Guiding Light Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite
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Guiding Light Top Ten List

Top Ten Unbelievable Things Edmund Winslow Has Done… By Elizabeth

10. Faked his own death, and then pretended to be dead for two weeks in 1999.

9. Following his brother’s death, Edmund found Richard’s living will. Instead of giving it to the proper authorities or Richard’s wife – Edmund burnt it.

8. Edmund worked with Lorelei Hills to scam the Spaulding family out of money.

7. He fixed it so that a plane with crashed. The plane had Jim LeMay, Beth Raines and Phillip Spaulding on board.

6. Edmund put stolen drugs into Vanessa Chamberlain’s IV, in an attempt to kill her.

5. Edmund has tried to kill Reva numerous times, once while she was Princess Catherine.

4. He caused an explosion that caused Cassie to miscarry her baby and made Reva go blind.

3.  Edmund whacked Jeffery O’Neill over the head with a shovel during a lightning storm and caused a fire in the barn of the Jessup Farm.

2.  While married to Beth, Edmund locked not only Cassie in a tower and left her there, but Beth as well. (Though to his credit he only locked Beth away after she found out about Cassie’s imprisonment.)

1. The great baby switch of 2005. Not only did Edmund steal Michelle’s baby and pass it off as his own, but he also kidnapped Dinah and placed her in a replica of the Jessup Farm.

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Updated 3/11/07



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