Guiding Light Top Ten List
Top Ten Crazy Stunts
Pulled by Sonni Carrera… By
Elizabeth 7-11-06
10. Accidentally shot Alan Spaulding, and left him
temporarily paralyzed.
9. Conspired with Will Jeffries to gain control of
Spaulding Enterprises and Sampson-Lewis Oil.
8. Set fire to her own home, in Venezuela.
7. Sonni worked at one time as a prostitute in
6. Kidnapped Will’s mother, Anita Ybara.
5. Kidnapped both Reva Shayne and Alan Spaulding in
4. Attempted to kill Will Jeffries in 1988.
3. Conspired with Will to kill Josh Lewis, and then
lied to the police about what really took place.
2. Imprisoned Josh Lewis against his will in
December of 1988.
1. Attempted to kill Reva on numerous occasions.
Once will Reva was in a coma, a second time by trying to bury her alive,
and later tried to push Reva off a bridge.
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