Guiding Light Top Ten List
Top Ten Memorable moments of 2003… By
10. Blake, Mel
and Harley begin Harley’s Angels. (August 6th)
9. Tony Santos
and Marah Lewis make love for the first time. (January 29th)
8. Carmen Santos
goes into a coma. (January 2nd)
7. Zach Spaulding
is hit by a car. (January 31st)
6. Cassie and
Edmund share their first kiss, stunning many people in Springfield.
(May 8th)
5. We find out
that Gus is biologically a Spaulding! (March 24th)
4. The man whose
face stuns everyone, Jeffery O’Neill appears in Springfield for the
first time. (May 2nd)
3. Harley lays on
her death bed, and gets a visit from Nadine. On that same day Eden
and Bill make love for the first time. Marah, Remy, Bill and Ben
move into the ‘haunted’ mansion. (April 7th)
2. Shayne and
Marina get involved in a car accident. The other driver is none
other than Shayne’s father, Josh and the crash temporarily paralyzes
Shayne. (September 12th)
1. Ben has a bad
day. On July 31st, Ben Reade confesses to being the Garden of Eden
serial killer and also commits suicide by lethal injection.
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