Sunset Beach Fan Fiction Part 2 From The TV MegaSite
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Sunset Beach Fan Fiction

Originally from Sunset Beach TV

Season 4 - Episode 2

Head-writer: Anda T.

Date: December 29, 2000

Annie Douglas
Olivia Richards
Jude Cavanaugh
Ben Evans
Meg Cummings-Evans
Vanessa Hart-Bourne
Michael Bourne
Gabi Torres
Ricardo Torres
Pat Steel
Emily Davis
A.J. Deschanel
Sean Richards
Bette Katzenkazrahi
Sara Cummings
Antonio Torres
Lena Hart
Joan Cummings
Amy Nielsen
Vanessa's father



Annie and Olivia are talking on the phone:

Annie: "Olivia, what a surprise! How are you?"
Olivia : "I'm fine, Annie. Could I talk to Jude if he is there?"
Annie: "Sure, hold on. Jude, it's Olivia, she wants to talk to you!
Jude: "Olivia, what can I do for you?"
Olivia: "I called to ask you about Gregory's case. Now that he was arrested I would like to know how long he would have to..."
Jude: "If he is found guilty, probably 30-40 years. I know that this is not the answer that you wanted."
Olivia :"Oh!...It's no...It's not ...I knew all along that once he went to prison he would spend all his life there."
Jude: "I am really sorry for everything that you and your family are going through..."
Olivia: "Speaking of my family...I would like to thank you and Annie again for bringing my children back home. I don't know what I would have done without them."
Jude: "Olivia, you don't have to thank me, it was all Annie's doing and she was happy to help you."
Olivia: "Well thanks again. Bye."
Jude: "Good bye."


Ben kisses Meg

Ben: "I have a surprise for you!"
Meg: "Another one? You are amazing! Where is it?"
Ben: "It's on your dressing table"

Meg goes out of her bed and finds her present. She opens it and...

Meg: "Tickets...!!!"
Ben: "Two plane tickets to Venice for the honeymoon that we never had".
Meg: "Ben, I don't believe this. We had planned to go to Venice so long ago, and now it's finally going to happen. I have everything I ever wished for, thanks to you. You have made all my dreams come true."
Ben: "I love you Mrs. Ben Evans!"
Meg: "I love you to Mr. Evans!"

They kiss again.


Vanessa and Michael are taking a walk in the park. The sun is shining, the sea is calm, the wind is blowing; an amazing view.

Vanessa: "It's such a great day. Feels like the entire Sunset Beach is smiling to us."
Michael: "It probably knows how much in love we are. "We'd better head home and start packing. Don't forget that tomorrow we're flying to Africa for our honeymoon."
Vanessa: "How could I forget? Though, I don't think that going on a cruise with my parents is the best idea."
Michael: " But they might get back together again. I know that you would like that to happen."
Vanessa: "Yes, you're right."
Michael: "Your father is coming to Sunset Beach today, isn't he?"
Vanessa: "That 's what he said."


Gabi: "What do you mean; arrest him? Everything that happened was my fault. Ricardo lied..."
Pat: "I'm sorry Gabi, but the law doesn't work that way."
Gabi: "How can you do this? You know Ricardo, you know he is the best detective. I..."
Ricardo: "Gabi, it's O.K. I know what I did was wrong, so do what you have to do, Pat.


At Bette's house:

Emily:" Well, it was a nice breakfast, but I have got to get going to the lifeguard station."
Sean: "I'll walk you."
A.J.: "Bye Emily."
Emily: "Bye A.J. Take good care of mom."
A.J.: "Don't worry - I will not let her out of my sight."

Emily kisses her mother.

Emily: "See you later, mum!"
Bette: " See you. Bye, Sean!"
Sean: "Bye."

Sean and Emily leave.

A.J: "I finally have you all to myself...What are you thinking?"
Bette: "I'm wondering how Olivia is doing...I mean since Gregory went to prison and all."
A.J: "I imagine it was a shock for Olivia, finding out about that whole Tobias act that Gregory pulled. He would probably have gotten away with it if it hadn't been for Jude."
Bette: "The problem is that I think that Livy got more attached to Gregory as Tobias, and now...
A.J: "Why don't you go and visit Olivia."
Bette: "Yes! Come with me."
A.J: "I have to go to work, and I'm late so I should get going. Let me know how things turned out with Olivia."
Bette: "I love you."
A.J: "I love you to."

They kiss before A.J. leaves.


Meg: "So, when are we leaving for our honeymoon?"
Ben: " Today!"
Meg: "Today? When?"
Ben: "In 2 hours!"
Meg: "Well, then we have to start packing. And I have to call Sara and my parents..."

She dials the number to Sara.

Sara: "Hello."
Meg: "Sara - it's me. You are not going to guess what happened. I don't think that I could ever be happier..."
Sara: "Meg, slow down! What happened?"
Meg: "Ben and I are going to Italy for our honeymoon. He gave me two tickets to Venice as a present. And we're leaving in 2 hours."
Sara: "Oh Meg, that's so wonderful, I'm so happy for you!"
Meg: "I've got to call my parents, to tell them that I'm leaving."
Sara: "Don't worry, I'll call them. You just go and pack."
Meg: "Thank you, Sara."
Sara: "You just bring me a souvenir. If you'll leave the hotel room, that is!"
Meg: "See you when I'll get back."
Sara: "Have a nice trip."
Meg: "Bye."
Sara: "Bye.''


Olivia is standing on the balcony, drinking a cup of tea.

She remembers the nights when she and Gregory used to dance on the balcony. They were so much in love. They thought they would grow old together, and now...she's probably never going to see him again.

All the nice memories comes back: how they first made love on the backseat of that old Mercedes, how he took her hand when Sean had the brain operation and they made up, how he told her that he never stopped loving her and that all the years that they were fighting he waited for her every night to fall asleep so he could come to lie next to her, the time when they almost made love in the elevator...

The door bell suddenly rings. Bette is standing on the outside.

Bette: "Hello, Livy! How are we today?"
Olivia: "Oh, just fine. Come in."
Bette: "How is Trey?"
Olivia: "He's still sleeping. And you? How is your relationship with A.J. going along?"
Bette: "To tell you the truth, it's great. It is so wonderful having someone to love you."
Olivia: "I bet it is!"


At the police station Gabi is calling Antonio from a pay phone:

Antonio: "Hello."
Gabi: "Antonio, hi. It's me, Gabi."
Antonio: "Gabi? Where are you?"
Gabi: "I'm in Sunset Beach! I came back."
Antonio: "Gabi, that's great! Does Ricardo know you're back?"
Gabi: "Yes...Antonio, I'm at the Police Station. Ricardo was arrested."
Antonio: "What? When did this happen?"
Gabi: "Today. Pat came to the loft and arrested him."
Antonio: "I can't believe this. I thought this whole story was over."
Gabi: "Yes, well..."
Antonio: "I'm coming over there right now!"


Vanessa Michael and Lena are getting ready for the arrival of her father.

Vanessa: "What time is it?"
Michael: "About 5 minutes later than the last time you asked! Relax, Vanessa. Everything is ready and your father will show up any minute now."
Vanessa: "It's just that I haven't seen him in such a long time and....mum I can't wait for him to see you again."
Lena: "I know Vanessa. I'm so exited. He's probably changed so much since the last time I saw him."
Vanessa: "You look beautiful, mom."
Michael: "She is right, Mrs. Hart."
Lena: " And why are you calling me Mrs. Hart? I am Lena to you.
Michael: "O.K., Lena."
Vanessa: "Don't you think we should have waited for him at the airport? What if..."

The door bell rings.

Vanessa: " He's here!"

Bette left, and Olivia is now in the house alone. She goes to go to the kitchen and she passes the study. She reminds herself of Gregory again. She opens the door. Everything is just the way he left it. She looked at that Hong Kong box on the desk.

Olivia: "I could never open this."

She wants to leave  the study, but she accidentally knocked the box, and it fell. And what do you know? It opens! She sits on a chair and looks in it. She finds Trey's birth certificate and letters...She recognizes the hand writing. She opens one and starts reading

"As I get to know you Gregory I realize that it is true what you told me the first time we meet: when you seem to care the least, is actually when you care the most."

She reads another one:

"Last night, when we made love, you were so tender and so caring. God I love you so much, sometimes it scares me."

She puts the letters back in the box and runs to her room.


Sara is calling her mother:

Sara: "Mom, it's me!"
Joan: "Sara, how are you?"
Sara: "I'm fine. Everything is perfect now!"
Joan: "Now that you and Casey are engaged..."
Sara: "Yes, but that's not all. I am happy for my sister as well."
Joan: "I know! It is so wonderful the way things turned out. After all the sorrow she has been through with Ben, I am so happy they found their way back to each other."
Sara: "Yes! It seems that things are finally beginning to work out in Sunset Beach. Anyway, I called you to tell you that Meg and Ben are leaving for their honeymoon. Ben bought 2 tickets for Venice and they are leaving today. In less than an hour actually."
Joan: "That is such great news. I can't tell you how happy I am that both my daughters dream came true!"


At Vanessa's house: Her father is standing outside their door.

Vanessa: "Dad"...she jumps in his arms.
Vanessa's father: "Vanessa... you look amazing...I have missed you so much."
Vanessa: "It is so good to have you back again!"
VF: "You look radiant."
Vanessa: "The last days have been incredible, with the wedding and all."
VF: "I am so sorry I couldn't be there! You probably were the most beautiful bride ever!"
Michael: "Indeed she was!"
VF: "Michael, I am so happy to meet you!"
Michael: "So am I Mr. Bourne. Vanessa has told me so much about you."

They shake hands.

Lena is standing in a corner not knowing what to say, how to act...
After all these years...He hasn't changed at all. He is exactly the way she had pictured him.
What were his feelings for her? She still loved him, that's for sure, but what about him? Unlike her, he had lived a normal life...

Vanessa: "Mum..."
Dad: "Lena..." He goes to her and hugs her. "I never thought this moment was going to come!"

She doesn't say anything. She just wants to hold him and stay like this forever.
But what was going to happen to them? They both asked themselves the same question.


Emily and Sean are walking to work. Emily's smiling.

Sean: "What are you thinking?"
Emily: "I'm thinking about how happy I am. How far we've came along. It's like a dream, and I never want to wake up."
Sean: "It's no dream, but I can promise you that I am going to make all your dreams come true, starting with the trip I promised you all those weeks ago."
Emily: "To Hawaii?"
Sean: "After everything that happened a vacation would be well deserved.
Unfortunately, we can't leave now because the Christmas vacation is almost over."
Emily: "It's O.K. Just being with you is enough!"

Emily and Sean laugh and are having a good time when Amy sees them on the beach. She remembers a talk she had with Sean when she told him that she was going to be a non:

Sean: "Amy, you just need some time to find somebody else."
Amy: " Don't you understand Sean, there is no one else...there could never be anyone else for me! I've got to go, they're waiting for me at the convent."

Amy: "My life is such a big mess!"


At the police station: Antonio arrives.

Antonio: " Spencer, what's going on? They arrested Ricardo again?"
Spencer: "I'm sorry Antonio, but Pat Steele won't let this go. I..."
Antonio: "Where's Gabi?"

Gabi sees Antonio and goes to him.

Spencer: "I'm going to give you two some privacy
Antonio: "Welcome back!"
Gabi: "Thank you!"

They don't know what to say to each other.

Gabi: " you want to see Ricardo?"

Antonio: "Yes, sure!"
Gabi: "Lets go then!"


Bette is back in her house. The door bell suddenly rings, and Amy Nielsen is standing outside the door.

Bette: "What the hell are you doing here?"



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