Primetime Show Reviews
"Battlestar: Galactica" 2.5
Review by Suzanne 8/26/06
Battlestar Galactica - Season 2.5

This is a great show, as I said in earlier reviews, and it
continues to be great. It's a shame that they had to break up the second
season into two parts because that it not something fans want to do-spend more
money for extra packaging and then half to wait for the second part to come out.
What are they thinking?
The package is worth getting, though, because of all the extras,
as well as the great show. It has an extended version of the episode "Pegasus"
with scenes that are well-worth seeing. It has the podcasts by the show's
creator for each episodes. It has deleted scenes from many episodes.
It has the producer's video logs, which are great for any fan.
If you haven't watched the show, go back to buy or rent season
one, then get 2.0, and then this set. It is the best show on TV and so
everyone should be watching it. It has many serialized elements that you
may not get if you try to come to the show in the middle. It has tons of
great character development. It constantly twists and turns, surprising
you. You won't be sorry!!
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