Primetime Show Reviews
"Modern Family" Season Premiere
Review by Suzanne
Airing on ABC, Wednesdays at 9/8 c
Premieres Sept. 23
I like the actors on this show, and they have done a great job in telling us
right away who the characters are, so there is no confusion about who is who
in this large cast. I think it's great that they have a gay couple as part
of the show, too. However, the show is just not that funny. The humor, when
it does occur, is of the embarrassment sort. I just don't find that kind of
thing funny. I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who does, but then again,
someone must be watching "The office". Yes, this is that type of humor.
Deadpan, dry, situation comedy with no studio audience or laugh-track and
very few actual jokes.
I think the concept of having a sitcom with a large extended family is
great, and I really was not kidding when I said I like the actors and their
characters. I did laugh in one part when Phil shot everyone with the BB gun
(or whatever it was, some kind of toy gun). It might be worth tuning in to
some more episodes to see if it gets funnier. Hey, I didn't like the first
episode of "Seinfeld", either, but it got better.
I don't know why there are not many funny sitcoms any more. I'm really not
that picky. I just want jokes, laughs, humor... is that so hard? Is it too
much to ask? There are some very funny shows that also have great drama,
like "House", "Psych", "Dexter" and "Glee". I guess the half-hour sitcom is
almost dead, judging from how few survive nowadays.
I do find "30 Rock" funny, and "Family Guy", and "Big Bang Theory", and "the
Jon Stewart Show". Heck, I even like the new "Ruby and the Rockits" show on
ABC Family. So obviously I'm not that choosy. Why aren't there more shows
like "Frasier" or "Friends" or even "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"? Where are all
the good comedy writers, or have they all run out of ideas?
It does not surprise me to learn that some of the writers for this show
wrote "Back to You", a comedy on FOX a few years ago. I did like that one,
but it was not the funniest show in the world. However, it was funnier than
this show, and it had Kelsey Grammer, who is a lot funnier than anyone here.
Sorry to get on my soapbox. I was really hoping that this was, finally, a
really funny comedy that I could enjoy and look forward to (and possibly get
my husband to watch - he is way picker than I am). I know that ABC is hoping
that it will be a big hit for them. It has very stiff competition up against
"Law & Order: Special Victims Unit", "Glee", and "Criminal Minds". I doubt "TBL"
on The CW will last, but the others are all pretty popular.
Please bear in mind that this review is based solely on viewing ONE episode
of the show, and also, I had to view it online with bad streaming, so it was
very stop-and-start viewing. That kind of thing could have affected the
comedy timing. You might want to tune in on Wednesday and judge for
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