Guiding Light Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite
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Guiding Light Top Ten List

Top Ten People Who Need a Plane Ticket Out of Springfield International Airport
By Elizabeth


10) Harley - The longer she stays around, the more she marries. And we're running out of men in Springfield.

9) Frank - The writers need to make him interesting (read - give him a storyline) or send him packing.

8) Olivia - She has become a one dimensional character. Send her away until the writers can bring back the Olivia that we all know and love.

7) Jeffery 0 I'm not at all interested in his past, or his relationship with Reva. Here's a thought - pair him up with Olivia, and send them away together.

6) Leah - The writers clearly aren't doing anything with her, and there’s no one else in town her age. Send her back to boarding school until she can come back at age when she can relate to other folks in town.

5) Ava - You are not like your mother. Perhaps you should go away with her until you gain a personality.

4) Cyrus - Jenna was great, but Cyrus is no Jenna Bradshaw. The comparisons are not warranted. Now if Cyrus died an early death, the comparisons might not be so contrived.

3) Remy - Nothing, absolutely nothing has been done with Remy since Tammy's death. This is another case of 'give him a storyline, or give him the road.'

2) Josh - Ever since he became a man of God all he does is whisper his lines. You can barely understand him. And the lovable, charismatic Josh is gone. We might as well just write him off at this point.

1) Reva - Fans will argue that she stirs things up. They'll also mention what a good actress Kim Zimmer is. Personally, I'm sick of her as a character. She's brash, arrogant, and selfish. And it’s hard to do something new with a character that has driven off a bridge, had a clone, suffered both amnesia & cancer as well as traveled through time. What else is there left for her to do?

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Updated 10/23/07



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