A is correct.  Illyria comment about Angel.
  18.   B is correct.  Spike about the gang.
  19.   C is correct.  Hamilton talking to the gang.
  20.   D is correct.  Drusilla about the Immortal.
  21.   B is correct.  Illyria’s comment to Gunn before they go into final battle.
  22.   B is correct.  Lorne’s last line.
  23.   A is correct.  Gunn at the final battle.
  24.   C is correct.  Angel’s final words.

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Updated 1/14/09 


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