Guiding Light Top Ten Lists From The TV MegaSite
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Guiding Light Top Ten List

Top Ten Reasons Reva & Jeffrey won’t work out…By Elizabeth

10. Jeffrey was once an operative with the government. He has too many secrets, and Reva is too nosy.

9.  Oddly enough, the opposite of #10 is true! Reva has too many secrets as well. First there was Jonathan/Sarah and now there is the mystery trip to California with Alan. The FBI agent in Jeffrey will want to know the truth, and Reva won't want to give it up.

8.  Kids. Jeffrey is a decent father to Ava, and enjoys spending time with her. It was obvious when he first found out about her that he was excited. He'll want more kids, and Reva, as well all know, is past the child rearing age.

7.   Jeffrey didn't want to be with Olivia because she manipulates situations to what suites her needs. Wait till he sees Reva in action, or finds out about the faux car accident!

6.  They had an agreement - no emotions. Friends with benefits and nothing more. They need to stick to their original plan. It'd be much more interesting.

5.  Olivia is right. There is some unfinished business between her and Jeffrey.

4.  Reva and Jeffrey are awkward together. Jeffrey looks especially uncomfortable at Cross Creek – uncooked bacon or not.

3.  Jeffrey has slept with Reva’s sister. Imagine the fun at family reunions!

2.  Jeffrey has slept with Reva’s daughter, Marah. Contrary to popular belief, mothers and daughters SHOULDN’T share everything!

1.  Reva still loves Josh. Read the mantle at Cross Creek. It says it all there. Reva & Bud, always and forever.

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Updated 9/17/07



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