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Angel Episode Guide
Season one; Episode Eight: "I Will
Remember You" ByCathy
(This is a short recap; we hope to have a longer, more detailed summary
Aired November 23rd, 1999
Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar of ‘Buffy the
Vampire Slayer’) comes to Angel (David Boreanaz) with questions
and they get attacked by a medieval demon. When Angel kills the
demon its blood enters a cut on Angel and he becomes permanently
mortal so said by the Oracles.
Angel and Buffy have a wonderful reunion.
Doyle discovers the demon is not dead and
together with Angel they fight it. Now that Angel is mortal he is
not strong enough to fight and Buffy arrives in the nick of time.
But Buffy cannot do it alone. Angel learns that Buffy will die
soon fighting 1000 demons so he asks the Oracles to restore him.
The only way is to turn back time 24 hours prior where only Angel
has the memory of what truly happened.
Starring: Glenn Quinn and Charisma Carpenter. W:
David Greenwalt & Jeannine Renshaw. D: David Grossman.
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